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Carl grabs my hand, dragging me along with him before he crawls under the car. I quickly follow him, crawling beside him as my heart pounds so hard.

Although Rick is motioning for us to not panic, I couldn't help it. I'm claustrophobic and there's a herd of walkers about to walk pass us, and we need to be quiet and still as possible or else we're walker lunch.

A whimper escapes my mouth as I saw my mom with Lori under a car, and when I looked to my right, I saw my sister all alone under the car next to us. Carl grabs my hand again, intertwining our fingers before squeezing my hand. It calms me down a little, but I can't help but still panic.

Minutes felt like hours until the herd was finally gone. I tried to get out but Carl tugs my hand, shaking his head. I follow his orders and stayed under the car, although Sophia didn't.

She tried to crawl out of the car, and when she did, a walker saw her and tried to get to her. Two walkers. I squeeze Carl's hand tighter as I hear my sister scream and cry, before I see her go down the slope and into the forest. Rick quickly got out of the car, following Sophia.

I got out, letting go of Carl's arm, following my mom.

"Lori, there's two walkers after my baby—" Mom had to cover her mouth to contain the sobs.

I didn't even noticed that I was crying, until Carl gently pulled me back and pulled me in for a hug. I cried on his shoulder as I try to push the negative thoughts away.

Please save her, Rick. Please...

My eyes flutter open when I felt someone shaking my body. I groaned and saw that it was Carl who was waking me up. At first I was confused to where we are, then I remembered yesterday. Rick and the others cleared this cellblock and now we're sleeping inside cells.

"You slept okay?" Carl asked me and I shrugged.

Why is Carl in this cell again?

Oh, because he asked me if we could share this cell together.

"Can we share?" He asked me before setting his bag down.

I shrugged. "Dibs on top bunk."

I don't really find it weird that we're rooming together, what I do find weird is that we're rooming in a cell. But I can't really complain, the mattress is actually comfy.

"My dad and the others are going in right now," Carl informs me and I nod. "I'm going with them."

"What?" I could hear the surprise and worry in my voice so I cleared my throat and spoke up again. "I mean, um... cool."

I can see the sadness flash in Carl's eyes and I feel bad, I really do. He and I haven't been the same since we saw Sophia... or maybe I'm the only one who's not the same.

I don't understand Carl. I keep pushing and pushing him away, but he's still there, acting like nothing ever happened.

"I'll be going now." He said quietly and turned around.

Before I could stop myself, I spoke up. "Be careful!"

Carl stops in his tracks and looks back with a smile. I can feel myself blushing so I looked away. "I-I mean... you and the others should be careful."

My mom comes into our cell and smiles when she saw Carl and I. I rolled my eyes, she always thought that there's something going on between me and Carl, but truth is we're only friends.

"Can I have a moment alone with Farren?" She asks Carl, who immediately nods and leaves the cell.

I swing my feet back and forth as my mom climbs up and sits beside me at the top bunk.

"What?" I asked, not looking at her.

"I just wanna know if you're okay." I breathe out an annoyed sigh. She, out of all people, should know that I don't like it when people ask me that. "I mean, you stopped talking to me after Sophia—"


"Honey," she faces me. "You can't keep pushing me away, you can't keep pushing us away."

I don't want to push you all away, I need to.

"I know you're strong and all, but sometimes it's okay to not be okay." My mom's voice breaks at the end and my heart aches, but I kept my guard up.

"I'm alright." I answered after a moment of silence. "I'll get over it. I got over dad, I... I'll get over her too."

Deep down I know that's a lie but I don't admit it.

Before I know it, my mom is hugging me. I wanted to push her away, but her hug was comforting and I haven't had this hug in months. Mostly because I try to avoid everybody apart from Daryl, because he understands that I don't like to talk about those sensitive stuffs and we both don't talk much.

So, I just let my mom hug me.

"You're so strong, my little girl." I hear my mom whisper.

Reluctantly, I hold my mom's hand, squeezing it, before gently pulling away from our hug. She wipes her tears away, smiling at me weakly, before going down.

"Are you hungry?" I slowly nod. "Alright, I'll bring you some food."

Somehow, I felt... okay. Better than okay actually. Maybe what they say about a mother's hug is true, it can make you feel better.

I jumped down from the top bunk and was about to leave the cell, the same time Carl comes in.

"I thought you left already?" I asked.

"My dad told me to stay," he replied, before showing a can of peas and a spoon. "Carol told me to give you this."

I took it, muttering a thank you, before going out of the cell. I sat myself down on the steel stairs, opening the can using the thing attached at the top, before I start eating.

— later that day

Out of all the days, why did I only start bleeding now?

Lori and my mom are laughing at me because I came barging in their cell, all panicked. When they found out that it's just menstruation, they laughed and told me it was completely normal to have a period and your stomach cramping like a bitch.

I'm glad that Beth has a spare tampon but other than that, I'm quickly irritated by everything. Right now I'm resting inside my—Carl and I's cell, when I heard Rick yell for Carl to open the gate.

I got up and got out the room, and the sight of Hershel's bleeding, mutilated leg was the first thing I saw. My mouth fell open and I froze.

What the hell...

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