Sisterly Love

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Georgie packed a small bag and suitcase, her body shivered wondering what the hell had happened to her sister and the who the stern mystery man was on the phone. He anxiety peaked when she heard a brisk knock on her front door. Stilling, she waited and bit her lip. The knock came again.
"Ms Georgie?"
"W-who is it?"
"I'm your driver. My name's Gareth."
"I-I'm coming," she replied grabbing her bag and suitcase she looked threw the viewer then opened the door, her mouth dropping open at the site of a gorgeous man standing before her. He grinned.
"Let me take those. If you'll follow me, we'll soon have you safe."
"S-safe from what? Who? I've no idea what the hell is going on," she grumbled as they walked out of her apartment block to find a black sedan waiting for her. Gareth placed the suitcase in the boot and the bag on the back seat, ushering Georgie inside.
"Did you get everything you need?"
"At such short notice...yes, I suppose," she sighed.
"Relax and I'll take you to join your sister."
"Where is she?"
"I'm not at liberty to say. You'll find water and some snacks in the small fridge in front of you. There's also a TV is you wish to watch."
"What if I want to talk," she muttered as he closed her door.
Opening the driver door he got in snapping his seat belt shut starting the car and headed out of her street.
"I'm happy to talk with you when I can, Ms Georgie."
"Where are we going?"
"I have a question first. I forgot to ask when I picked you up." He parked at a shopping centre and turned in his seat. "May I have your cell phone?"
"What for?"
"There is a small chance you are being tracked by some rather bad people. I'd like to make sure this isn't so."
"What is..." he smiled, "fine," she grumbled taking the cell phone out of her bag and handing it to him." He turned away, taking out the battery and sim card, opening the door he stepped out placing the phone on the ground and stomped on it. Georgie's eyes widened as she watched him place it in the bin, breaking the sim card and battery after it. Getting back in the car, he opened the glove box handing her a brand new smartphone. "How bad are these..."
"All will be explained once you're safe." He drove away heading for the motorway checking nobody was following. Once on the M6 he relaxed looking in the mirror he smiled. Georgie had fallen asleep. Closing the window between them he turned on the radio heading north, looking forward to seeing his father, Craig.
His dad had invested in several more black sedans creating a specialist driver service for Mr Vere, his family, friends and business partners. He loved his job though was looking forward to extending his knowledge by attending University in London.

Georgie woke with a grumbling stomach, stretching, her fingers scraped the ceiling of the car, blinking her eyes open she remembered where she was. Reaching into the fridge she took out some cold water and some crackers. The window slid down between her and Gareth.
"Would you care for some real food, Ms Georgie?"
"Could we?"
"Yes of course. We're close to Cheshire Oaks. It's a huge fashion outlet and has some cafes."
"Sounds great. Am I allowed to shop?"
"Not this time. I'll pay for everything. We can't have you..."
"Yeah, yeah..." she muttered. "How much longer until we get to my sister?"
"They're about forty-five minutes from our destination. We can go straight there instead if you wish, Ms Georgie."
"Call me Georgie. You make me sound ancient."
"Sure," he smiled. "Here we go, Georgie. What do you fancy to eat?"
"Bacon, egg and chips and a coffee of some kind."
"I know just the place," he smiled and parked the car. "If you come with me," he stepped out of the car, opening her door and assisted her out. "My favourite cafe is just around the corner."
"I could get used to this," she giggled. leaving her hand on his arm.
Entering the cafe they took a seat and ordered their meals with coffee. The coffee arrived and Gareth's phone rang. Sliding his thumb across the screen he answered.
"Yes? We'll be there in just over an hour." and closed the phone putting it in his pocket.
"Who was that?"
"My dad. You'll meet him soon."
Their meals were put in front of them. "Do you need any sauces?"
"Tomato sauce please."
"Nothing for me thanks," said Gareth. "Tell me about yourself, Georgie."
"Not much to say. You already know I have a younger sister. She's been looking after me for a few years due to my anxiety and depression. I also have fibromyalgia which can put me out for days at a time. What about you?"
"Youngest son with three siblings. I'm the only one working in the business, though I'm heading for Uni to do a business degree next year."
"I wish. Sadly stuff like that won't happen for me," she continued to eat.
"What's Fibromyalgia? I think I've heard of it before...just not what it actually is."
"Pain. Intense pain, fatigue, depression...lots of different things."
"How do you handle it?"
"Sleep. Lots of sleep. It ain't nice at all," they finished eating, sipping their coffee. Gareth got up and paid and they left, chatting on the way back to the car.
Heading out of Cheshire Oaks, he drove towards Knutsford moving through the narrow lanes. Georgie stared at how narrow some of the roads were, holding on tight when cars headed towards them. Generally, cars gave way to each other. Through a small village and back out into the countryside they were soon driving up a long sweeping driveway stopping outside a large manor house.
"Where the hell am I?" her jaw dropped in shock.
"Your new home," he chuckled and assisted her out of the car. 
She stood and stared not seeing her sister, Gaynor hurry down the steps crushing her in a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're here," and burst into tears, which brought Georgie back to reality.
"Hush, don't cry. I'm safe. We'll be fine. We always have been." she stroked Gaynor's back becoming aware of two men approaching. 
Gaynor stepped back with a trembling smile. "This is Daniel Vere and his father Julian Vere. Julian organised getting you here."
"Will someone tell me what's going on? What the hell happened to your face Gaynor?"
"I will," smiled Julian, "after your sister has shown you to your room. Supper will be in the kitchen. Cookie is looking forward to meeting the baking wizard," he chuckled.
"Gaynor," she rolled her eyes.
"Which suite are you putting her in, Dad?"
"The room before Gaynors," he turned to Gareth. "Thank you for bringing her here, your dad's in the kitchen helping Cookie."
"More like stealing her biscuits."
"Go park the car and grab a drink, Gareth."
"Yes, sir." he grinned and left everyone to walk into the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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