SOL...YWMA [Ch. 29]

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Previously: Basically, Isyss and Cory talked on the phone and Cory hints to making “changes” within his love life. Of course, he doesn’t explain in detail. Everyone arrives at Courtney’s house to have dinner. Isyss mentions having a “hang out” with Mark, which doesn’t sit well with Cory. Isyss starts taunting Cory about how Mark would be the perfect guy for her, and Cory’s all “don’t test me, Isyss”. Sandy and Cory go into the kitchen. She comes out crying and Isyss is curious why. Alright, that’s it. Enjoy this chapter…

Chapter 29

This is my fault. I know it is.

“I just don’t understand,” Sandy spoke. She’s been sitting on the couch with Courtney comforting her for the past hour. Yep, it’s been an hour since she came out of the kitchen in an upset manner. As for Cory, he left. I don’t know what Brent Daniels and Phillip said to him, but they, including Quentin, left shortly after.

Andrea and I sat on the couch opposite Courtney and Sandy. Courtney was rubbing Sandy’s back in a soothing manner, trying to calm her friend. I haven’t spoken at all. It’s not my place to voice my input unless it’s asked for.

Sandy hasn’t really explained what went down in the kitchen yet, so I’ve just been patiently waiting. “I always feel like the biggest idiot,” she muttered to herself, now that her sobs are over. “Because you warned me about him. You told me that I shouldn’t get involved with him, yet I couldn’t fucking resist,” she ranted.

Courtney sighed, but didn’t say anything. If that was me, she would’ve been saying I told you so. The look on her face showed that she was thinking it, but didn’t say it out loud. “What’s so different about it this time? You guys go through this break up phase all the time, but you’ve never cried before,” Courtney asked her.

“I didn’t love him before,” Sandy answered truthfully. My breath caught in my throat. Love? I looked to Courtney, whom looked as shocked as me.

“What?” she asked in astonishment. Sandy sighed and nodded her head.

“I love him. No, I didn’t tell him,” she answered the obvious question going through all of our heads. Courtney put her palm on her forehead, trying to get her thoughts together.

“Sandy,” Courtney began, “I love my brother, but sometimes he’s selfish; only thinking of himself.”

Sandy sniffed again, crumbling the tissue that was in her hand. “But he didn’t treat me like the other girls. You weren’t around when he treated me with so much care. Whenever we’re together, he makes me feel like I’m floating on a cloud. Yeah, we’ve broken up more times than I can count, but if you love something, let it go, and if it comes back…” she trailed off and shook her head. “I know that’s stupid now,” she finished.

This is my fault. I know it is.

“The way he looked at me…touched me…I thought he might actually…” she trailed off again, not wanting to finish her sentence. I gulped down guilt that just hit me dead on. Courtney continued to console her friend. I looked to Andrea, to find her staring at Sandy in sadness and pity. I sighed.

I couldn’t take looking at what I caused any longer. I excused myself from the room and went to the back of the house. I shut the back door behind me before walking to the swing on the left of the porch. I sat down and brought my knees up so I was hugging my legs. I then placed my forehead on my knees and exhaled.

I’ve never felt more disgusted with myself. How could I be so selfish? I wasn’t the only on with feelings in this, and I was stupid for not remembering that.

I suddenly felt the temptation to call Cory. I want to call him and tell him that I’m willing to back off; that he should try to mend things with Sandy. He should work things out with her. She didn’t, doesn’t, deserve this. I know, I’m a horrible person for just now thinking about her feelings when the damage is done, but it has opened my eyes.

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