chapter 19

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I'm sorry I haven't uploaded a while i have had no inspiration i want to say that thanks to the people that have followed me and waited

I maybe make a second season to this i don't know have any suggestions please send them I'm open to them 😊

Once we return to the kindom hoseok father tells us that hoseoks mother was from village were most of the people had black hair abut that taehyung father killed them off and the only two that survived were his mom and mine
agreed to me getting married with his son and on the day of the wedding both the light and demon kingdom were there the two kingdoms joined and were an alliance

And I remember the day I married him he had his mother's gown and he looked beautiful he smiled so much that day that day was special and filled with joy I took him and we flew around on kook he took us to the garden where were first met and we looked around and remembered the fun times we had

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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