Old Feelings

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My best boy friend called telling me he's in a hospital. His name is Ian. His girlfriend Ali was really worried about him. His best friend is Mike. No one could see him while he was in the hospital.
Mikle seemed like he likes Ali. Her relationship with Ian is really strong. I wasn't worried in the beginning, but Mikle started hanging out with her. Soon she started liking his company.

I hope Mikle doesn't make any trouble.

Besides that I wasn't feeling okey around Deiman. Knowing we're done makes things difficult for me. But he... He's living his life. He sends me snapchat video were he's only at party's and nothing else.

The next three weeks.

I was out again. To see my friends. Most of them weren't even my true friends. I hear a voice behind me. Ely was running towards me with happy, but worried face.

Ely: - Kyle is still acting like he's interested in me. Besides that Nick still asks about me.

Now you're wondering who the hell are those people. Nick was one of the big guys in the place were every company is going - 11 playground.
Ely had a crash on him and soon they got really close. They hugged each other. He kissed her in his friend's car and disappeared for three days. He really fucked things. She was through a small depression till she talked with her friend Kyle who was her enemy before. They talked deeply and soon she got close with Kyle more. They acted like they're a couple and she started having feelings for him too. Now she's confused about how she feels and Kyle told her that he doesn't like her that way either.

Dina: - Shit that is confusing. What are going to do?
Ely: - Idk girl I'm freaking out. Why there should be so much drama. Plus that Deiman isn't stopping going out with that girl and neither he or Stefan are sharing with me.
Dina: - That socks. Your brother and best friend aren't sharing anything with you plus both of them are my ex boyfriends so I can't talk with them too.
Ely: - They're both acting really strange. We should find out.

The days passed. I was going to school, then out in town and that was every day... Soon Dean and Ian became friends again so my two best boy friends were with me. But I have a problem now. After time passed since me and Deiman brake up, Stefan was acting strange. He was always touching, playing, hugging, talking or anything with me and the company started having theories. He could hold my hand at times, get close as if we're going to kiss, taking my phone so I could run after him. I was confused. I talked to Dean he said he thinks Stefan is playing with me and he's going to hurt me. Then I talked about it with Ely and she said he could have feelings. And now the question is...Do I have feelings? To be honest I've always had something for Stefan after our brake up. But now I'm like Ely. I like two guys and she does too.

Love Triangle Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora