Yoongi ♡ Edward Scissorhands AU

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This AU is loosely based off the movie. Therefore, the outfits, characters, and storyline won't be like the movie.

Once again, don't ask pointless questions that have no significance to the story. Like, "iF he livEd alOne HoW diD hE bRuSh hiS tEEth?"
Y'all... I don't know. The movie doesn't show or talk about that stuff and I won't write about it. If you have questions go ask Tim Burton.

If y'all ask questions like that I'm ignoring you. Sorry. I pretend I do not see it.

I've been going door to door desperately trying to sell my paintings to any of my neighbors who would be willing to buy them. So far I haven't had much luck. I've gotten a slew of "No thank you's." and a couple "How do you expect to make a living doing that?" I did get a nice old lady to buy a medium sized painting I did of a cat for $25 which isn't much, but it's something. That cat painting was the only thing I was able to sell today. I dragged my feet, feeling discouraged as I stepped off the porch of the last house on my street.
I get into my car and start it up, getting ready to head back home. I just so happen to glance in my rearview mirror. I squint my eyes at the large mansion on a hill. I don't think I've paid much attention to it until now. It's the only other house on my street. Maybe someone who lives there would buy a painting from me. I put my vehicle in drive and whip it around, driving towards the large house towering over my small neighborhood.

My car came to a stop at the end of the driveway. I slowly stepped out of my vehicle, grabbing my tote bag of paintings as I follow a worn stone pathway. It appeared to lead through a well maintained garden in front of the towering castle-like house. I noticed large bushes in the shapes of people, animals and figures on the grounds of the home. The path met with a small circular fountain. I walked around it, seeing that there was no water running. I paid no mind as I tread up to the front door of the weathered house. I give a firm knock and wait for an answer. Nothing. I knock again. Still nothing. I reach for the large, fancy doorknob, pulling down on it. To my bewilderment, the door creaks open. I can't help but wonder why someone would leave their door unlocked, then again, this is a close knit community. We don't really have to worry much about break-ins.
Now, I'm not usually one to just barge in, but if going in this place gets me some money, I'll do it.
I step over the threshold and into the dark house. Immediately, I walk into a vast room. The only thing occupying the space is dusty shelves and these strange looking machines sitting in the middle of the floor covered in cobwebs.

"Hello?" I call out.
No answer. The only sound coming back to me is the sound of my own voice.
My eyes find a large, stone staircase. I start to follow the steps, wanting to figure out where they lead. The staircase that seems endless finally comes to a stop at some sort of attic room. The wooden floor creaks as I step into the space. I look up at the big gaping hole in the roof, the overcast sky providing some light in the empty room. I turn my head and see a small bed that seems to be built in a small nook. The bed looks old and slightly dirty. I lean forward, examining newspaper clippings glued on the wall. A lot of them depict people without arms or legs. One is a news story headline about someone born without eyes.
I stand up straight when I hear a small scraping noise from somewhere in the room. I spin around, a small figure appears to be hunched over in a dark corner.

"Oh! Hello. I'm Y/n L/n. Sorry for barging in. I was wondering if you'd like to buy a painting?" I ask, reaching into my tote bag, stopping when I notice the person standing up. "Why don't you come on out. It's okay." I give a friendly smile.
The faint sound of shuffling feet echoes quietly in the room as I see the figure coming closer. As they move away from the dark corner and into the light, something sharp catches my eye. I can almost feel my body freeze with petrifying fear. A knife!

"Um. I-I'm sorry for disturbing you." I'll be leaving." I stammer, backing away from the man.
He steps out into the light, a worried look on his face.
"No, please. Don't... go." He speaks, his voice deep, but quiet and soft.
My eyes trail down to his hands which are resting in front of him. His hands... they're covered in blades of some sort.
"I won't hurt you." He spoke softly, taking a few steps towards me.
I hastily take a step back, my eyes still focused on his hands. A few of the blades twitch as he continues to come closer.
"Wait." I stop him. "Don't move."
He freezes, surprised by my sudden order. I advance towards him, gulping nervously. I come to a stop just two feet away. His hands are made of... scissors? I look him over, taking in his appearance. His black hair is messy, stray and unruly strands stick up everywhere. His face is pale, small scars littering his face, one across his lip. His outfit is... strange to say the least. It's made of some kind of leather, buckles covering him from his neck to his feet.
His deep brown eyes observe me carefully.

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