chapter 18

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I remember everything
I return to my senses and see hoseok infront of me he could I forget but you were always in my dreams

I grab I'm and kiss him infront of everyone

His father was shooked but I don't blame him

He tried to get away but I didn't let him eventually he have in and kissed me back once we parted his lips were extremely red

I look at him

I remember

I remember everything and how you belong to me

I gets a bit mad but then blushes I grab him by the waist and bring him to my chest and then I look at my older brother

So you really thought I died that day sucks to be you now I'll take back my kindom and kill you while I'm at it

Older brother
Look at you where did that confidence come from

When you live and travel alone you develop
And unlike you I know what this kindom need I have lived here and I'm willing to protect everyone

My poeple look at me and they smile I know them I know there pain I have lived with them I'll protect them they helped me when I needed it the most

The next thing I do is use my power witch was blue flames I burn him and then jump he tries to punch me but I block him him he uses his flame about there not as hot he manages to lan a few hit but to be honest it's  just no use I strangle him and ask him if he is willing to change but......he is not thanks to that ring my power had been awaken and now I can finally become king and take care of everyone
I grab his neck and then burn him after I grow him and a dragging catches him eating him everyone is scared but not me I know who he is look my friend that has bin with me since forever and looks like hoseok also knows he looks at him and when he leans down he pets him

Glad they are getting along

Ad just like that the fight was over but I have to fix everything he wasn't week but because of the ring I had my power restored he had horrible rules and that's why he turned the kindom in to trash I look at my people and assure them that I will help them

I look at hoseok and he looks at me I smile I see he come closer and kisses me and before I new it I did the same

Forgotten  A V-Hope Story Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon