The Strawberry Skies

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(The song for the this part - Thousand years by Christina Perri) I love it!

Nova's POV

"Mmmmhhhh... this tastes so good" I say while taking a bite from a strawberry tart

Amelia, Anna and I have raided the food cart that is meant for my mother for the food tasting for my birthday, we lick the jam and cream from our hands and giggle like 8 year olds

"Oh sweet jesus christ" Amelia says while tasting a piece of blueberry and plum cake, she raises her hand with the piece of the cake and says' "Nova, you have to taste this one, it tastes like heaven!" Amelia closes her eyes and takes in the air of delicacy

"What is this?" Anna asks with chocolate falling from the side of her mouth and on her dress

"It's chocolate mousse Anna, you are spoiling your dress, be careful" I giggle

"So have you decided what flavour you want for the birthday cake? or what all delicacies are going to be there?" She says while eating and stuffing her mouth with more sweets

"I love strawberries! I say while licking my fingers which are draped in whipped cream, "So I would love strawberry cake with roses around made of sugar, you know I love roses" I say while smiling at Anna and Amelia

We eat and taste all the delicacies like rats near a rubbish can and giggle like sweet little girls

"What are you three think you are doing?" says my mother in a stern voice

As she enters, we quickly place the sweets back on the table and wipe our mouths but still a muffin manages to slide from Anna grips and rolls over to mother's heels. I smack my head, knowing that I am going to get a good one now

She picks up the muffin and points it at me like it is some sort of a weapon

"Nova, for once can you behave like an elite 20 year old princess like you are?" my mother says while raising her eyebrows in absolute disgust

"Umm, mother, we were just tasting the delicacies for my birthday, we have to tell the palace baker what..." and she raises her hand to stop me

"You don't get to decide what food will be served on your birthday celebration" mother says

"What?! It's 'my' birthday mother, It will go my way" I say irritated

"Your way will work at your home when you get married, this is my castle, my rules" she says and turns towards Anna and Amelia who are both standing by my side and looking at the floor

"And you too, your duty as ladies are not to spoil Nova but to serve her" She screams, "Leave Now!"

Anna and Amelia timidly leave the room and now It is just mother and I 

Her expression changes quickly and she comes closer to me and pats my shoulders gently, her mood changes like the weather in Lyon

"Nova, fix yourself, I have someone who is eager to meet you!" she exclaims with her eyes brightening and bends down to fix my dress and wipe the piece of muffin off of it. 

"Who?" I ask while looking at her in amazement and curiosity

"Let him in!" she commands without answering me

A gorgeous man wearing white and golden appears, he carries a sword on his side and his blonde curls falls beautifully near his blue eyes. His lips are pink like peaches and he walks like he owns the country. He comes in front of me and bows down, my mother actions me to put my hand forward and I do so, he takes my hand gently and he kisses it. 

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