The Wrath Of Ivar

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Nova's POV

"JEZEBEL!" I jump up as I see my cousin while she descends from the carriage

"Nova!" She hugs me as we both embrace each other for a while

"Now come with me!" I say as I hurriedly take her hand and pull her inside the castle door

I take her to an empty hall and shut the door gently

As she removes her hat and her gloves, I see her scars

Tears start forming in my eyes but not a single one dare to drop on my cheek

"I am so happy to see you" Jezebel says as she sits and drink a glass of water

"I don't believe this" I say as I move closer to her, "He did this? To you?" I say as my fingers touch the scars on my cousins neck

"He is out for blood like a shark, Nova" Jezebel's voice cracks

I kneel by her side and hold her hand, "I am so sorry Jezebel, It's all my fault" I say

"Nova! It's not your fault!! Queens don't kneel" Jezebel holds my hand and kneels by my side

"It's not time for weakness, It's time for strength" Jezebel says

Lord knows how would I have survived if it were not for Jezebel, from heartbreaks to my mother's death to Alfie's birth. She was right there by my side, my soldier.

My Rock.

"Did you think? About what we discussed?" Jezebel asked, as I flashback to our talk before I left for England

"I feel I cannot do it" I say as I stare at the floor

"Daughter of a gypsy and blood of a king. Why do you doubt yourself?" Jezebel rubs my shoulder 

"Because I am a woman?" I ask her

"Nonsense! A pair of breasts and a vagina doesn't make you less of a ruler or a warrior Nova. Let go of these inhibitions" Jezebel hugs me

"I am counting on you, France is counting on you" She says

No matter how strong I am or how courageous I am, there are days when I doubt myself. There are days I don't want to wake up from my sleep. 

"May I?" Alfred pokes his head

"King Alfred!" Jezebel rejoices

As we both get up from the floor, he gestures us to sit and pulls my chair for me to sit

My heart melts

Jezebel winks at me and giggles

"Nova never stops talking about your contributions in her life" Alfred smiles as the rays of sun dance in his green eyes

"Nova never stops talking about your contributions in her life" Alfred smiles as the rays of sun dance in his green eyes

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"Ah! It's nothing like that, this woman needs no one but herself to rule the world and hearts of men" Jezebel laughs

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