Jaws in Real Life

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....PERCY'S POV....

The ground below me throbbed  and I found it hard to keep my balance. I  looked around for something to steady myself with but found nothing but inky darkness. After what seemed like eternity I hear voices up ahead. Then in an instant I see who they belong to.

"You have kept a secret little girl. Something important from all your  friends."

Celeste stares up at  an unknown speaker; Piper, Jason, and Will behind her. "I- I can't"

Will's eyes widen. "When the prophecy says the secret that has been kept, it was talking about you wasn't it?"

Celeste hangs her head. "Yes. It was. I became Gaea's vessel back into this world."

I can't make out what else she says over unseen laughter, but whatever it is, the others look appalled. They start shouting at her, each of there words seeming to send a knife through her heart. But she still defends herself, That is until Pollux Appears.

He scowls at her, and even though he doesn't yell his words impact her the most. Pollux rips something off his neck and throws it at her feet. All the fight goes out of her as she stares brokenly at him and the object.

Piper, Jason, Will, and Pollux walk off, leaving Celeste behind. She calls out to them to no avail and soon she collapses into tears.

Then someone else materializes out of the darkness and it takes a moment for me to realize it is Eliana. Eli is pale as death and covered in dirt, but the most striking thing is her golden eyes.

"Poor, poor Celeste. You let down the only people that made you feel wanted." She has a wicked grin on her face and the voice she talks with is not hers. It is Gaea's. "You might as well give me what I want."

Celeste wipes the tears off her face. "No. Never." she stands up and growls, "Stop appearing like that! Leave Eliana alone."

Eliana leers, "Oh okay. How about this?" Gaea morphs into Pollux. "Is this better?  How do you like seeing Him, knowing that when the truth comes out he will want nothing to do with you." When Celeste doesn't respond, Gaea morphs into others and berates her. I see Lia, Grover, Myself, Elenore, and a few others.

With each face Celeste becomes more determined. She finally shouts. "You don't know that. You don't know any of this. You can not predict the future, you do not know how they will react. You feed off of my insecurities and I will not let you win." Celeste lets out a sonic scream and Gaea disappears.

The laughter from before returned and Pontos appeared. He grabbed Celeste's chin and whispered in her ear. Her face when slack and the ground around her reacted. chunks of black dirt flying. I tried to yell for her but the dirt flew at me and-

I jerk awake my brain piecing things together. And I make up my mind. I am going after them. Celeste is pushing herself to far and she needs to know that us demigods stick together.

I pack a bag and stop by Annabeth's Cabin. And soon I am knocking on Pollux's door.

He opens up and looks at me. I pick up my bag, "Get ready, I hope you know how to fly a dragon."

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