Chapter 9

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It's been 2 weeks since my heat, I was overthinking... too much, too far back, I was freaking out in my room. There's no way Sam can love me, I mean, I'm a useless and used omega... he could have someone way better than me, I'm trash compared to other girls, he could have someone way better than me... I-I don't know how he loves me, I'm ugly and stupid, used by so many alphas... I don't understand how he loves me... there's no way he actually can, no way! How could someone like him, like someone like me?! I was breathing heavily, there's no way... he's way better looking and sweet, caring alpha, and I'm this ugly, scared, used omega. There's no way... he's-he's, I don't understand how he could even stand being near me during my heat, I must have looked hideous. I felt tears running down my face, that's when I noticed I was sobbing violently... I'm so ugly! I stood up, then bolted out my door, running for the front door.
Sam and Dean stopped me in the library, I snarled then cried out,
Sam asked" Baby? Baby! Hey, what's wrong?" I breathed heavily, then snarled again,
I said" I'm done!" I broke past them and took off upstairs, I ran up the road, heading as far away as I possibly could from them.

All the times I'd been used, every word I've been called... I can't do this anymore, no more, no more! I screamed and opened my eyes to see I was at a bridge. I breathed out, then looked at it then down, it was a raging river, I can't swim, I'd drown... I'd be at peace. I climbed onto the bridge, onto the railing, I grasped onto the sides, looking down... this is it, this is the end of me.
I heard Sam say" Hey, hey, baby, come'er." I turned my head to see him, standing a few feet away from me, looking at me.
I said" No! How do you like me?! I'm ugly and used! I don't know how you like me!"
" I like you because... I love you because you're amazing and beautiful! Rue, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met."
" You're lying! Everyone lies to get what they want!" Alphas lie, they call me sweet names to get me to relax so they could knot me. They've always lied to me! I don't understand Sam, he's...
" I'm not lying, baby, I'm not. I would never lie to you." I want to believe him, but so many people have lied to me, told me all sorts of things to get me to do what they want. No! I can't believe him.
" No! Everyone lies to me!"
" I'm not gonna lie to you, baby, ever. I'm yours and you are mine, my wild spirit." I was shivering, it was freezing and the wind was crazy, my hand tightened on the side rail.
" Leave me alone! Go find a better looking beta, at least they have something to them! I'm nothing, I'm used and worthless."
" No, you're not. You, Rue, are amazing and so beautiful."
" You're lying!"
" I swear you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, baby."
" How can I believe you?"
" See that mark on your neck?" I touched the mark he made, the mark that made me his," That's love, I marked you mine, you're my baby, and I love you so so much."
" But-But I don't understand, I don't..."
" I know you're confused and scared, Rue, but know I'm never going to hurt you, okay? Ever."
" I-I..."
" Come'er, baby, we can talk more in the car, huh? Let's talk more in the car." I tried to move towards him but I slipped, Sam ran and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me away from the edge, and got me into his arms, I was really cold. He nuzzled his nose into my hair," It's okay, I've got you, I've got you, Rue, baby, and I'm not letting go, ever." He kissed my ear, and nibbled at it, his hand rubbing my arm. He carried me to the car then got in, keeping me on his lap, I whimpered." Hey, hey, tell me what's going on in that mind of yours, huh?"
" I-I'm not good enough for you... you're amazing, and I'm broken and used."
" I love you, every part of you, especially your adorable little ears." I blushed," You are a beautiful girl, a beautiful omega, and you're my baby, I'm always gonna be here for you. And you just gotta talk to me, I'm not gonna leave you or use you, Rue, ever, and I won't let anyone do it either. You just gotta talk to me, huh? That's all you gotta do, and if you don't wanna talk, just come to me and I'll cuddle you, adore you till you feel like talking."
" Okay, Sam. I love you." I nuzzled my face into his neck,
" I love you too, Rue. You're freezing, cuddle into my side while I drive us home, okay? Then we'll watch movies and eat food, huh?"
" I'd like that." He moved me to his side, I cuddled into his side, his warmth.

Once we got home, I was still shivering violently, Sam lifted me up and carried me inside. I breathed shallowly against his neck, trying to nuzzle more into him. Sam stopped moving, I whimpered, he shushed me gently.
He said" Dean, she's shivering, but she's hot..."
Dean said" I'll run and get some medicine and stuff in the morning, she's probably sick."
" She was about to jump off a bridge... I thought I was gonna loose her, Dean, I was terrified."
" You think she understands now?"
" Yeah, and if she doesn't, she'll talk to me when she's ready." I whimpered, nuzzling more into him," Let's get you to bed, huh, baby?" He held me tighter, pulling me closer to him, he was so warm. He laid me down and took off my clothes, he took off his clothes and laid next to me. His body heat practically circled me, I yawned and cuddled into him. He rubbed my arm and side, pulling me closer to him more," Get some sleep, baby, we'll see how you feel in the morning."
I mumbled" Okay, alpha." I cuddled into him more, my leg crossing his stomach. He wrapped his arm around me more, I closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly.

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