Row Row Row your boat

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"I hate boats."

Will just rolls his eyes, "Well you are going to have to get over that. You are going to be spending a great deal of time on the water. Hades, I am sure you are going to have to steer it too, O'mighty daughter of Poseidon."

Lia sneers, "Wow, so mature."

"Alright guys lets get along we have a long journey ahead of us." Jason places a hand on the two's shoulders and then looks at Lia. "Will is right, you said that you have an idea of where Pontos is keeping Leo so you are going to have to step up and do most of the navigation." Lia sighs and the three of them walk towards the rental place.

"Piper, why are we going to rent a boat? I seriously doubt that they are going to get it back; at least not in good condition."

Piper just shrugs, "I am not sure. The boat probably won't even make it to the return journey."

I snort, "That's mighty reassuring."

Piper and I wait while Jason and Lia get the boat and, unfortunately, it does not look big enough to be comfortable, but it is what we can afford. We load the boat and soon we are off.

"So how does this whole quest thing work? And what are we going to do against that water demon? It almost killed Celeste last time."

"We are going to have to come up with a strategy for fighting Pontos soon. So far our best defence is Lia. Seems we are going to have to fight water with water." Jason stands up, "We can talk more on that when we get closer too for now lets divide watch. Lia and I can take the first watch."

"I can take first with her Jason." I offer. He hesitates before relenting and going below deck with the others.

"Why so eager to hang out with me?" Lia flips her hair, "You must really love me huh?"

"Yeah sure." I roll my eyes. "No I just figured that we should work a little with your abilities. Especially since Jason intends to exploit them. But first we have to get on the right course."


"Its been hours. I am bored. Is there nothing exciting going to happen?" Lia groans.

"Never say that you might just get your wish. Now can you please focus? We are trying to-" a loud crack of thunder cuts me off. "Oh great. I think it is about to get 'exiting'."

The rain starts slowly but soon becomes so heavy it is hard to see two feet in front of me. The others come join us on deck and we all just stare at each other.

"So what do we do?" WIll shouts. 

Jason looks lost, "So, is this a Bad time to mention that I have never driven a boat?"

"What about the Argo II?"

Piper grimances, "That was Leo's ship. Nobody but Annabeth had any knowledge of how to work it." We all share a look and that's when I notice that Lia is missing.

I internally panic. What if she fell overboard? I mean, she might not be able to drown but still she still could get lost at sea. I look around and notice her messing with the sails.


She turns to look at me, "If you are all done talking I need someone to turn into the waves at around a 45 degree angle and keep the propeller underwater. The others can make sure that we do not have anything electrical on."

Jason runs to the propeller and the others go below deck. I make my way over to Lia. She gives me a quick glance. "Tie up that sail."

And slowly but surely, with Lia's direction we make it through the storm. We all collapse on deck, everyone but Lia sopping wet.

Piper finally breaks the silence. "How did you know what to do?"

"I didn't. It just came to me and I have no clue why." Lia looks sown at her clothes and sighs. I'm going to get some sleep. Keep heading the way that we are going." She walks down the stairs.

"I'm going to get some rest too." I walk down the stairs to find Lia staring at the ceiling. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I knew what to do, even though I have never been on a boat in my life." When I look at her she sights, "I guess up until now i was in denial. Even though i have seen a God and a centar, I just thought it was all some crazy dream and I would soon find out it was a mistake. But I knew how to steer a boat and I stayed dry. I am a demigod and now i might die on this quest. What would my family think?"

"Lia, i know it is all a shock to you but you are strong and I know you will get through this. And I will do anything i can to make sure you see your family again."

She looks at me hard. "I am not going to let you."


"That makes it sound like you will take a bullet for me. I won't let you. You have a Family too."

I smile, "Then we will just have to protect each other then."

She nods, "Agreed."

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