Edmund- Pirates

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Sailing was the way you spent most of your life, the way you felt so free out in the middle of the ocean made you want to stay there forever. You had been part of a crew for as long as you can remember. So was your father, and when he didn't return once from a voyage, you made it your mission to carry on what he couldn't finish.

The sun was beating down on you and the crew, you had been sailing for a week now and everyone was getting slightly restless about the fact you hadn't seen land for days.

'What if we just fall right of the edge of the world?' One crew member asked. Asking a question that had been on everyone's mind.

'We have thousands of miles before that happens.' Someone else replied. Instead of joining in on the conversation you stood at the side of the boat looking out and watching the waves. The smooth sound of waves colliding with the side of the boat made you feel calm. Another one of the reasons you loved being at sea.

As you stood there someone came and stood next to you. It was Tyson, he was the captain of the ship, however he was like a second father to you. When your father died the last person to see him alive was Tyson, your father saved his life. So he saw it as his duty to protect you.

'What r'you thinking about?' Tyson asked. You looked up at him, not really sure what to say because although you were deep in thought, it was nothing important.

'I'm wondering when the next time we are going to see land is. What if we do sail to the end of the world and fall off, but what if we don't find land and we can't stock up on more supplies? What do we do then?' You followed a train of thought, still watching the waves of the sea.

Tyson chuckled, and placed his hand on your head and ruffled your hair. 'You're just like your dad. You know that? When ever we went sailing, the first thing he would worry about was food.' You also chuckled at this.

'Like father like daughter!' You say.

As the day went on, you carried on with small tasks to keep you occupied. You also checked the map room, where a meeting was being held, and it seemed you were only a couple of days off land and this was expected. 'So you needn't worry.' Tyson said to you, with a shake of his head.

As the sun went down on the horizon everyone started to get ready for bed. Unfortunately it was your turn to be on watch for the evening. So you took your seat on top of the birds nest, on the mast.

Hours went past and the ocean and night seemed silent. The light breeze of the wind making your hair slowly dance.

However in the distance you say a large, dark mass approaching. You decided to warn Tyson, it wasn't suppose to be land, but maybe it could be. You climbed down the mass, and knocked on the Captain's quarters door.

'Who's it?' Tyson's voice came from the other side of the door.

'I can see a dark mass on the horizon, we are approaching it.' You replied. As soon as you said it you heard the deck creek as he came to the door.

'That's not right.' He said. 'We shouldn't meet land until tomorrow.' He came to the side of the ship to investigate. Since you had left it the dark mass had gotten bigger, and faint spots of light had also appeared with it. 'Argh that's no land, that's another Rudy ship! Quick alert the crew, it can't be anyone good, not in t'is part of the ocean.'

You quickly ran under, to the bottom deck of the ship and started to awake the rest of the crew, telling them to get up quickly and prepare for a fight, because an enemy ship was approaching. The rest of the crew were ready in a matter of minutes, all holding either swords, or cannon balls ready to shoot at the other ship.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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