Jin ♡ Time Traveler

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I was washing dishes when I had an epiphany (huehuehuehue) anyway this idea just popped in my head.
What if I wrote a time traveler!Jin OwO
I used the Save Me Webtoon to help with the order of events.
I added Awake as the song for this imagine if you wanna listen to it

Jin's POV

It's the same thing. Over and over again. No matter what I do I always go back to the same day.
I've figured it all out. Jungkook on the rooftop, Namjoon at the gas station, Hoseok on the sidewalk, Yoongi in the hotel and Jimin in the hospital. We break Jimin out and then we're all happy, but I keep going back. What am I missing?

I sat up. I'm in the same room, in the same bed, starting all over again.

"No." I whispered. "What am I doing wrong?!"

I manage to save Hoseok and gather Jungkook, Namjoon and Taehyung. I saved Yoongi from the hotel fire and now I have to go to the hospital to see him and then I'm gonna run into Jimin. As I'm about to enter the hospital I run into Y/n.

"Oh! Jin hi." She smiles.

My heart raced just seeing her.

"Y/n. Hey."
"It's been a while hasn't it."
"It sure has." I nodded.

The same thing happens every time. When I finally got the storyline straightened out I always ran into Y/n in front of the hospital.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"I was visiting Jimin. He's one of the only friends I'm still in touch with."
"Oh. I'm here to see Jimin too."
"Really? When did you guys get back in touch?" She asked.
"Um... just today."

I didn't tell Y/n about Yoongi, which is what I've done the past three times I've gone through the whole process.

"Y/n I'm in a bit of a hurry. We should catch up sometime though." I say.
"Oh Jin wait-" she calls after me.

She hasn't done that the past three times I went through this. That's odd.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." I said running into the hospital.

I'm short on time. I have to go visit Yoongi right now or else I won't run into Jimin.

Suddenly the scene before me cracks and shatters.

"No!" I yell.

I sit up. I'm back to the beginning again.

"Why did I go back so soon?"

I was supposed to go into the hospital, see Yoongi and then bump into Jimin on the way out. Then I break him out the next day and everything is okay again.

I think back on the events of the last time I went through the cycle. The only thing different that happened was Y/n trying to keep me from going into the hospital. Maybe she has to tell me something important or...... maybe I'm supposed to tell her I'm going to see Yoongi. Maybe that's where I messed up?

I get up and go out, going through the whole process again.

I get to the hospital and see Y/n.

"Jin! Hey."
"Hi Y/n."
"It's been quite a while hasn't it."
"Yeah it has. So, what are you doing here?" I ask.
"I was visiting Jimin. He's one of the only friends I'm still in touch with."
"Oh. I'm here to see Jimin too."
"Really? When did you guys get back in touch?" She asked.
"Um... just today." I hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I'm also here to see Yoongi."
"Yoongi?! What happened?" She asked worriedly.
"Hotel fire."
"Oh my gosh. Is it okay if I tag along? I haven't seen Yoongi since we graduated."

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