Here comes floki!

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Ivar POV

I enter the huge tent and see my brothers being smothered by women, there is a long table and all the men and women and celebrating our victory of seizing this town of flagurd

"IVAR, my dearest brother" Hvitserk comes to me with his arms wide open and hugs me, I push him aside, "Don't touch me" I say, "Awww, why so sad brother?" Hvitserk asks in a mocking way

"Leave him alone Hvitserk, he might kill you tonight" Ubbe comes to my rescue and I smirk, knowing that if my brother tried to touch me again I might actually kill him this time

"Ivar, my brother" Ubbe hugs me, this tradition of hugging each other while being drunk baffles me

"Ivar, it's because of you and your strategic mind that we won this town today" he puts his fingers on my temples and touches his forehead on mine

"I know" I say, "If it were on you or Hvitserk as a matter of fact we would be shooed away like dogs from this land" I smile and grab a drink from the table. Ubbe stands expressionless, with his eyes wide open

"What brother? You seem amazed by the truth" I scoff

"You cannot take credit for everything Ivar, we are brothers of the same blood" Ubbe says with serious expression

"Your blood and mine isn't same ubbe, don't fool yourself" I come closer to him and lean towards him, "I am the god, someone an average man like you can never be. Sure, you must be a great warrior but not a God" I laugh and mock him

"Ivar! I am your elder brother, you have no right to talk to me like that, don't you dare..." ubbe comes closer to me and I can feel his breath

"Or what?" I interrupt while looking in his eyes and ready to kill him

"What is wrong with you guys? We are celebrating our victory for Allfather's sake and you both are fighting?" Hvitserk exclaims with his arms wide open, he steps between me and ubbe and separates us. Ubbe is so furious and I laugh at his face, what an idiot, thinks he can be better than me, if he weren't my brother, I would have easily chopped his balls and fed it to the goats

"Ivar, I have something for you" Hvitserk says and laughs, he keeps his arms on my shoulder

"What?" I say

"Come with me" He says and pushes me into a dingy room, there are three women on the bed who smile at me

"They are all yours tonight" he smirks and leaves the room

One of the three women slowly comes towards me and starts touching me, the other seem to follow her and I let out a moan. The one in red comes closer to my lips while the ones in blue and yellow rub their fully clothed body towards mine. I don't feel anything for whores but I do need sex tonight

I grab the red one by her hair and push her on the bed, she moans and giggles in excitement while the other two stand and watch us as we moan. I kiss her and lick her neck and she moans a little harder.

I like to dominate in bed too

I take her hair and pull it and squeeze and kiss her more while I remove my belt, I see the two other's standing by the stand and feeling themselves as I fuck the red one

"What are you standing there for? Take off your clothes and come here, let me taste you" I command and they do as I say


Ivar's Camp

"Floki! My friend" Hvitserk jumps when he spots floki in the distance coming towards them, he runs and hugs Floki. "It's so long since we saw you!" Hvitserk says with a sparkle in his eyes

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