No Deference

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A Month before :

Deiman's view ~

Me and Stefan are sitting on a coffee shop. He gets a message.

Deiman: - Oh is that the girl?
Stefan: - No. I wish. It's my annoying ex.
Deiman: - Dina? Isn't she in a relationship right now?
Stefan: - Nope. I hope she finds somebody, so I can get rid of her.
Deiman: - Is she that annoying?
Stefan: - No, but she still likes me. What about you?
Deiman : - What?
Stefan: - Get with her. Let's see if she's hooking up with every guy that has interest.
Deiman: - Isn't that cruel? Let me know her and I will see if I want to joke with her feelings.
Stefan: - Make her love you and leave.

I thought Stefan was joking, but it seems like he wants to get rid of her. I'm going to try to know her. If I like her it's going to be fine, but if I don't, I won't even try.


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Dina's view

I was with Ely and my old friend Vale.

Val is Brian's ex and I've lost touch with her for months then the roomors got to her. But after my brake up with him we started talking again and now we're close friends.

Val: -  I had to talk with you about something before months.
Dina: - What is it.
Val: -  So before months I was in Pop's coffee and I saw Deiman and Stefan inside. I was interested what your ex is talking about and I sat close to them. And then... I heard Stefan saying "Make her love you, then leave"  and they were talking about you.
Dina: - Are you sure?
Val: - 100 pro
Ely: - So my brother and my best friend were planning on hurting you and knowing that I'm your friend, they didn't tell me.
Dina: - Are you saying that Deiman is going to leave me.
Ely: -  To be honest if that was true, he wouldn't talk to me about you every day, he wouldn't even meet you with my dad.
Dina: - That's true, but what if it was all planned. I'm going to keep an eye on him and if I notice something, I'm going to leave first.
Val: - I wasn't sure if I was supposed to tell you, because it was before months, now he could really have feelings for you.
Dina: - We can't be sure now. Thanks for telling me.

After giving me that information I thought it's going to be worst then I'm with Deiman, but it wasn't. I couldn't act differently even after what I heard. The feeling of his arms around me was as real as it is.

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