My Electric Temptation

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Nova's POV

It's been 6 sunrises and sunsets since the siege happened and life feels okay now. I haven't seen my family as of now but in my heart I know that the christ will look after their happiness and well being. 

"Are you ready?" Torvi asks with towels in her hand and I nod

Torvi and I have become really close. Since Anna and Amelia disappeared, she has been by my side through all the torturous pain I went through. She has become a close confidant and a friend. I have no clue as to what she tells Ivar about me but I feel I can trust her, I can feel it in her eyes.

And Ivar? I haven't seen him in a long time, I wish to see him but I am frightened by his presence

Torvi helps in opening my corset as I bundle my hair forward, my hair have grown so much, they nearly touch my waist. 

A  bathtub is placed near the fireplace and I step into it with my right toe first, the water smells like lavender, Torvi sits on the bed and smiles at me.

A  bathtub is placed near the fireplace and I step into it with my right toe first, the water smells like lavender, Torvi sits on the bed and smiles at me

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"Hmmmmmmm, it feels so nice. The warm water on my skin" I close my eyes and take in the aroma and warmth

"It's been quite sometime since you took a bath" Torvi says and looks around at the room

"Alot of time" I say and I splash some water on Torvi

Torvi giggles and says, "You know i can't do that to you, you are my princess"

"Oh no, I am a french princess. You are a viking, you are not my subject" I laugh and blow a bubble in her direction

"What if someday you become a Queen?" Torvi's tone gets serious

"Hahahaha, I won't. I am a princess! I am not thirsty for any power" I say and I splash some water with my legs

"You will be a great Queen, If you happen to become one" Torvi's eyes gleam

"Andrew is a Prince but he will never be a king" I say absent mindedly

"Andrew?? who??" Torvi questions

"Christ! I forgot to tell you. Andrew, the love of my life" I blush and throw some water up in the air with childish excitement

"You love someone?" Torvi teases

"I don't know" I say, "But he loves me, he make me feel warm" I giggles and bite my lip

"What is love supposed to feel like Torvi?" I keep my hands on the edge of the bathtub and tilt my head to listen to what she has to say

"Well.... safe love is supposed to be peaceful and warm. You feel secure with that person and every morning you wake up to the knowledge that he is there by your side. You want to have children with this man and he makes your life comfortable and static" she says

I immediately think about Andrew

"But.." She says and looks deep in my eyes and kneels beside my bathtub

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