The Game Of Chess

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Nova's POV

"See now you ought to have this special carrot soup I made for you" Medusa says as she pulls out a chair and I drag my body to sit on it. I was having such a nice time with Bjorn till Medusa decided to feed me some soup. SOUP!

"Where is Jezebel?" I ask, realizing that I have a cousin named Jezebel alive somewhere in the castle

"God Knows" Medusa sighs, "Get me some corn from the storage down below will you?" Medusa takes a sip of the soup "It would taste better with some corn in it"

"Alright" I drag my body again to run downstairs, the rooms are empty. Medusa probably excused the servants so that her and I can have a private soup party

I open a huge wooden door where the vegetables and fruits are stored and all what I see next make me want to puke

Jezebel pinned to the wall with man on top of her, moaning like an animal

"JESUS CHRIST!" I scream

They both look at me and unstick from each other, hurriedly putting on their clothes as I shut my eyes close with my hands

"JEZEBEL! HAVE YOU LOST ALL SELF CONTROL?" I say as the man swooshes out the room by my side as Jezebel adjusts her bra

"Who is he?!" I ask

"I don't know" Jezebel scoffs

"You make me sick! He looks like a viking man" I say with utmost disgust while I open my eyes

"Hey! my vagina doesn't discriminate!" Jezebel giggles

"Shut up. You make me sick" I say as I walk back to the kitchen

"You make me sick" Jezebel mimics my voice and expressions

I make my way up to the kitchen as Jezebel follows me from behind. Not sure, if I any longer want to have any soup

"Where is the corn?" Medusa asks me

"Ask her. Ewww" I say as I crash back on the chair of wooden makeshift dining table

"What? A woman cannot have sex?" Jezebel says and crashes on the chair in front of me

"One day, Jezebel. You are going to have that disease from mating around like a rat and then you are going to get bald and itchy" I say angrily as I point my finger towards her

"Oh God" Medusa sighs but doesn't look up

"Hey! just because you and Ivar don't 'mate' with each other anymore doesn't mean that I cannot have a man in my life" Jezebel bangs the table

"You can have a man in your life when you get rid of all the men in your life" I scream

"Shut it!" Jezebel screams

"You shut it!" I scream back

"BOTH OF YOU!!! SHUT UP!" Medusa screams as she places the soup on the table with big thud, the first time I have seen Medusa raising her voice

"Now shut up and drink the soup" Medusa commands and we both nod in agreement

*After few minutes*

"Where is Ivar?" Medusa asks

"Away to meet an ally of the northmen" I reply

"Did he inform you?" Medusa asks

"No Ma'am" I reply and take a sip

"Then?" Medusa leans a little closer to me

"Bjorn told me" I reply and take another sip of the soup

"Ooohhh, the hot one?" Jezebel interrupts

I look at her in disgust, men to her are like chess pieces that she needs to move around to win some game and to me, I don't understand chess at all

"What are you both doing? This is not how marriage works" Medusa says with sadness in her voice

"He loves Kattegat and I love France. I need to make sure that I am in his good books so that he hands over France to me when he returns to Kattegat. I am the only French royal alive" I say as I look up with ambitious eyes, "Watch now, how the hunter gets hunted. It's all a game after he hands France over to me and I become the sole Queen without a King."


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"Oh God. Is it over? Between you and Ivar?" Medusa asks

"I don't know. Probably" I reply

"So you just give up?" Medusa says with kind eyes

"He did, then why can't I? It doesn't even makes sense any longer mother. Too many lies and too many betrayals have done damage that cannot be undone" I stand up to keep the soup bowl on the kitchen counter

"Try at-least" Medusa pleads

"A wise woman" I say theatrically with my arms in the air "once said that a woman should need to learn when to hang on and when to let go. If hanging on gives you more pain than letting go that means you need to let go"

*Jezebel claps*

*I take a bow*

"And that wise woman is you?" Medusa rest her face on her hand to call out my ridiculousness

"Correct" I wink at her, "I need to go meet Bjorn, he is teaching me how to slide on the loose soil for escape in war situation" I hurry as I grab my white coat

"Make sure, you don't slide and slip on his dick" Jezebel bursts out laughing

I grab and onion from the counter and throw is so hard on her direction, but god it nearly misses her head. I need to hone my skills more.

I rush out and bang the door behind me, it is freezing cold but I am ready

So ready! 

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