Meeting the lemurs

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Gloria, Marty, And Melman get to the music where it's coming from.

Gloria: Ok we are going to make a good impression on the people smiles everyone. Melman is that the best you can do?

Melman: Oh it's not smiling it's gas.

Gloria: Ok then let's go.

They move the leafs and see dancing lemurs having a party.

Marty: Wow!

Gloria: it's not people it's animals.

Melman: California animals dude.

Marty: This is like a puppy party.

King Julian:(singing) I like to move it move it, I like to move it move it, you like to?

Lemurs: MOVE IT!

King Julian:(singing) I like to move it move it I like to move it move it, you like to move it, you like to move it move it, she likes to move it move it, we like to move it. All girls all over the world Original king Julian but the girls man I like to how the girls move there bodies when you move your bodies you move it sweet and sassy alright.

Gloria: What kind of zoo is this?

Melman: I just saw 26 great health code violations!

Marty: I am live in San Diego this place is off the Chizam!

Melman: 27!

King Julian: Come Physicality, physicality, physicality physicality physicality physicality, physicality, physicality, physicality physicality physicality physicality.

Marty: Who brought the chips and dip?

Gloria: Wait where's Alex and Lexis? What happened to them they were right behind us weren't they right behind us?

Marty: I don't know where they are but there missing one heck of a party!

Random lemur: The fossa! the fossa! are attacking! run for you life's ahhh!

The fossa arrive and corner mort.

Fossa: Who's a hungry?

Alex: Ewww I hate spider webs bleh. Yeah thanks a lot guys thanks a lot for waiting for me really appreciate it.

Alex moves the leafs and sees the fossa making mort into a salad.

Alex: Hey hi we just got in from New York and we are looking for a supervisor because we've been sitting in that beach for hours and no ones  bothered to show up. Yeah I don't know how things are normal run around here.(A spider crawls on his back) but obviously there has been a major screw up so If you can show us the check up we'll just um-(Sees spider)

Spider: Well how do you do?

Alex: Ahhhhhh!!!!!!

Fossa get scared and run away and mort gets to the lemurs.

Alex: Spider!! Spider on my back!!

King Julian: Maurice did you see that!

Maurice: He scared the fossa away.

Alex: ewww! awww! ahhhh!!

Gloria smacks Alex with a stick thinking she's hitting the spider but she's not.

Spider: Get it Get it!!

Melman: Get it Gloria Wait were it go?

Mort: King Julian what are they? What are they?!

King Julian: they are aliens savage aliens from the savage future!

Maurice: they've come to kill us, and take our woman, and a precious metals!

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