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After realizing that Gaea'e powers are still developing, I haven't been able to sleep.

Normally one should be exited to discover that they have powers, but I know that these come from a wicked place. The mere thought that Gaea's powers developing and growing poses a question. Is she still alive? Is she growing stronger?

Can she take control again?

The weekend has passed and it is now the first day of the second week. I honnestly don't know how I am going to make it. I have had no sleep and am mentally exhausted.

I have been stretching my newfound abilities, which are allot weaker than I first thought. I have only been able to move a rock the size of my fist, anything more is like trying to lift something that is way to heavy for you. Next I am going to try and crumble, cleave, and manipulate the rock. It I can get it sharp enough then I could always have a weapon. I always do have weapons, my necklace and bracelet, but it would be nice to make one in a bind.

I just don't know to what extent these powers will reach. I know Percy blows up plumbing when he is upset, not on purpose, and I heard Nico's sister had summoned precious gems and gold. But what would happen to me? Gaea is a Primordial Goddess, stronger and older than the others, and I had fused with her.

I groan when I see the time, it's too early to be able to fall asleep, I'd just have to wake up in another hour, but sleep sounds really good.

With a sigh, I get up and make my way to the kitchen. I get out some pans and begin making pancakes. On a whim, I decide bacon would be a good side.

"Oh wow Celeste! This looks awesome, but you didn't have to do it." Elenore comes into the kitchen.

"I wanted to. So don't worry."

"I have something I want to ask you." She fiddles with her hands. I look to her and nod, motioning for her to continue. "Well, I have been seeing this guy and we haven't been out on a date in a while so I was wondering if you could watch your sister tonight?"

"Of course! You have done so much this is the least I could do."

She squeals and let's out a laugh. "Thank you so much dear, I promise I won't be out long."

I hear giggling in the hallway, "Auntie has a date!"

Eliana comes skipping into the room, "What's his name?"

"His name is Jack, he has been really nice. And after a little longer I would like you both to meet him."

"Well we would like to meet him too." Eliana smiles, "He better be nice to you though."

We laugh and settle down to eat.


Lia sets her stuff down in front of me, "So what did you do this weekend?"

I shrug, "I walked down to the beach once, but other than that I stayed home."

"You are quite boring. So how about this weekend you come with me and we can hang out? I could give you a tour around the city."

"That sounds like a plan." We exchange phone numbers and sit down to listen to math.

The following periods pass and Lia and I make our way to lunch. Grabbing nachos I spot Percy and walk over too him.

"How do you know Percy?" Lia nudges me.

"I met him at summer camp, we we're both councillors."

"I see. Sounds like work, I like kids, but not for a whole summer."

I laugh, "They are mostly all sweet."

"Yeah mostly." Lia laughs and she slides down across from Percy, leaving me to face Patrick.

"Hey pretty lady, how you doing today?" He shoots me a grin. I bet he thinks the best thing ever.

"Well I am great. Better if you stopped trying whatever you're trying." I huff and shove some Nachos in my mouth.

Patrick tsks and tugs on the braid I have flipped over my shoulder. "Don't be like that. I think we would look good together if you took that chance."

I roll my eyes, he has been doing this everyday since last week. He knows I have no interest in him, he just likes flirting. Since he won't respond to what I have been telling him I decide to try something new.

I look at him from under my lashes and give him a shy smile. J lean forward and gently grab his hand, "And I think-" I reach up and stroke his face, "-you are a self entitled dirt bag."

His face drops and Percy and Lia laugh. With a satisfied grin I resume my lunch.

The bell rings and Percy and Lia walk to Mr. Blofis' class with me.

"Do you have any plans on Thursday?" I ask Percy.

He shakes his head, "What's up?"

"Eliana's birthday is that day. I was planning on having it on the beach. I was hoping you could make it."

Percy grins, "Of course I can make it! I'll help you set up. Just when say when and where."

The New Demigod at GoodeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ