Taehyung ♡ Strawberry Farmer

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I walked down the street headed to the local market. I go down here every once in a while and buy fresh produce. As I'm walking I notice a new stand selling strawberries. I walk over and start looking at the baskets of bright red berries.


I look up and see a young man with beautifully tan skin and the cutest cheeks ever. He's smiling brightly and is wearing a straw hat.

"Hello." I greet him. "Are you new? I haven't seen you set up before."
"Yes, this is my first time. I'm really excited to see how it goes."
"Do you only grow strawberries?" I asked.
"Yes, it's my specialty. I've got the best strawberries in this whole market."
"Oh really? I guess I'll have to buy some and find out."
"Here, these are the best looking batch." The man handed me a small basket filled with strawberries. "If you like these then you can come back for more."
"Thank you."
"That'll be $2.50."
"But your sign says small baskets are $5."
"You're so cute I'm only charging you half price." He grinned.
I felt my cheeks heat up at the sudden complement.
"Haha, look your cheeks are the color of these strawberries." He giggled holding two of them up to my cheeks. "Here, you can have these two." He placed them in my basket.
"Th-Thank you." I stuttered nervously and handed him $2.50."
"Have a nice day cutie!" He waved as I walked off.

If it were any other guy calling me cutie I don't think my heart would be fluttering the way it is now. There's something different about him, he's flirty but in an innocent and cute way and that's making me feel attracted to him.

When I got home I washed the strawberries and cut up a few of them putting them in a bowl.

"Here we go. Cute strawberry farmer I hope these are as good as you say."

I got a couple slices and took a bite. My eyes widened. These are really good. I took a few more bites and couldn't believe it. I've never tasted strawberries as sweet as this before. I'm surprised, but my taste testing isn't over yet. I'll have to wait and see how the rest of the batch tastes. There's usually a few berries that are a little sour, so to make sure they really are the best strawberries I've ever had I have to test the rest of the batch.


Throughout the next few days I'd have a bowl of strawberries for a snack and each time there wasn't a sour berry. Not one.
The basket I purchased from the cute strawberry farmer was now empty and I wanted to go buy more.

When the weekend rolled back around and it was time for the market to open I headed down there. I felt my mood instantly brighten when I saw the strawberry stand in the distance. The cute strawberry farmer was setting out baskets of the fresh fruit, not noticing me walk up. When he noticed my presence he looked up at me. His face immediately lit up.

"My little strawberry came back." He grinned.
"Your what?"
"Last time, your cheeks got all pink they almost resembled the color of a strawberry so that's what I decided to start calling you."
"Oh... well-"
"Are you here to buy more strawberries?" He asked resting his chin in his hands.
"Yes I am."
"Did you like the last batch? Were they reeeeaaaally good?"
"Oh my gosh they were amazing! I thought there would be at least two or three sour ones because there's usually always a few sour ones but they were all so sweet."
"I know." He grinned proudly. "I told you I have the best strawberries at this whole market."
"And you were right."
"So you wanna buy a medium basket this time?"
"Yes please."
"Your sign says-"
"$10. I know." He grinned cutely.
"Ah... okay."
I shyly pulled out a five and handed it to him.
"Thank you." He took the bill and placed it in a zipper bag behind the table. He then started looking at all the baskets of strawberries. "Ah, here."
He handed a medium sized basket to me.
"Is this the best batch?"
"Yes they are."
"Thank you."
"Oh, did you do well last week?"
"Yes I sold out actually."
"Yep!" He smiled proudly.
"I hope you sell out again today."
"Thank you."

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