Jimin ♡ Makeup Artist

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I had just been hired as the new makeup artist for BigHit Entertainment. My work starts tomorrow and I can't wait. To be hired at a big entertainment company has been my dream.
I don't know who's makeup artist I'm going to be, but I'm sure I'll love it.

I got up the next day and dressed in my best outfit. I spent time on my hair and makeup wanting to look just right. I wanna make a good impression.

My heart is racing as I drive to the building. Today is the day.

I make my way up to Bang PD's office and knock on the door.

"Come in."

I poke my head in the room and see him sitting at his desk.

"Oh hello. Are you Y/n?" He asked.
"Yes sir."
"Come in. Come in." He motioned for me.

I stepped into his office and walked towards his desk. He stood up and held his hand out.

"It's nice to meet you miss Y/n."
"Nice to meet you too." I said shaking his hand.
"Are you ready to start your new job?" He asked.
"Yes sir I am."
"You can just call me Mr. Bang."
"Okay." I nodded.
"Your portfolio was impressive. You're very good at hair and makeup."
"Thank you. I do have a question, if you don't mind."
"Go ahead."
"Who's stylish am I going to be?"
"Ah, of course." He started looking through a folder with my name on it. "Here it is. You're gonna be Jimin's stylist."
My heart skipped a beat hearing that.
"The boys have a photo shoot today. You'll be riding with all the other stylists to the building where the photoshoot will be."
"Okay." I nodded.
"Oh, Before you go, there's a room just down the hall, to the left. Look for Mrs. Choi. She'll get your picture taken and get you an ID card. It'll only take a few minutes. After that head to the dressing room. You'll meet the other stylists there."
"Okay. Thank you Mr. Bang."
"Sure thing. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask."
"Will do."

I headed to the room to the right of Mr. Bang's office and found Mrs. Choi. She was very nice and got my ID card made in just a couple minutes. I thanked her and headed to the dressing room.

I looked down at my new ID.

BigHit Entertainment
L/n F/n

I smiled as I continued to admire the card.

When I got to the dressing room, I was able to meet some of the other stylists. They were very nice. I also got a makeup kit to use and a set of contacts that Jimin would be wearing.

"Oh. We'd better get going. We need to be at the photoshoot location in twenty minutes." One of the stylists said.

Everyone got into a van and we headed to the photoshoot building. I was so excited I could hardly stand it.
When we got to the location we all got out and headed inside where we set up our things. A few minutes later, the boys arrived.

They all went to the designated chairs. Jimin made his way over to me, a small smile on his lips.

"Hello. I'm your new stylist, L/n Y/n."
"I heard I was going to be getting a new stylist. Nice to meet you. I'm Jimin."
He reached out for me to shake his hand, which I did.

"These are the contacts you'll be wearing today." I said handing him the contacts.
He thanked me and started putting them in. When he was finished he took a seat in the chair.

I went to grab some foundation until Jimin stopped me.

"Um excuse me but could you use the color corrector first?"
"Oh, of course, but what for?"
"I have a pimple right here." He pointed to a slightly pink spot on his cheek.
"Sure thing." I said grabbing the color corrector. "I know my opinion doesn't matter, I'm just a stylist but I think you look great without any makeup at all." I said applying the color corrector.
A small smirk tugged at his full lips.
"Well, for the record, your opinion does matter to me."
I blushed and had to back away for a moment because of how close I was to his face.
He giggled a little at my reaction.

I managed to compose myself and continue applying his makeup. I started putting on a bit of foundation on his face, covering any spots I saw. I lightly went over it with power and got to work on his eyeshadow. Today's look was supposed to be a dark smokey eye, so that's what I did.

I was getting a bit flustered being so close to him. He's so handsome. Not to mention he keeps smirking and giving me these flirtatious looks and I'm not sure how to react.
I tried to keep my cool as I applied some eyeliner. I grabbed a lip tint and applied it on his lips, my face heating up as I did so.

"O-Okay." I cleared my throat. "Makeup is done. Now I have to do your hair."

I plugged up the straightener and noticed Jimin admiring himself in the mirror.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him.
"You're really good." He said.
"Oh. Thank you."

Once the straightener was hot, I started working on Jimin's hair.

Oh wow. His hair is so soft.

I parted his hair to the side just a little and started curving some strands of hair inwards. When I finished I sprayed his hair and made sure it looked good.

"Okay. All done." I grinned.
"Thank you Y/n."
"Sure. I mean it is my job after all."
He giggled and I could hear him mumble "Cute." before going to change into his outfit for the photoshoot.


It's been two months since I started my job at BigHit. Jimin and I have gotten closer and became friends. Though he has continued to be slightly flirty towards me.
The boys had a performance today so I had to do Jimin's makeup.

I was almost finished. All I had to do was apply some lip tint and style his hair. I used a tiny brush to apply small amounts of lip tint to his beautiful full lips. I could feel him staring at me as I worked. His gaze seemed to burn through me. He reached up lightly grabbing my wrist and pulling my hand down away from his mouth.

"Jimin what are you-"

His lips slowly pressed against mine.
I was so busy being confused I didn't notice him lean in. My face felt like it was on fire. I found myself kissing him back. My mind was foggy and I couldn't think straight. It didn't even occur to me that we were kissing in the dressing room and all the other stylists and the rest of BTS could see us.
I pulled away and covered my mouth. I looked around frantically making sure no one was looking at us. Hoseok who sat next to Jimin was giggling like a teenage girl.

"Shh." I shushed him, my cheeks burning.

I turned towards Jimin with wide eyes.

"Jimin what was that?!" I whispered.
He bit his lip.
"I couldn't help it."
"Jimin. W-we're in front of a lot of people."
"Did you not like it?" He asked.
"Well... yes."
He smirked.
"Why did you kiss me?"
"Isn't it obvious? I like you."
"But I'm just your stylist."
"Yeah. My stylist that I fell in love with."
"Wow." I was surprised, but then started laughing. "That was cheesy."
"It's true."
"Listen, you have a performance and I have to fix your hair. We can't worry about this right now."
"Can we worry about it later." He asked.

I fixed Jimin's hair and he went out to perform, but not before blowing me a kiss.
When their performance was over with Jimin burst into the dressing room and latched onto me.

"Jimin." I whined.
"Y/n." He whined back. "Why don't you come hang out with me at the dorms?"
"Tonight?" I squeaked.
"Yes tonight. You can have dinner with us and then you and I can hang out." He said.
"Are you sure it'll be okay?"
"Of course it'll be okay."
"Alright. I guess I'll go."
"Yay!" He gave me a peck on the cheek. "You can ride in the van with us."
He nodded.

When everyone got ready to leave Jimin let the boys and the stylists know that I would be going with him.

Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hall headed to the front entrance.

"C'mon Y/n. Let's go." He grinned.

There will not be a part 2

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