The Demigod

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I don't know if I should be relived or not. I haven't been causing the quakes, but Lia shouldn't have to deal with that on her conscious.

The hound unsteadily gets to his feet and snarls, it wobbles twords us. I grab Lia's hand and yank her behind me ignoring her protests. I aim at the hound and wait till it is close enough for me to touch before I bury the arrow in it. It dissolves in Golden powder and I go to assess Lia.

With a grunt I turn to her and she just looks horrified. She stutters and then looks at my leg and gasps.

I give her a dry smile. "It could be worse. I need you to get my bag out of the classroom."

She gives me a look but does at I say. As she is gone I begin to wonder where Grover was. He wasn't there to tell me about Percy and it didn't seem like he was home. I completely forgot he was here but in theory he should be at school.

Lia drops the bag out in front of me and I dig into it taking out a baggie of ambrosia. I probably eat a little more than I should but I manage to stand up.

"Lia, you are going to need to carry my bag." She scoops it up and together we make our way to the exit.

Lia darts into the principals office and before I can ask why, darts back out with crutches.

She shrugs, "Figured you would like to walk, you know, somewhat fast."

I roll my eyes but thank her and take them. We make our way to Percy's. I focus on breathing and try to stay upright.

I hear Lia take a sharp breath and I look up to find another hell hound in front of us. It doesn't seem to see us yet but I am sure it will smell us. I slowly unclasp my bracelet and hand it to Lia, mouthing pull the sword charm. I turn back to the thing and it growls.

It charges at me and I swing my crutch at it. The cruch breaks in half and the hound is barely harmed but I used the momentum to get out of the way. I pull the necklace off of me but before I can do anything Percy comes flying out of nowhere.

I let out a sigh of relief and glance at Lia, her eyes are narrowed and she clutches my sword in her hands, keeping it between her and the beast at all times.


I turn back around just in time to get tackled to the ground. The hell hound snarls above me and I panic, grabbling a rock from the ground in desperation. I watch as the rock forms a stake in my hand. I stabbs into the hell hounds jaw and I drag it down causing it to turn to dust.

I struggle into a sitting position and wave to Percy. "Nice of you too join the party. How you feeling?"

Percy grunts, "Grover had me out all night helping him search for the demigod but I fully believe that you look worse."

I roll my eyes and guesture to Lia, "Well I found the demigod."

Lia gives a confused wave, "I have no clue what that means but I wasn't aware u was lost." Percy snorts and walks over to me and scoops me up.

I pout but allow myself to be carried because I don't think I could stand anymore.

When we arrive to Percy's appartment I am supposed that the only sound is faint goat snores. Percy gets me a cup of nectar and Lia looks at me quizzically.

"It's the drink of the Gods. Heals their children but turns mortals to ashes."

Lia gives me a horrified look and Percy nudges my side. I roll my eyes and turn to Lia. "So I have no clue what you told Percy when I had you call him but-"

"She said that you were attacked by a giant dog and pulled a sword out of nowhere."

"Thank you Percy." I roll my eyes, "What attacked us was a Hellhound from Greek mythology. All those myths you learn about are real. All those gods are real and one of them is your parent."

She slowly nods, "Is this why I was able to cause those earthquakes?"

"Yes it was. I am a son of Posiden and Celeste is a daughter of Apollo."

"Do you have any clue what parent I could have?" Percy and I shake our heads and she gives me a look, "But I can do funky earth things and so can Celeste, could we have the same parent?" I feel my heart drop. "She made a rock materialize and sharpen.

Percy laughs, "She picked one up and it was vaguely sharp. It wasn't power."

I relax and give Lia a reassuring smile. "Don't worry you'll be claimed soon. Percy and I just need to train you and your abilities. Then at the end of summer you could go to camp with us and meet other demigods."

Lia starts to ask many questions about Camp Half-blood but I can barley focus. I am to worried that Percy will get suspicious of Lia's earlier claim.

I am going to need to be more careful from now on.

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