chapter 6 fan

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So I gess u have some questions

Yes ....who is this special person you want me to capture

(He said in a serious face )

Theres nothing to worry about he or she means no harm I think

What do you mean?

Our kingdom has advanced alot our citizens are for the most part happy and theres is hardly any crime do u know why is that

No sir

There is a person who watches over our kingdom we don't know wether it's a man or woman all we know is that this person carries a pink fan

Well that should be easy I'll just look for someone with a pink fan

It's not that easy

Why is that

The majority of out citizens carry a pink fan with them

Why ?

It's like a way to say thank you to this mysterious person also the weather has bin hot lately ....

And .......

I couldn't help to but one myself hhahahaha

..........that's not helping

So how will I find him or her

Well this person always shows up at night patrolling the area so you will find him there
And the reason I want to meet them is because I want to know ther true intentions as to why they help our kingdom

I understand.....
If you will excuse me then I must get ready for tonight

Of course you are dismissed

Later that night

V was currently attending the party along with jungkook who was near the food section in his animal form careful not be scene and v was questioning why everyone had brought there fans with them if theres no sun and it's not hot .
A few minutes later v started to get a bit of attention from different girls omega and alpha
As they were approaching v

a man started to announce the princes as she walked down the stairs in her long pink dress

All the girls saw how v was looking at the princess and how she was looking at him

She walked over to him and the girl's backed away

Are you enjoying the party ?

Yes very much
You're dress is beautiful buy the way

Thank you it was-

She was cut of

everyone had looked towords the prince hoseok and his brother jimin


(He said with his mouth opened completely ignoring the princess

He saw how hoseok and his brother parted ways and decided to go up to him
He saw how a little girl walked up to hoseok and he noticed how she didn't have a fan so hoseok gave her his after that the little girl ran back with her parents and hoseok was just smiling at her.)

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