Little Suprise

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I scrunch my nose and flip over, just to feel the tickling sensation on my nose once more. I peak out one eye and groan. "Pollux get out, I am so not ready to get up."

"But we are going out to eat! I would like some food, and you need to get up so I can get food. Besides, Eli's last surprise fly's in today." Pollux yanks the covers of of the bed. "You don't want to miss Kayden do you?"

I open my eyes really slowly, "Did you just take my blanket?"

"Well, it got you up didn't it?" Pollux drops the covers on the foot of the bed and heads twords the door, "We'll be waiting outside."

I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt before heading out the door. I slink into the kitchen without being seen and grab a handful of ice out of the fridge.  Before anyone can notice me, I have dropped the ice down the back of Pollux's shirt.

He jumps up and starts to pull at his shirt, causing the ice to fall out. "That was cold. Why in the world would you do that?"

I blink, "That's how I felt. Covers are meant to be eased off, not yanked."

"Well sorry, I didn't mean to wake the sleeping princess." Pollux picks the ice off of the floor.

Aunt Elenore let's out a laugh, "Well aren't you a bundle of joy in the morning."

"I am okay with this. You should have seen her at camp, attacked four of her siblings. Three with shaving cream and one with a basketball."

Eli gives me a look, "Who? Why?"

"Kayla, Will, Gavin, and Austin. They decided to dump a bucket of ice water on me in the morning." I mumble at them under my breath, "Cowards couldn't take me on awake."

"You should've seen her. She came flying outta nowhere in soaked pajamas and no shoes. Man, I have never seen Kayla run so fast." Pollux laughs and throws an arm around me, "Compared to that I'll take a few ice cubes any day."

"Dork." I grab my wallet and hand Eliana her coat. "Alright, storytimes over. Let's get a move on folks."

We head out the door and too a nearby dinner. Hopefully Kayden and his father will be here soon, he would've can yesterday but he had school and unlike me and Eli, he couldn't skip. So since he's young, his dad is bringing him down for the weekend. The boys will get my room and I'll be be sleeping on Eliana's pull out bed.

Once we arrive at the dinner we order and I write the waiter a note explaining that the other party members will be coming but he can't give and hints about them till they are here.

We all chat and joke to pass the time and before I know it the meeting time is upon us.

I wait inpatiently, bouncing my knee up and down while watching the clock. Eliana keeps giving me a look and finally Pollux puts a hand on my knee in an attempt to still it.

I look at him and I feel my cheeks warm, I raise a eyebrow at him and he gives me a pointed look. Probably saying knock it off, or what in Hades? You'll give us away. I sigh and force myself not to act suspicious.

After what seems like years, the side chimes and I hear a child's exited yell, "Eli!"

I watch as Eliana looks around, probably for an Iris message, but when her eyes land on her best friend she lets out a happy scream and jumps out of her chair and hugs Kayden.

He smiles and goes to introduce her to his father.

As they all talk, I can't help but grin. Eli looks happier than I thought she would be. It warms my heart and gives me a since of purpose. I can't imagine what today would be like if we were still with our Mom, probably just pancakes with a small candle and a quite happy birthday song ago we didn't wake her up.

I'm just glad that now she can have a childhood. I know she has been through allot, but maybe just maybe I can make sure she never has to grow up again this fast. 

Kayden soon leads her to the arcade and we all play a few games.

I feel me phone start to buzz and I try to ignore It, but it won't stop. Taking a quick peek I freeze as my heart sinks to my toes.

Hey you got any ambrosia? Some dog monster thing just ate my backpack. I'm at Central Park. ~percy

I show Pollux and his face turns grim. Together we say goodbye to Eli and Kayden and tell them we had another thing set up we needed to see. They believed us eagerly.

Sliding into a bus we speed back home, where hopefully Percy will be okay.

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