Chapter 10

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Something was watching me, I whimpered and tried to run away but I was stuck. I screamed, trying to get away from the thing, then it got to me, it grabbed me tightly. I screamed in pain,

I jolted up, looking around, my body jumping, I felt Sam's hands around my waist. I breathed heavily, shaking and crying,
Sam whispered" Shh, shh, it's okay, it's okay, it was just a nightmare." I whimpered," It's okay, it's okay, hey, hey, it's okay, shh, shh." I nuzzled closer to him, trying to be as close to him as possible. I calmed down, relaxing into his touch, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to laying. I tucked my face into his neck, breathing slowly against his skin,
I mumbled" It was so real... so dark, a figure was walking to me, but it grabbed me and I screamed."
" You're burning up... go back to sleep, I'll make sure the nightmares stay away."
" I-I don't wanna sleep, Sam, I'm scared."
" Wanna watch a movie, baby? See if that helps you, huh?" I nodded my head, weakly, He nodded and grabbed his laptop. He turned on Tarzan, I smiled a bit, cuddling more into him, watching the movie.
I started getting sleepy again, I yawned then closed my eyes, cuddling into him. I started falling asleep, feeling safer in Sam's arms, he'd always keep me safe.

I woke up to my stomach turning over, I sat up and ran to the trash can, I puked. I heard Sam rush to me, pulling my hair away from my face and rubbing my back. I fell back against him, he wrapped his arms around me, holding me. I whimpered, whining in pain,
He mumbled" Shh, it's okay, it's okay. You're okay. Dean's gonna go get some medicine, and then you'll be better in no time."
I whined" Okay, Sam." He laid his head on my shoulder, and kissed my ear." I'm sleepy, Sammy."
" Then let's get you back to bed, baby." He stood up, taking me in his arms, I cuddled into him, and he laid us down, I cuddled more and closed my eyes again, falling asleep.

Sam's POV
Rue fell asleep, she's exhausted, physically and mentally, she just needs some time. The door opened and I saw Dean,
He whispered" She puked, didn't she?" I nodded," I'm headed to the store, gonna get some food and medicine, okay?" I nodded, he walked away, I rubbed Rue's arm as she started getting fussy in her sleep. She nuzzled into me more, she was freaking out, I gently shook her shoulders, she gasped, waking up, clinging to me.
I asked" Can you tell me what happened in your nightmare, baby?"
She muttered" The figure was watching me... I was cleaning the room, then it grabbed me... then you woke me up."
" It's night terrors, it must be caused by your fever."
" Okay, Sammy." She nuzzled into me more, closing her eyes again," I'm not sleepy, anymore."
" Wanna watch a movie?" She shook her head," Cuddle?" She nodded, I gently lifted her up onto my chest, and she curled up on top of me. I smiled and rubbed her sides, she cuddled into me and relaxed.

Dean opened the door, he handed me the bag of stuff for Rue, then walked out. Rue was really out of it, swaying slightly, I frowned then kissed her head. She was burning up, sweating, whimpering from pain,
I said" Rue, baby, here, take these, they'll help you." I held two tylenols against her lips, she opened her mouth and took them, swallowing them quickly. She laid down again, curling up, I wrapped a blanket around her, she cuddled into it. She stopped cuddling with me because she was burning up, then she pushed the blanket away. She turned over towards the fan I put in here 30 minutes ago.
She whined" Sam!" I turned to her and held her hand," It's here!" She whimpered, backing away from that side of the bed.
" There's nothing there, baby, it's just the fever." She nuzzled against me, trying to find comfort, I opened my arms more, she cuddled into me instantly. She closed her eyes, I kissed her head, nuzzling my nose into her hair.

After a few hours, she woke up, whining, I rubbed her arms,
She mumbled" 'M Hungry, Sammy." She was so sleepy, I smiled, kissing her head,
I said" I'll go get you some food, want a sandwich?" She nodded, I got up and walked out, heading to the kitchen to fix her a meal.
I got to the kitchen, Dean was up, drinking some beer and searching through cases.
He said" She feeling any better?"
" She's eating, so that's a good sign."
" She'll get better in a day or two."
" Yeah, I know." I made the sandwich and got her a bottle of sprite, I walked back to my room.
She was watching Brother Bear, I chuckled, she looked up and smiled at me.
I asked" Feeling better, baby?" She nodded, I handed her the food and drink. She ate the sandwich slowly, making sure she didn't make her stomach upset again. I laid next to her, she curled into my side, cuddling up to me. She seemed better, it was probably just a little cold, nothing to worry about. I was just happy that she was safe and sound in my arms, she's okay, right now and I'm always gonna be here for her.

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