Edmund- Broken hopes

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The rain matched your mood. It was the middle of the night and you were laying in your bed, watching the rain fall. It was warm so your doors were open to the balcony, meaning you could hear the echoing sound of the rain crashing on to the ground below, however the silence was deafening.

The past few days had been weird. You and Edmund just hadn't been speaking. Every time you tried a conversation he shut it of. Every time you laughed he didn't join in. It just seemed different. The first few times you had managed it, you ignored it, asked if he was okay, you had manged to keep on a happy face. But today it had gotten to you, it felt like you were the problem, and it was difficult to see the boy you had fallen in love with push you away. 

Edmund and you had been best friends since they came to Narnia. Both of you had been inseprible. Then once you two got a bit older the childish love you had for each other turned in to a blossoming romance. Any one could see you loved each other. The time and care you both put in to each other, was something special. Everyone had their hopes up for it being forever. 

But considering the last few days, forever seemed impossible. 

You had been laying in bed for hours, not being able to get to sleep, thoughts and unknown feelings filled your head. So you decided to get up. You walked down to the kitchen in the big castle. The halls deadly silent, the only noise was your bear feet along the stone floor. Shadows were reflected on to the walls, through the windows, the twigs on branches, creating figures, adding to the silence, and insomnia of the castle. 

As you rounded the corner to the kitchen, you realized you were not the only one being kept up by the rain. Sat in the kitchen was one of the last people you wanted to see. Edmund. You freeze when you lay eyes on him. A sudden urge of happiness and warmth filled your chest. Then a quick reminder of the past few days events caused you to feel otherwise. You turn out of the kitchen hoping he won't see you.

"Is this how it's going to be now?" A weak voice asked. You sigh then turn around to face him. 

"I didn't want to disturb you that's all." Your meek excuse for an answer sounding ridiculous. He looked up from the water in his hand. 

"Well I'll leave then." He says getting up to go.  As he walks up to you, you feel a surge of rage run up your chest. 

"Is this it. After what, 8 years of friendship, and 3 years of a relationship, memories,hard work and tears you're going to throw it all away. We are going to act like we don't know each other inside and out. We are going to become strangers?" You stopped yourself, your voice was rising but you decided to not let everything out in one go. 

"I don't want to talk about it." He mutters trying to get past you in the door. You step in front of him to block him from leaving. 

"No. You have been like this for three days now and I'm not taking it any more. I deserve to be in the loop of your emotions. If you don't want me in then let me leave. But let me tell you this. I love you Edmund and your breaking my heart pushing me away. Your pushing me away. You can't do that. You can't make me fall in love with you and then turn it off like a switch. I want to laugh with you again. I want to sit in the library talking for hours on end about our favorite books. I want you to look at the stars with me. I want the pointless conversations. The conversations we used to have. I want y-."

"Stop!" He yelled. Silence finally sunk in around you both. The anger and rage you had filling you chest. "You can't fall in love with me Y/N!" He said his brown eyes meeting yours. "We don't belong. I don't love you. Not like I used to. We don't laugh any more, we find it hard to make a conversation, we don't work.And that's just life. I wanted us to be forever. But then I realized that I can't date you, and leave for six months to go fight else where. We can't do that. For all I know the time I'm gone. I will die, you will find someone else.That's why." His words stung like ice, each sentence rose in anger and volume. You could feel the hurt in your own eyes. You couldn't let it end like this. You deserved more.

"But we can make it work. I can wait. I don't want to have pointless conversations with someone else. I don't want to have stolen moments with someone else. I want to spend my time with you. I want to laugh with you again. I want to dance with you again. Because when I'm with you. Everything feels okay. Something may be playing on my mind, but when I'm standing next to you. It all fades away." You say. You heart was hurting. You eyes felt tired, your knees, weak. But a feeling clenched around your heart. You didn't know what the feeling was. But it was enough to make you want to vomit. "I'm falling madly in love with you Edmund, and I know we can make it work." You whisper. Barley able to get the words out your mouth. 

"But the thing is Y/N. Things that fall  get broken." And with that he walked away. He left. You were standing in the large door way, and at that precises second in time, the castle felt empty, despite the  rain outside, and the warm sense of decorations around you. 

At that moment you decided you couldn't do anymore. You felt empty again. But the minutes you had spent poring your heart out left you to feel tired. You made your way to bed for a sleep that felt cold and empty. The situation replaying in your dreams. 

Once you woke up, you got ready. You went down to breakfast with the others, and sat their making polite conversation. Edmund and Peter both stood up, and left.Susan and Lucy discussed where the boys were going. Apparently their was a palace being over thrown in another kingdom and they had asked for your kingdom's help to sort it out. So as of today both Edmund and Peter would be leaving with the rest of the army. 

Once you three had finished breakfast you went up stairs to get ready. Once you were ready you stood on your balcony, just letting the fresh air hit your face. Trying to sort your thoughts out. But as you stood their you saw everyone leaving. People waving of the people they loved as the kingdom's army left. At the back of the line was Edmund on a horse. He looked up at your balcony, as it over looked the entrance and exit to the castle. But then he turned around on his horse and rode in to the distance with the rest of the army. 

That was when your heat shattered in to pieces, but no tears fell. You learnt your lesson. You played with fire and you got burnt. 

"That's the thing about falling in love. Things that fall get broke." You whispered to yourself. And those harsh words rang in your head, something that you never let yourself forget.


Soooo?? Tbh I'm quite happy with this one, I like the way it went. I also like the message idk, it wast intended to be a message but I guess it kinda is...

Make sure to vote and comment! And also message me with an requests you have for further imagines! Check out my other imagines!

Hope you enjoyedd! 


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