9 - BACK

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"Inside, quick!" Inside the house was dark but I couldn't care less. I try to catch my breath as Oscar hands me a handgun, similar to what Lori used to use, and I thank him.

"Ain't no way out back here." Daryl announces.

"Rick, how did you find us?" Maggie asked and I wonder the same. She asked Glenn how he is before asking Rick something again. "Where's that woman?"

"She was right behind us." Rick states before lifting the covers of the window a little.

"Maybe she was spotted." Oscar comments.

"Want me to go look for her?" Daryl volunteers.

"No." Rick says. "We gotta get them out of here. She's on her own."

I spot a blue robe before taking it and handing it to Maggie. She dressed Glenn up as he speaks. "Daryl, this was Merle."

I turned to Daryl. "It was. He did that to Glenn."

"You saw him?" Rick asks the both of us and I nod as Glenn answers, "Face to face. He threw a walker at me. He was gonna execute us."

"S-So my brother's this governer?" Daryl asked, confused.

"No, he's somebody else." Maggie answers. "Your brother's his lieutenant or something."

"Does he know I'm still with you?" Daryl asked and Maggie answers his question. "He does now."

"Rick, I'm sorry." Glenn said. "We told him where the prison was. We couldn't hold out."

Rick goes on stating that it was fine. Surely he understands why.

As we get ready to leave, Daryl tells us that maybe he could convince his brother to help us or something. I shake my head and disagree with the thought. He had already beat Glenn up, pointed a gun at Maggie, and held us captive here in this place. Between the two Dixons, Daryl's the only trustworthy one. Thank goodness Rick had convinced Daryl not to.

Oscar and Maggie are supporting Glenn to stand up and I stay next to Rick, making sure the gun is loaded and ready to fire. Daryl has the smoke bombs, waiting for Rick's signal.

"On three. Stay tight." Rick says. "One, two, three."

He opens the door and Daryl throws two smoke bombs onto the street. Once the smoke takes place, we got out of the house and we started shooting at the men who's firing at us.

I have to admit, I'm still learning how to aim perfectly. I don't hit anyone near their head, only at their body parts.

"Behind you!" I hear Daryl say.

I look behind me and saw Martinez and another man shooting at us. As I move, I fire at them as Daryl does too. We made it up to an alley and hid there.

"How many?" Somebody asked but I'm too busy reloading my gun. "I didn't see."

Once I was done, I asked Daryl if there's any smoke bombs left. He tells me there's still some and I nod my head.

"Get 'em ready." Rick tells Daryl. "We gotta gun it to the wall."

Somebody fires at us and it hits the wall next to Daryl, so we go in further.

"You guys go ahead." Daryl tells us. "I'm gonna go lay down some cover fire."

I shook my head. "No, we gotta stay together."

Rick nods at my statement but Daryl stood his ground. "Too hairy. I'll be right behind you."

Daryl throws a smoke bomb and we all got out, moving quickly as we can to go over the wall and get the hell outta here. Rick takes cover as Glenn, Maggie, Oscar and I all go to the bus.

Oscar goes up first before he helps me up to the bus. Somebody fires and I feel a bullet graze through the skin of the back of my right leg, making me kneel down and yelp in pain.

"Come on, kid!" Oscar says before helping me up.

I ignore the pain and go to the very top of the bus, before jumping down. I ignored the pain again as my ankles hit the ground, and I stumble but didn't fall down.

"Hurry!" I yell to Oscar and the others.

I hear Glenn yell Oscar's name and I cursed out. I don't even have to see what happened, because from the sound of Glenn's yelling, Oscar's gone.

Once they all went over the wall, I helped Maggie assist Glenn and we all run away from the walls. We hid behind a car and a tree. Leaves rustle behind us and I aim my gun, prepared for a walker or an enemy, but it was that lady that was with Rick earlier.

"Where the hell were you?" Rick also aims his gun at her. "Put your hands up. Turn around, turn around."

He grabs the katana from her back and she faces him again. "Get what you came for?"

"Where are the rest of your people?" She asked.

"They got Oscar." Glenn answers from beside me. "Daryl's missing."

My stomach turns. "You didn't see him?"

"If anything happens to him..." Rick trails off but the woman cuts him off.

Wait, who is she again?

"I brought you here to save them." She states. How did she know we were here?

"Thanks for the help." Rick says.

"You'll need help to get them back to the prison." She states. "Or to go back in there for Daryl. Either way, you need me."

Then there's a moment of silence. In some way, she's right, but I can't just trust her that easily. But if she knows the ways inside and out of this place, she's gonna useful and we can save Daryl.

"We can't go back there now," Maggie states and I shook my head. "There's too many of them, and Glenn's hurt."

I can't leave Daryl there, not around that Governer they're talking about and those men, and Merle... well, I don't even know if he's gonna protect Daryl or not.

"We can't just leave him there," I reasoned and Glenn agrees with me.

"You're right," Rick tells me and relief washes over me. "We're not going back without Daryl,"

"We're gonna get him back."

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