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Ivar's POV 

(Ivar is not a cripple in this story, he has the ability to stand and walk like a normal human, unlike what history says; plus he is really handsome! :) )

"Oh you bloody son of a God", I say while laughing, The priest is shivering in front of me. 

"Lord have mercy on your pagan soul, you heathen" the audacity of the dying priest startles me and angers me at the same time

I grab his throat and push him towards the wall, he starts to crumple and cry under my grip.

"I will not spare you or your catholic pests tonight" I sit down on the bench again and and I start to laugh while looking at the ground, I laugh when I am angry, I laugh when I am about to kill. Just like a Hyena

"The God is watching you" he again speaks with his religious mouth, he talks a-lot for a man whose death is staring at him in the eyes.

"You really don't know me? Do you?" I say to him

"Bring me melted Iron" I command my guards

"God save me , No, No, No," the priest chants as the guards bring me hot boiling iron in a bowl.

I stand up again and grab his cross around his neck and choke him with his own bloody cross

"Ahhh, no this will be too easy of a death for you" I say and throw him on the ground

"Please spare me, please" he begs me

I take the melting iron and command my guards to open the priest's mouth with metal rods 

I take the melting iron and command my guards to open the priest's mouth with metal rods 

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"No, No, No please don't kill me" he shakes like a lizard

I sit on his chest and pour half of the melting iron in his mouth

"This is for not knowing who I really am" I say

The Priest screams and howls, the hot melted Iron sweeps inside the priest's tongue and starts eating his skin and bones away

"And this one for your Gods, Tell them that Ivar did this to you, huh?" I laugh and laugh and laugh, his misery gives me a rush in my blood 

Ivar pours rest of the hot melted Iron on his face, dissolving the face and brain of the priest thereby killing him


I slide away from the corpse, the veins in my hand stand up and I notice my hand and how much I love to slaughter with these hands

"Burn his body and of all the other catholic bitches" I command

I stand up and spot a pail of water near the corner, I go there and wash my face and hands , just so no catholic blood drop is on my skin, it infuriates me

"Ivar! Ivar!" I can hear the voice of my brother Hvitserk calling me

"What the hell do you want?" I turn around and see him running towards me with great excitement

"We have seized the town, it's ours now!" He exclaims with excitement

"Tell me something new Hvitserk, I planned and strategised to seize goddamned this town, what makes you jump like a bitch to tell me what I already know" I say with a slight smile

"Whaaat? We are brothers, Ivar. We won this town of Flagurd ...WE DID IT! WE the sons of Ragnar lodbrok did it!" He screams with happiness

"Don't get ahead of yourself brother, it's just one town. We have a-lot of battles to fight, save your energy for the next war on french kingdom." I smile to myself thinking about how us vikings will some day rule over Europe and any known lands.

"A little celebration won't do any harm, come on!" Hvitserk says

"Fuck off" I say while collecting my sword back from the ground and examining it. I love how smooth and sharp it is. I love how much it slaughters.

"Okay" Hvitserk throws his hands in the air "But Ubbe will be expecting you tonight at the celebrations" Hvitserk says

"Tell Ubbe to fuck himself too" I say while still looking at the edge of my sword, running my index finger over it's edge till my blood starts spilling from my finger, I am like how dark my blood is, just like my father's.

"Okay, You do whatever you want Ivar but beautiful slave girls are going to be there, new and fresh just like butter ... mmmmhhhh excites me to even think about it, their innocence and their screams when we claim them for the night" He laughs and bites his lips under his teeth with excitement about all things he will do to them to celebrate the viking's victory over the english town of Flagurd.

"I will see if I can come" I wink and side smile to Hvitserk, not because I am excited about the slave girls or whores but because at this moment I want him to leave me alone for a while

"Yes!" He screams and side hugs me and I push him away in disgust of physical contact, "Oh, It will be so fun" he says and runs out of the plundered church 

"Youngblood" I exclaim and put my sword back in my holder on the right side of my waist

I examine the bodies as my men drag them out, I feel no mercy and no pain instead I just feel peace, eternal peace

I head out of the ruined church to join my brothers for the festivities afterall the victory is ours

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