Yoongi ♡ Sea Witch AU

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GUYS I'VE SEEN SOME FANARTS OF SEA WITCH YOONGI AND I WAS RECENTLY RE-READING MY JIMIN MERMAN AU. I was inspired to write an imagine about you, the reader, being a mermaid and Yoongi being a sea witch

These are some of the songs I listened to while writing this:
Sea / BTS
Bury A Friend / Billie Eilish
Bad Guy / Billie Eilish

Wow it's such a great day today! A new day means a new opportunity to explore.
I swam past a small coral reef and giggled as a school of fish swam past me.

"Bye! Have a good day!" I shouted, waving to them.

I continued on my merry way and found myself swimming in unfamiliar parts. I couldn't see as well and things were getting dark. As I swam I ran into more and more seaweed making it hard to see. I heard a noise and jumped.

I don't have anything to defend myself with. What am I gonna do?!

I looked around me trying to find the threat, but all the seaweed was blocking my view. Suddenly I spotted a large black something swimming just beyond the cluster of seaweed. I peeked out an opening in the thick plants, gasping when I saw who it was. It's a sea witch. I've never seen one before.
He wore a black turtleneck and had eight dark tentacles. His hair is white, but I can't really see his face. I was kind of scared but at the same time I was very intrigued. I watched as he started to swim into a cave. I stayed there just staring at the spot where the mysterious sea witch was just at, silently hoping he would come back out. He didn't. I want to follow him, but I know it's a bad idea so I just won't.
I turn around and swim back the way I came.

I continued showing up at the sea witch's cave for the next few days. I'd sit and wait for him to show up. Some days I would catch leaving or returning to his cave, other days he didn't leave at all.
Today was like any other day. I watched him swimming back to his cave. As I was watching him, I felt something brush against me making me let out a small squeak.

The sea witch turned around, he held his hand up, a dark red glow emitting from it.
"Who's there?" He asked, his voice was deep and threatening. It sent shivers down my spine.
I gasped and tried to hide with the seaweed. 
Next thing I know he's gone.

Oh no. Where is he?!

I felt something wrap around me, holding me tightly.


I looked down and saw large black tentacles wrapped around me. I started screaming and thrashing trying to get out is his grip.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Let go of me!"
"Shh! Be quiet!" He yelled.

Next thing I know his hand is over my mouth and he's carrying me into his cave. I tried to escape but it was no use. Everything was dark and I could barely see anything. The darkness only lasted for a few seconds until I saw a dim glow up ahead. At this point I had stopped squirming, but that doesn't mean I wasn't terrified.
As we approached the glow I noticed the place appeared to be a small living area. However that's not where we stopped. The sea witch swam up to the surface and into a secret cave. He let me go and sat down on a rock across from me, looking quite upset.

"Who are you?" He asked angrily.
"I-I'm Y/n. I'm so sorry! I wasn't trying to attack you! I was just watching you. No! That sounds creepy, I swear I wasn't trying to be creepy, I was just curious. Please don't kill me." I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut.

Nothing happened so I opened my eyes a little. The sea witch stared at me.

"You were watching me?" He asked.
"Uh. Y-Yes."
"I was out exploring and saw you out."
"How long have you been watching me?"
"A few days."
"You seemed interesting. I don't know." I shrugged.

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