8 - GUN

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A man enters the room I'm in and I feel my heart beating fast. He's wearing a cap, definitely looks like a Latino, and he's carrying a gun. He took a seat in front of me, the silence is unbearable.

"I'm gonna make this quick and simple, and you're gonna cooperate." He tells me and I scoff. "Where is your group?"

I glared at him. "Up your ass."

The man chuckles, clearly amused. "You got a mouth on you, kid."

He stands up, walking towards me slowly. He was now behind me, hands placed on my shoulders and if only my hands aren't duct taped to this freaking chair, I would've cut his hands off.

"Where. Is. Your. Group." He pushes on but I keep quiet. The grip on my shoulders tighten and I winced.

"Where's my friends?" I asked through my gritted teeth. I can still feel the gun in my jacket pocket and my fingers are itching to use it.

"What about a deal then, huh?" He removes his hands from my shoulders and crouches down to my left. "You tell me where your camp is, and I take you to your friends."

I scoffed and shook my head. I might be young, but I ain't stupid.

"Look, kid—"

I glared at him again. "Call me kid one more damn time and I swear—"

The door opens again, cutting me off and came in was Merle, and a man I don't know... and a topless Maggie. My eyes widen. Oh God, tell me they didn't...

"Martinez, set her free," the unknown man tells the man—Martinez—beside me, who nods and pulls out his knife, before cutting the tapes from my hands.

Before I could even remove the tapes from my arm, he grabbed my upper arm and started dragging me outside along with Merle and the others. We walked until we stopped in front of another door, and Martinez opened it. Inside was Glenn, a beaten up and bloody Glenn, who's holding a bloody wood.

Martinez keeps a firm grip on me when I tried to run to Glenn. Merle did this, I heard them earlier. Fucking Merle.

"We're through with games." The unknown man said, with his gun out. "Now one of you is gonna give up your camp."

The unknown man looks at Maggie, before looking at Glenn. He then charges toward me and takes me from Martinez, then he pointed his gun at my head.

"Hey, not her!" I hear Glenn say but it was distinct. All my attention was on the barrel of the gun. "She's just a child!"

I froze up. The man quickly withdraws from me and turns the gun on Glenn, as Martinez grabs my arm.

"The prison." Maggie says, trying to get pass Martinez and Merle, but they stop her.

"The one near Nunez?" I have no freaking idea.

"That place is overrun." The man holding a gun at me, said.

"We took it." Maggie states. The man askes how many we are and Maggie answers with 10.

"10 people cleared that whole prison of biters. Huh." The man withdraws his gun and I breathe out a sigh of relief.

Martinez pushes me towards Glenn and I held onto his arm like my life depended on it. I never noticed that I was shaking, until now. The man was cooing Maggie, obviously doing that to tick Glenn off. Then, he pushes Maggie towards Glenn and he envelops her with a hug, so I let go of his arm. I sat down on the floor, trying to stop myself from shaking.

"Are you okay?" I heard Maggie ask Glenn. My eyes landed on the dead walker across the room. Bloody hell.

"We have to get out of here." I tell the two adults, before standing up. I took the gun from my jacket and handed it to Glenn. "I took that when Merle wasn't looking."

He gently pushes the gun back and shakes his head. "You need it."

Maggie stands up and pulls me in for a hug. "I'm sorry... that shouldn't be you."

I nod through the hug before she pulls away. She goes to sit back down next to Glenn and I check out the magazine clip of the gun. Still fully loaded.

"He barely touched me." My attention was back on the couple. Glenn still looks furious and Maggie looks away. "All this time, running from walkers... you forget what people do, have always done. Look at what they did to you."

"It doesn't matter." Glenn replies. "As long as he didn't..."

"No. I promise." And then they go and hug each other.

It amazes me that people still find someone to love and care for, especially now that the world has come to this. I remember back at the farm, listening to Glenn rant about how messed up Maggie makes him feel. I remember laughing at him after Maggie passes by, because he looks like a lovesick puppy.

"Hey," Glenn pulls away from their hug and he stands up, stalking over to the dead walker.

He grabs the arm of the walker and starts pulling on it. I hear rotten skin being torn apart and bones cracking, making me cringe in disgust. When I look up, I see Glenn handing a walker bone to Maggie.

"When they come in, we charge." Glenn instructs Maggie before looking at me. "You stay behind, okay? Don't use the gun unless you really have to."

I nod my head and a few seconds later, we hear footsteps from outside this room. Glenn and Maggie gets into position and I turn the safety off of this gun, before aiming it at the door. The door opens and reveals this man I don't know, and behind him was Merle.

Maggie charges at the unknown man as Glenn went after Merle. I watched as Maggie drives the walker bone into the throat of the man, and as he slides down the wall, he presses the trigger of his gun and it goes off. I duck down to avoid the bullets but mentally cursed. When my eyes land on Glenn, he was on the floor with Merle.

I aimed my gun at Merle and Maggie grabs the other gun from the dead man, aiming it at him also.

"Let him go." Maggie says.

Merle glances sideways before smiling, letting go of Glenn. "Okay."

I hear a gun click behind us and I turn around, there stood Martinez with his gun raised at us. He's with another guy.

The gun from Maggie gets taken by Merle and Martinez grabs my gun. The latter grabs my shoulder harshly, as Merle yells at Glenn to stand up. The other man grabs Maggie as Merle forces Glenn to stand up, then they take us to another room.

"Don't touch me." I try to remove Martinez's grip but he just tightens it. "Get your hands off me!"

"Shut up and get on your knees." He instructs but I stood still.

He forces me to get on my knees and I groan as my knee made contact with the hard floor. I'm right next to Glenn and they're both kneelin as well.

"Glad we could catch up." Merle says behind us. I raised my middle finger at him but he ignores me.

"Just keep looking at me." Glenn tells Maggie.

"I love you." Maggie says before Martinez puts a bag over Maggie's entire head. They do the same with Glenn and I before forcing us to stand up.

Next thing I heard was a can clanking onto the floor before an explosion was made. My body stumbles onto the floor and I started coughing when I inhaled smoke. Somebody removes the bag from my head and my vision clears up, and I see Rick's face.

Relief washed over me before we all got away from the group of men.

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