87. Isolation

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Not checked for mistakes yet guys, sorry for the long wait. Finished season 5.

not really a big spoiler, but

JUST ME WHO HEARD ECCO CALL JEREMIAH 'DADDY' I CHOKED. I was tryna watch it without my mum hearing some weird shit like that and storming in my room. Luckily, she didn't hear otherwise she'd question what the fuck I was watching.

I got genuinely upset at that scene with Ecco and Jeremiah in the finale. I won't go into details if you haven't seen it, but I just really had to take a moment for it.

Sam's P.O.V

"This can't be happening- Jesus Christ, this isn't- T-This can't be re-real, I-I don't understand-"

I don't bother looking at him, much less answering his question.

"Jeremiah, tell me this isn't f-fucking real! I ca-can't do this!" I cried, still cradling the woman in my arms, even though by the blood all over my front, I could tell she was dead.

He repeats his question, "Samantha? Are you alright?"

"Samantha, put her down. Everything is going to-"

"Fuck off! Nothing is going to be alright, you lying bastard! You set this up just so you could break me, and build me back up in your own image..."

"I didn't know, I just wanted you to be happy again, I just wanted you to smile-"

"I'll smile when you leave me alone!"

I grimace at the memories of last night, which ended with me getting a syringe to my neck, and waking up in my original room... and not the one that he had set up to look like my childhood trailer.

I swallow the sarcastic remark about to slither past my lips, instead keeping my eyes on the ceiling above me, acting as if he's not there.

"Just leave me alone."

"We can make dinner like we did last time, you liked that, I know you did. It'll be whatever you want-"

I sit up, finally turning to face him. I assume he spots my cold, blank stare, as his turns into one of more remorse. But it's anything but that, he's just upset that I've not given into him yet.

"I want you to fuck off, and I've said it enough times. I don't know what you think you're doing, trying to keep me here with persuasion and lies to play house with you. Maybe if you hadn't fucked it all up, I wouldn't constantly want to escape this hell hole. You're lying to yourself if you truly believe that I want to stay here," I tell him, my face straight and devoid of emotion.

I expect anger on his behalf, but instead I'm met with even more distress. He practically runs towards me: his hands grabbing my shirt and pulling me close to him.

"You can't just shut me out, I love you! I can't live without you! I need you!"

My finger latch onto his hands, tugging them off of me.

"I needed you for a long time. I needed you to protect not just me from your mother, but Jerome. But instead, you shunned him away from you. Look where it led him. I needed you to be there for me when Jerome wasn't. I needed you when my mother passed away. I needed you for years, but now? I would rather die than except help from you. Now, for the last time, leave me the fuck alone."

He shakes his head, as if not believing what I've told him, taking back. A tensional pause envelops us, before he breaks it.

Madness begins to pour into his eyes, but I spot it too late. A maniacal laugh leaves him, and he hold his arms over his stomach as he leans forward, his laughter not stopped, even as tears of humour escape his eyes, which he soon wipes away.

"Jerome was right all along! I shouldn't have tried to win you over, I was never going to get anywhere with that. Instead, I should've just made sure you'd be stuck with me, and just me. It'll certainly give you a new perspective!"

But before I can but in a word he moves even further back, until he reaches the door, going through and shutting it. I hear the sound of the lock click, but it's quiet over his still thunderous laughter, even though he's on the other side of the door.

"Well, s-shit..."


Third Person P.O.V, Past Tense

Jeremiah kept to his word. It felt like weeks to the girl, but in reality Samantha had been isolated for a few days.

Occasionally, Jeremiah would come in to give her food, and toy with her. She had to put up with him constantly trying to kiss her, with one time him even placing love bites along her neck, telling her that he was only 'marking what was his'.

Samantha hated Jeremiah, but she was also terrified of him. Especially when his eyes were alert with lust, that he directed towards her.

He hadn't done anything more than the kissing and marking, luckily, but Sam didn't want to wait and find out what would happen if one day he got bored of that. It made matters worse with the fact that he insisted with sleeping in the same bed as her, coming into the room at very late hours to hold her close to him, even though she knew very well that he barely slept a wink.

She hadn't forgotten what had happened to that... woman, the one who looked exactly like her mother, and had died in her arms. But, she was too scared to bring it up to him. It was as if the insanity gas was beginning to take an even tighter grip on him, as time went on.

Before, he had gone on about how much he just wanted her to be happy again. Now, it was as if he had no cares for how she felt. She was merely a pawn in his game. A woman coming up against a minotaur in his own maze.

Samantha laid on her bed, letting the minutes tick on into hours, her orbs not leaving the clock. Boredom wasn't something she really felt, as she was just waiting. Waiting for the one bad day where he would go too far, and maybe ruin her forever. She could practically feel it coming, and it made the fire in her heart burn out. She wasn't leaving without help, because if she tried, she'd surely get caught, and only end up with an infatuated madman holding her even closer than before.

She hadn't shed any tears yet, and she was surprised. Perhaps she had just run out of them, as she had cried so much in the past. Looking back on it, she felt jealous of her past self. At least with being stuck at the circus, she had Jerome and her mother. At least with being at school, she had Vicky. Now, she had none of them.

The sound of the door clicking open caused Samantha to suddenly sit up, giving a confused look to the clock. It was as if Jeremiah had a routine - leave her in bed before she could wake up, see her at exactly twelve o'clock, giving her food, then later come back at three and six, just to give her more, and mess with her, before returning at around one in the night. Right then, it was nine in the morning.

He opened the door, and when he stepped inside, Sam realised it wasn't a he.

Ecco giggled, shutting the door behind her, and locking it.

Her finger moved to her own lips, as she 'shh'd the shocked Samantha.

When she did finally snap out of it, Ecco was right in front of her, smiling widely.

Sam went to scream, remembering their last encounter, when Ecco pressed her hand over her mouth, once again giggling.

"Shhh, he's busy working, don't want to make him mad, do you? Besides, if you snitch me out, who else is gonna be the one to get you out of here?"

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