Chapter 3

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Rue's POV
I followed Sam and Dean into a giant building thing, I huffed as I saw more stairs.
Dean said" You're so lazy, Rue." I giggled, Sam rubbed my shoulder, I sighed, I wasn't afraid of Sam or Dean anymore. Especially Sam, every time he was near me... I felt calm and relaxed.
Sam led me to a room, smiling as I twirled around it,
I said" So big room!" He chuckled, then leaned against the doorway, I smiled at him.
He said" We'll get you some new bedding and stuff, pillows, blankets, whatever you want."
" Why?"
" Because you deserve everything." I smiled, flopping down onto my bed and stretching." Whatcha doing?" I purred into the bed," Here, you can change into my shirt, if you want." I nodded, his scent was amazing and calming. He handed me a flannel shirt, it looked huge!
" This is gonna swallow me whole!" He chuckled, laughing and looked at me, I pulled off my shirt and pulled on his shirt. It engulfed me in his scent, I was instantly relaxed,
" Come on, let's go." He led me out of the room, and into the main room again.
Dean said" Let's go, losers!" I yapped and bounced around him," Nope, not going!" I grabbed his wrist and started trying to drag him to the garage they had. I pulled and tugged at his wrist, but I wasn't strong enough, I was breathing heavily and sweating. I got dizzy, then I started falling, Dean caught me quickly." Hey now, pup, don't go passing out, yeah?"
" What happened? Is she okay? Are you okay?"
" She overexerted herself, how much do you weigh, Rue?" My head flopped onto his shoulder,
" Rue!" I jolted up, but then my head flopped again," Dean, give her to me." I was handed to Sam, he took me into his arms, my head flopped onto his shoulder. He carried me somewhere and put me down, he let go of me and I whined in protest. After a second, he lifted me back up,
" How much does she weigh?"
" 98 lbs."
" That's not good, Sam... she needs food now. I'll go get her a bag of chips and something to drink on the way to the mall."
" Alright." I whined as Sam moved me again," Shh, it's alright. Shh, it's alright, Rue."
I mumbled" No put me down."

Sam's POV
She mumbled" No put me down." The mumbly voice, I almost let my instinct take over and kiss her. But I held back, and rubbed her arms, she purred.
I said" Why'd you purr, Rue?"
" Feels good when you rub my arms."
" Okay." I smiled, and continued to rub her arms, it also seemed to calm her heart rate." Okay, ready to go shopping?" She nodded excitedly, giggling, I put her down, she balanced herself and Dean walked to us.

Once we got to the mall, Rue was bouncing in her seat, she jumped out and froze instantly. Her cautiousness getting the best of her, I got out and walked to her.
I said" It's alright, Rue, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." She nodded, then began walking with Dean and me behind her.
We walked in, I could still smell Rue's scent through everything, I think she's my mate but I'm not sure. Rue jumped back from all the sudden noises, she's so used to the quiet, she's jumpy when it comes to noises.
I said" It's alright, come on." I held out my hand, she looked at me, then took my hand. I led her to a store, Dean was eyeing betas outside the store. Rue was trying on clothes, she has no self esteem at all, she thinks she looks ugly in everything.
She said" No, I look ugly."
" Let me see." The door opened, she looked beautiful," You look beautiful, Rue."
" How?"
" Because you do, there's no how about it, you look amazing and beautiful." She blushed, smiling at me shyly," Go on, try on the rest of your clothes and let me see, okay?" She nodded and closed the door again, I heard the click of a camera. I followed the sound and it led to the stall next to Rue's, I saw a man, around my age, taking pictures of Rue changing. I growled lowly then pulled him out of the stall. I breathed heavily, pinning him to the wall," Get out of here." The man nodded, running away, I broke his phone in my hand," Rue, let me in." She opened the door, shyly," Can I come in with you?" She nodded, her guard was letting down, I think she's starting to trust me.

Rue's POV
Sam walked into the dressing room with me, I continued to try on outfits. He was smiling at me and nodding his head at each outfit,
I asked" Why do you think I'm beautiful?"
" Because Rue, you are beautiful, you're amazing."
" I'm an Omega, an ugly omega."
" No, you're not. Don't ever say that again, you're not an ugly omega." I looked at him, nodding my head, I liked his scent, I really liked his scent, it's amazing.
" What if I never get my heat? What if there's something wrong with me and I'm gonna die?" He walked to me, holding my hands, it calmed me down.
" Hey, hey, it's okay, you'll get your heat when your body is ready, okay? And if you want me to, I can take you to a doctor, maybe they can run some tests." I shook my head fast, backing away from him," No, no, I'm sorry, only if you wanted to, I won't take you to the doctor, I promise." I walked to him, hugging him, his arms slowly wrapped around me, and he pet my hair, I purred, nuzzling my face into his chest." See, Nothing to worry about while I'm around. I'm never gonna let anything bad happen to you, Rue." My stomach growled," Come on, let's pay and go get some food, huh?" I nodded my head, I changed back into his shirt and my old clothes. Then we walked out, he paid for the new clothes and we walked out, Dean walked to us.
He said" Finally, I'm starving, then we can continue shopping." He started walking, Sam and I followed him, I was holding Sam's hand, scared I'd get lost.
We got closer to something that smelled really good, I sniffed at the air, pulling at Sam's hand. He chuckled and walked faster to keep up with me.
Dean said" You, Rue, are getting one thing from every spot, because you need to gain weight." I tilted my head, confused," You're such a pup, but it's so amusing." He chuckled then led us to a table," Stay here, I'll be back." He walked away,
I asked" What's Dean doing?"
Sam answered" I think he's getting food for himself and me, then getting one thing from every menu in here for you."
" Oh. Why?"
" Because you need to get some pounds on, you're way too underweight."
" Okay." I smiled at him, giggling as he looked at me,
" What's funny?"
" You're cute." I blushed once I realized what I said and to who I said it to.
" It's okay, I think you're cute too." I blushed deeper, smiling, looking down a bit.
Dean came back with a lot of food, he handed me all sorts of stuff,
He said" Alright, get to eating." He began eating, so did Sam, I stiffed the food. I began eating some of it, but I get full really fast...
I got full, I held my stomach as it churned,
Sam asked" You okay, Rue?" I nodded my head slowly," Are you sure?" I shook my head, I breathed heavily, holding my stomach tighter," Calm down, calm down, you just ate too much. Too different from what you're used to, it's okay, the pain will pass." I nodded my head, he gently placed one his hands on my stomach, it started calming down. I held his hand on my stomach, nuzzling into his shoulder, relaxing.

We got back to their home, I was sleepy, it's been a long day, we got a lot of stuff, even though I started protesting at the end. Sam wouldn't take no for an answer, when I didn't want him to buy anything else for me. They started fixing my room while I put up my clothes and underwear stuffs, I was blushing deeply when I threw my panties and bras into a drawer.
Dean said" Stop being embarrassed by your underwear, I can smell you from here." He laughed, I blushed more, pouting," Stop pouting too, pup." I snarled at him," Gotcha!" I giggled, smiling," See, it's not that hard to smile, huh?" I turned to face them and saw my room was done, I smiled then jumped onto the bed, nuzzling into the warmth of the blankets and pillows.
Sam asked" Like it?" I squeaked, nodding happily," Good, we'll leave you to get settled in." They walked out, I curled into the blankets more, smiling ear to ear.

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