Chapter 13 - Dr. Roberts

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I don't know if I already recommended this book, but I will do so again. It's called 'The Other Sister' by RhinosAreAwesome. I love it though the person has basically just started the story.


This is just a fun chapter on the side that adds more detail to what is happening with the Academy. It's more setting up future action. It will be a SHORTER chapter than usual. I lost inspiration about half-way through.


Sign language will be in italics.

Dr. Roberts

"Phil!" someone called out, bringing me out of my thoughts. I can never get a moment alone.

I smile as I see Erica approach, "Erica, how have you been?"

She gave me a hug, "Wonderful, Kota payed us a visit."

I'm surprised, "That's nice. What prompted that? I thought they were on assignment."

Erica shakes her head, "I thought so too, but Kota came with this adorable little bird."

I look her, "Really?"

She nods, "Yup, she was just the cutest. That's not all though, apparently she's dating Owen."

I freeze, "Are you sure?"

I love Owen like one of my own sons, but he was always a bit more closed off. It helped when I put him with Sean, but there remained a barrier between him and everyone. Owen was also not into committed relationships or certain women due to a past. I wonder what type of woman convinced him to try. 

Erica laughs, "That was my reaction as well!"

I chuckle a little, "I never thought I would live to see a day where Owen had a girlfriend."

She gets serious all of the sudden, "I'm worried about the bird though."

I frown, "Oh, why?"

Erica explains, "She flinched when I hugged her and was vague when talking about her past. She has scars as well, too many for a bird like her. I know that Owen and my son will help her, but I don't know."

I nod in understanding. Ever since that there was a new Elder 'promoted', things have been tense. Academy Elders are not promoted, but supposedly earn their position. I don't like this Mr.Rockefeller. It was Mr. Olsen who introduced him, but something is off. This new one asks the teams to take on assignments that normally would never be put in action. All the Teams who work for him do questionable things as well. The new people he brought in such as Liam and Noah were of dubious quality at best. 

Here at the Academy, your past doesn't define you. But their actions have, Liam was caught stealing drugs from the hospital and Noah was caught pressuring a few girls they were supposed to help in having sex with him. Both of them are in prison, I made sure of it myself, but Rockefeller was furious when he found out.

I understand Erica's hesitancy regarding bringing a new bird in. I know that soon I will retire permanently. Mr. Buble, Rose and I are all on the same page. We're getting a bit old for all of this and we need to fix this corruption before we go. This institution was supposed to be something pure and only to help people. Right now, that seems to no longer be true.

I tell her, "I understand. I will look into it as well."

Erica gave me a sad smile, "Thanks. I have to go, see you soon, Phil!"

Just this morning, I had a meeting with Kota and Owen. Neither of them mentioned any bird. Something else is afoot. The Blackbourne Team have been more secretive with the recent changes and corruption in the Academy. They are one of our smartest families. Owen, for sure, he takes pride in being independent and is now the head of the Blackbourne Corporation. 

Speak of the devils, I see Sean coming down one of the hallways, "Sean!"

He looks up, "Phil, good to see you!"

I smile at my protegee, "How is the family?"

Sean shrugs, "Everyone is fine, you just had a meeting with two of them."

I narrow my eyes at him, "And you? You're not running yourself into an early grave."

He looks a little guilty, "I'm doing better now."

I harrumph, "Sure. Anyways, I heard about Owen's bird."

Immediately, Sean stiffens, "Oh, what did you hear?"

I tell him, "Not much. Just that Owen has a serious bird right now. I was hoping you would know more."

He relaxes a little, "She's very nice."

Something is up with this bird and I need to find out what. Sean is usually the most open with me and I was hoping to find out more. But if his reactions are anything to go by, then that won't be the case today.

Sean suddenly looks at his phone, "Sorry, Phil, I have to go."

He started running off. His family must have red-lined him for some reason or another. I hope no one is hurt. Sean hates it when that happens as is natural for family. He just blames himself and no one wants that. I start off towards my own meeting which I don't want to go to at all.

Rockefeller called one for most likely a stupid reason. My gut tells me that this guy isn't what he seems. And I always trust my gut. It knows what my head hasn't figured out yet. I make the decision to not go, I'm sure that there are patients who need me. I could relieve someone who took the night shift. A lot of us have a tendency to do that which isn't healthy.

I am stopped on my way by Rose who signed to me, "Aren't you going to the meeting?"

I shake my head, "No."

Dear Rose is only mute, not deaf. When she was younger, she had been abused by her parents. Someone intervened when they were about to kill her. Her vocal cords were crushed and she could no longer speak, but she survived. That says a lot about the kind of lady she is. She is something.

She signs, "Me neither."

We both lean against the wall and watch the people go by. It's depressing to me. You look at the next generation and I see only sadness. It's disheartening. Every day I see children being abused who come in and lie about their injuries. In the street, you see them and the truth lies in their eyes. But no one does anything.

I thought the Academy could do something, but maybe I was wrong.

Rose tapped my shoulder, "What are you thinking about?"

I sign back, "I worry that there is something broken in the next generation; there are so many sad eyes on happy faces."

She nods in understanding and we stand there in silence, taking a moment away from anyone and hiding from Rockefeller. I might be an Academy Elder, but it takes proof to kick someone out. Proof is something that we don't currently have. That means that we will suffer until someone kicks him out.

"Phil!" another voice calls out and I wince knowing it's Rockefeller.

I turn around, "It's Dr. Roberts." I look around to see Rose has slipped away when Rockefeller was focused on me.

He shrugs, "It's time for the meeting."

I'm not one for cursing, but I can make exceptions.



Word Count: 1228

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