chapter 17

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I here someone

I see you have saved my prince once again isn't that right v

I look up and see my father the king along side him many different people from the demon and light kingdom

I hide my head in v chest I hear him gigle

I can't take credit you're son is amaizing and strong

And that's why I whant to Mary him

I see that your hair is black what is that


I can answer that question

I look and it's him that man that took hoseok from me I grab hoseok and place him behind me

What do you want I don't even know you

But you do for you see I am your older brother and thanks to you and you're boyfriend my plans are turns

Why did you have to be born


Ofcorce you don't remember pet me help you with that

The ring that hoseok always wears

And once I see it my head starts to hurt and burn I scream but then memories from my life flash before me


I was born into the demon kingdom second son of the king my mother had passed away when I was young unlike my dad she toold me to love and to appreciate life once she passed away I was alone my dad never approved of me and my brother was sure to become king I was just a disappointment but I remember when my mother was still alive she gave me a rig she told me that this was a ring that was passed down from her family and I should give it to someone I love and that I should trust my heart

V mother
Listen taehyung unlike me I want you to find someone that you love someone that makes you feel happy

you should protect that person and make them the feel the same way as you

When you find that person give them this ring it will protect them and you will always be able to find them

Trust yourself I know you will find someone that you love

She said as she placed a small kiss in Taehyung's head

A few days passed and his mother had passed away because of stress and sickness but that day



that day taehyung went out and ran away he had lost his only reason in life .

He ran into a forest and was crying he felt miserable and was just depressed after a while he started to see the flowers it reminded him of his mom he then felt someone yell at him


Taehyung was shocked he turned and was mesmerized by a young boy who had the same hair as me and had the cutest hylights ever

That day taehyung new that this boy was going to be someone special to him

He slowly developed feelings for the boy and everyday he would visit him to get away from his life at home

One day he found out that the boy was leaving and as his mother told him to follow his heart and gave the ring tb the boy

When he went back home his father and brother were no were to be found he won't to his room and it was a mess everything was a mess and once he went to his mother's room he saw his brother looking for something

The ring his mother gave him but he would never tell him he had it or who he gave it to

His brother was angy that he couldn't find it

But what was more scary than anything was the fact that his brother was covers in blood

He had killed his dad and the reason

You won't be able to become king

Older brother

BECAUSE who ever where's the ring will become king and who knows who your mother gave it to

Older brother

Calm down when I die you will become king that's the only way or

And just like that he was killed but even if the king died he still needed the ring and so he want to switch for it

He tried killing taehyung but he escaped without him only he would become king  and that's why taehyung ran away but  while escaping his brother hit him with his power causing taehyung to colaps somewhere along side his pet dragon and also best friend once he woke up he had no idea who he was but was able to make it out fine he became a normal Betta traveling untill he met hoseok one again.

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