Chapter 11

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I woke up cuddled up to Sam, I yawned, cuddling more into him, I yawned again.
He whispered" Hi, baby."
I murmured" Hi, Sammy." He grabbed his phone, checking the time, he smiled at me.
" It's 10am, we gonna get up yet?" I shook my head," Okay, what do you wanna do, baby, huh?"
" Cuddles and kisses." He chuckled, looking down at me, he smiled, I smiled at him. He pulled me up onto his lap. I straddled his lap, looking at him,
" You're so adorable and cute, baby."
" You're cute."
" No, you're way cuter than me." We started kissing, our lips moving in sync with each other slowly. His hands roamed my body, my hands played with his hair, he deepened the kiss and rolled us over. He was on top of me, as close as he could be to me, I wrapped my legs around his waist, we continued to kiss.

After a while, we stopped kissing, panting slightly, looking at each other. I smiled at him, he smiled and me and kissed my lips again quickly. I could feel my lips were red and bruised, our make out session definitely got rough, and I loved it.
He said" Did you like that?" I nodded quickly," I love you, so much, baby, do you understand that?" I nodded, I understand," I'm never gonna hurt you, baby, ever, and I'm always gonna love you."
I said" I know, Sam, 'm not used to someone caring about me."
" Yeah, I know, baby. But I'm gonna care about you, till you're so used to it that you're annoyed." He quickly kissed my neck, I giggled and played with his hair." You are so amazing, and beautiful, and adorable, and you're my wild spirit." He flipped us over again, then rubbed my back, I yawned, cuddling into his chest and stomach.
" Love you, Sam."
" Love you too, Rue."

I yawned, opening my eyes again, whining as I didn't feel Sam next to me. I yapped sadly, then I heard running, I saw Sam open the door and look at me. I whined, curling up into the blankets again,
He said" I didn't mean to leave you, I'm sorry, you need some food though, baby." I whined then felt my stomach churn, I grabbed the trash can next to the bed and puked." Oh, baby..." he walked to me and pulled my hair into a pony tail, I whined, grasping onto his shirt." Shh, shh, shh, it's okay, I'm right here, I'm right here."
I murmured" Sammy, don't feel good, Sammy."
" I know, baby, I know." He took me into his arms and laid us down, I yawned, cuddling into him. He wrapped his arms around me, cuddling me too, I yawned again, closing my eyes.
" I don' wanna sleep."
" You gotta sleep so you'll get better, baby, just some naps."
" No, tired of sleeping, Sam."
" I can tell, but you need some sleep, baby."
" No, I need cuddles." He chuckled, and pulled me onto his lap, smiling as I lazily opened my eyes to see him. He kissed my cheek,
" You need sleep and water, that's what you need."
" Noooo!" He wrapped his arms around me, cuddling me, he nuzzled his nose into my hair, and then nibbled at my ear. I closed my eyes, starting to fall asleep, I yawned against his neck.
" Go to sleep, baby, I'm not going anywhere." I nuzzled my face into his neck, closing my eyes again, finally falling asleep.

Sam's POV
Rue finally fell asleep, I kept my arms around her, keeping her as close to me as possible. She just needs to know that I'm never gonna leave her, she needs to see the comfort that I'm trying to give her. I kissed her head, she nuzzled more into me, I smiled, letting her cuddle more into me. I closed my eyes, falling asleep too, since I didn't want to move from her right now.

I woke up to Rue nibbling at my ear, I smiled, she squeaked as she felt me move.
I whispered" Hi, Rue."
She mumbled" Hi, Sammy."
" Did you get a good sleep, baby?"
" Yeah." She nuzzled her face into my chest again,
" Hungry?" She nodded against my chest," Want me to go get you some food, baby?"
" Yeah." I started getting up but she gripped to me, I smiled then lifted her into my arms. I don't care if I have to carry her everywhere I go, I'll do it till she knows that I'm never going to leave her. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, I smiled, carrying her like a baby.
Once we got to the kitchen, I put her onto the counter and started making her a sandwich. She was staring, lovingly, at me, I smiled, she yelped and hid her face. I walked over to her, draping my arms around her waist, running my fingers on her side.
I muttered" What're you hiding from, baby?"
She mumbled" Your smile."
" Why? Can't resist my smile?"
" Yep." I moved her hands away from her face and kissed at her lips in small pecks. She giggled, I caught her bottom lip with my teeth, she looked at me, smiling. I released her lip, and kissed her normally, she kissed back, her fingers playing with my hair. I pulled away, smiling at her, she giggled then laid her head on my chest, yawning.
" Eat your sandwich, then you can take another nap, okay?"
" Okay, Sam." I handed her the plate, and she took the sandwich, beginning to eat. I smiled, watching her, I had to make sure she was okay, that she was eating and drinking right, sleeping right too.
Once she was done eating, and drank a glass of water, I smiled and rubbed her hair out of her face. She smiled at me, I smiled back, kissing her hand gently.
I asked" Ready for a nap?" She yawned instantly, it was like a switch had flipped... she went from her normal, wild self and went into her omega self. She nodded her head, goofily, then wrapped her arms around my neck. She started to nibble at my ear, I smiled and lifted her up, carrying her back to bed. She's getting over being sick, so that's a great sign, she's feeling better.

I dropped her onto her bed, she curled up against all the blankets then looked at me.
I asked" Yeah, Rue?" She whined, pouting a little bit," Come on, baby, gotta use your words for me."
She mumbled" Cuddle me?"
" I've got to help Dean look for a case, okay? Then I'll come in here and cuddle with you." She pouted more, whining," Don't do me like that, baby, here-" I pulled off my shirt," Take my shirt, it's covered in my scent, it'll calm your nerves so you can get a restful sleep." She took off my shirt, nuzzling her face into it, I saw her body instantly relax. She closed her eyes," Have a good sleep, baby, I'll be in the library." She nodded her head a bit, I walked out, turning off the lights and closing the door. I loved this girl, and there's nothing that I wouldn't do for her.

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