Gaynor Wild's World

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Gaynor rushed down the stairs her left hand grabbing the handrail as she flew around the corner to the next set of steps crashing into a deliciously hard body.
Oomph, "Sorry about that I'm running late."
Her dark chocolate brown eyes trailed his body until their eyes met and she leapt back in horror to find her new boss glaring down at her with startling dark hazel green eyes. He caught her elbow to steady her on the steps.
"You need to watch where you're going," he snapped.
"Yes sir, sorry sir. Can you let go of my elbow now please?"
"Walk carefully," his eyes flashed.
Releasing her elbow, he watched her clatter down and out of sight. Shaking his head he smirked and continued up the stairs enjoying the exercise.

Daniel St Claire Vere wasn't in the best of moods since he started to assist his Uncle Sam. He'd not wanted to run Thadiun Enterprise. He wanted his own business, make a name for himself rather than hang on to the family's coattails as his younger siblings did. His next meeting was with his father and Uncles...if you can call them that. Opening the door on the executive level, he stepped through, smiling at Karen.
"They're waiting for you, Mr Daniel."
He rolled his eyes, shoving his hands into his pockets continuing down the hallway. Knocking he entered the office to see Uncle Samuel kissing Uncle Chris.
"Can't you two keep that at home," he muttered, glaring.
"You sound grumpy this morning, Daniel."
"I don't really want to be here, Dad."
"You're well suited to this work and..."
"No, I'm not. I want to attend university and make my own mark. Like you did."
"You can still go to university, son."
"Why don't you ask Sabrina to work in the office? You know she loves numbers."
"She isn't ready yet. Your mother isn't ready to let go."
"And the others?"
"Come on Daniel, you know they are too young."
"What do you want to do at University?" said his Uncle Chris.
"Art and Art History along with Graphic Design and... What?" he saw his dad smirk at Chris.
"They forget whose son you are," laughed his Uncle Samuel.
"Daniel," said Chris, "I happen to be your birth father."
"What the fuck," he glared at the men. "How come I'm only just learning this? I can't believe you fucked my dad's wife you..."
"Sit the hell down Daniel," snapped Julian.
"If you're my father, how come he bought me up?" he pointed to Julian.
"You seem to forget we all live together, son."
"Apparently I'm not yours, Julian."
"Complicated or what," muttered Samuel.
"Daniel, we're one family. We have been since your mother was pregnant with you and your twin. Your twin was murdered. I'm sure you've heard the story over the years?"
"Sort of."
"My sister," said Sam, "tired to have all of us killed. Your twin died, your mother had a bullet in her ... damn," he shuddered, "Anyway, "Julian nearly died as did Chris. I was bloody lucky."
"Go on."
"Julian and I are in love with your mother, even now," said Chris. "We've been her lovers for the last twenty years. When she was pregnant we didn't know who the father was of either twin or even if you were actual twins. When your mother lost one, we decided we didn't want to know. You actually belong to both of us. All you kids do."
"Is this why I have his surname as a middle name?"
"Yes," smiled Julian. "All of you have both names."
"What about Samuel?"
"I don't have any kids. I didn't want any, not after what my sister did to your family...our family. I decided I didn't want to pass on the bad gene."
"I have two dads and a mum..."
"I'll always be your legal father, as I am for the others," smiled Julian. "However, we are all family. You are ours and we are yours."
"I still don't want to work here."
"You could get some training in the Graphic Design and Mark..." trailed off Samuel.
"No. I want to do this on my own."
"Sounds just like you, Julian. Stubborn as."
"Shut it, Chris," he laughed.
"Guys...I'm outta here." Daniel stood, shaking his head a smile curling his lips. "You lot are just weird."
"Wait until you work out your life, Daniel," called out Julian as he walked out the door.
"Whatever, Dad."

Daniel walked towards the elevator, kissing Karen on the cheek as he breezed through making her chuckle.
"How do you cope with them for all these years?" he said.
"They grow on you, Mr Daniel."
"Oh stop with the...Mr...You've watched me grow up," he laughed, waving as he stepped into the lift and the doors closed.

On the Wild Side - Daniel St Claire Vere's StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant