SOL...YWMA [Ch. 6]

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Sooner or Later…You’ll Want Me Again

Previously: So what’s with this Alona girl? How long have she and Cory been…together?” I asked Quentin. “Um….probably two months, give or take,” he answered. “Is that the kind of girl he usually goes for?” Andrea asked Quentin. “Girl is Cory’s type,” Quentin stated, causing himself, Phillip, and myself to laugh. “So if you’re ready, you can just ride with us to the house,” Courtney stated. Cory looked over to her from Alona and nodded, and waved his hand. He spared me a look before turning back to Alona. The look he gave me was kind of a mixture of want, yet distraught, like he wanted me, but he didn’t want to want me…We pulled into the driveway, leading towards a white, brick, two story house. Courtney doesn't want me to read her book. “I really have to read this book of hers,” I replied. “What’s it about anyway?” Andrea asked me. "Probably some horny teenagers with no life outside of high school,” I joked.

Chapter 6

Tap tap tap tap…that’s the only sound I hear as I was down the hall by myself. It’s peacefully quiet seeing as I’m the only one awake at seven o’clock in the morning. I couldn’t really sleep last night; my mind’s wandering thoughts kept me up.

There were so many different thoughts going on in my head that I didn’t have enough time to actually stop and focus on one. I look to the wall on my right, there are framed pictures hanging up; pictures of random things like flowers in a vast, snow covered mountains, and…little kids playing with butterflies?

What the hell? I never understood why people liked having random strangers hanging up or sitting around in their house. But who knows, maybe Courtney knows the kids…hopefully she knows the kids.

The crème colored walls along side of me stopped short, letting me know that I was at the top of the staircase. I walk down, looking around me and noticing things I didn’t last night.

Since its morning time, I can see things I didn’t last night. For instance, there’s a coat hanger standing to the left of the front door. Yeah, it’s not really an important factor to notice, but hey, call me observant. I turn the left and head into the living room. It was well decorated, like sometime took their time with it.

The main colors were copper brown and forest green, giving off that “outdoor” look. I continued walking to towards the left, which lead me out of the living room, and into the dining room.

As I continued walking towards the left, I found myself in the kitchen. Everything was so well put together that I just knew it was all Courtney’s doing. I walked toward the refrigerator, opened it, and looked inside for a quick snack before breakfast. I found a bag of apples, so decided to get one.

As soon as I took the first bite into the apple, the doorbell rang, causing me to freeze. Really? Who’s coming over this early…must be some people advertising. I shut the fridge door and continued on my original path, causing me to me right back where I started, in front of the staircase. Wow, at least I know I can’t get lost down here, haha.

The doorbell rang again. I look down at my attire to make sure I’m presentable. I’m wearing some tight fitted jeans with a white loose top that exposed one shoulder. On the front was a picture of an owl. Good thing I’d already showered and dressed myself before coming down here.

I open the door, expecting to find some Girl Scouts or something, but in reality, I find Quentin. He was dressed very casually with dark jeans, white muscle shirt, a navy blue jacket, and white sneakers.

I smiled a friendly smile and opened the door wider. He looked me over and shook his head. “Wow, this brings back memories,” he stated with a smile. He followed in, shutting the door behind me. We settled in the living room and sat down on the couch facing the television and fireplace.

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