Shakey ground

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The weekend passed and it was Wensday morning. Pollux and Kayden had gone home and it's seemed really quiet lately. Especially since Lia hasn't been in school the last two days. I've tried to text her but I haven't heard anything.

It wasn't till Mr. Blofis' class that she came in. Her hair that was once pink and elbow length was now black and went to her chin. She handed the teacher a note and pooped into her seat next to me.

I give her a smile and she returns it with a forced one. My brows furrows and that's when I notice the bags under her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I whisper. She just shakes her head and turns back to the board, actually paying attention for once.

When the bell rings we say goodbye to Percy and head to PE. I quickly switch into my gym clothes and head to the middle of the floor.

Lia beat me out there and is stretching. I hand her a hair clip, "Figured that your hair is to short for a ponytail." She thanks me and pins half of it back, revealing the pink underneath. I gawk, "Wow, your hair is amazing."

Normally Lia would smile an describe why the change was needed and/or what prompted it,  but she just nods and ties up her shoe.

When the gym teacher says, we line up and wait for the whistle. I stand next to Lia and keep Pace with her.

"So, do you need to talk? Something's obviously bugging you."

Lia just grits her teeth and runs faster trying to loose me. I just stay with her as she goes from a jog to a full on run. When the teacher tells us too stop Lia is panting.

She shoots me a glare, "What the-How are you not out of breath!"

I shrug, "I've done allot of running in my time." She scowls and stands up strait stretching and taking a a swig if water.

I open my mouth to ask again if she needs to talk but she stomps off and leaves me in the gym alone. "Guess that answers that." I slowly walk back to the locker room, giving her a minute to collect my thoughts.

"So, what's with the hair change then? You said you would never show your black hair again." Audrey sneers.

Lia's face betrays nothing but her hands are balled into fists at her side. "It's not my hair. It's dyed black." She takes a deep breath, "Now move out of the way, I don't have time for this."

Cali cackles, "Oh my God! They don't like edgy Ophelia. You're changing so that they won't give you the boot like your birth parents did."

I march forward and get up in Cali's face, "You have three seconds to apologise before I knock some teeth out."

Audrey pushes me away from Cali. "You won't do nothing to us."

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself before I talk. I can feel my Sonic ability stirring in response to my anger. I take a step forward but Lia pulls me back.

"You're right Audrey. Celeste isn't going to do anything." I watch as Lia's fist meets Audrey's smug face. "Because I am."

I hear a crack and Audrey screams. "You broke my nose!"

Cali hands her some paper towels to stop the bleeding before trying to slap Lia. Lia catches her hand and kicks her chest sending her to the ground. She turns to me and that's when Daphne flys out of nowhere and pushes her too the floor.

My stomach twists and the ground starts shaking. Everyone who stopped to watch the fight is now screaming and running for the Exit. Everyone, that is except me and Lia who are both on the ground frozen.

I try to steady my breath and crawl over to my friend, "We need to get out of here."

She looks at me with wide eyes, "You need to leave me and go."

I huff and pull her to her feet, ignoring my buckling knees, "I am not leaving you, don't be stupid. We need to get out of here and find cover. It's okay to be scared of Earthquakes but you need to take a breath and put one foot in front of the other."

She nods and together we make it out into the hall when the feeling in my gut releases and the ground stops moving. I sink to the floor in relief and Lia follows suit.

She turns her head to me, "I am so sorry."

I furrow my brows, "You have no reason to be." If anyone should be sorry it's me, I just caused another quake.

"Believe me I do."

I want to ask her what she means but the look on her face tells me I shouldn't push it. I bump her shoulder, "Something is bothering you. You don't have to tell me but know I'm here you can talk to me, or talk at me while I listen. Just tell me how I can help."

She blinks for a moment before her eyes tear up and she lets out a sob and throws her arms around me. I hug her back for a moment till she settles down and pulls away. "Thank you, that means so much more than you can ever know."

I nod my head and help her up, "Let's go get some Ice Cream."

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