chapter 3 (taehyung)

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Hey v are we there yet ?

no jungkook were not there yet
And would you stop whining already

But we've bin traveling forever im tired

Its only bin three days and besides the king told us that we would be paid well if we get this job done

If you really want money than you should marry the kings daughter
I heard she was extremely beutiful

~and she is just 17~

And exactly why would i want to marry a spoiled brat.....

plus im pretty sure she has already found a pritty little prince beeing beutiful and all

First of all you are not you're typical betta and you know it you arent ordinary looking you are handsome as f*** all the girls from places weve bin flock around you .

Hi author here in case you were wondering bettas are all average looking or just ugly they all have brown hair and live in the midle of the border between the kingdom of light and darkness . They usually are messenger's or just bring things from one place to another or even just spy.

And besides havent you heard of her crazy brother


O my god v uhh ok let me explain
In the kingdom of light the king has three omega children the youngest and the middle child they are both extremely beutiful or thats what ive heard but the oldes omega gets to choose who the the younger omega's can be with and he isn't easy to conceive.

An omega u say ...i ges being the son of a king gives you advantages if you are an omega. After all an alpha being told no from an omega hurts there pride

Oh no it has nothing to do with royal status

What do you mean

The omega cant be intimidated by alfas sent of fermones.

And why is that?

I dont know and i don't want to find out

Well to bad were already here

(V and jungkook go into the castle where they are greeted by guards as they walk in they notice the castle is huge and they get lost well..... jungkook gets lost .)

Where did that little demon go of to now

(He said annoyed

V was walking around and found a beutiful lady in the hallway with her head dow he walked up to her and)

V was walking around and found a beutiful lady in the hallway with her head dow he walked up to her and)

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Are you ok?

Do i look...

i couldn't believe my eyes this betta was the most handsome man ive ever met and his voice is just omg......i must marry this guy at all costs

Sadly no im not well at all

Why is that ?
I said with no interest but sounding concerned

Omg and hes sweet to perfect

My older brother doesn't allow me to marry anyone

Why ....isn't that something you choose yourself

Because he is jealous of me


Yes he is jealous that no alpha want's him every time someone comes to propose its always me and he is jealous that no one ever wants him ....its not my fault that i was born beutiful .

Well isn't this girl full of herself

And thats not all ...

Theres more ?

Yea my older brother my act and look nice on the outside and pretend to be the caring older brother but he doesn't full me.

Why do you say that?

My older brother doesn't want me to become queen and rule over the kingdom

What ?

My older brother is automatically the king after father dies but who ever gets married first will be the new ruler of the kingdom of light


Exactly so thats why im sad because my selfish brother wants to become king and im not allowed to be happy

(Wow these royal family's have a lot of drama going on ...but i wouldn't mind taking a break from all of this work and this girl is gorgeous and i am good at convincing people so ...)

Dont worry i know you are a strong woman and will do anything to stop youre brother

I said as i grabbed her hands and kissed them lightly and let them go

Im sorry but im must leve now

I turned around and she stopped me and said

Whats youre name?


And after that i left

(V looked around a bit more he still havent found jungkook and was beginning to worry.

But after a while he smelled something familiar and also a very sweet sent of vanilla .
He went towards the garden and
as he got closer he saw a beautiful man with the most gorgeous heart shaped smile playing with jungkook.
He approach them and said)

Whell arent you cute

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