Lucky or...Not?

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Gaynor woke the next morning with a groan, wishing it was Friday. Staggering into her bathroom, she showered, her back screaming at her as the water hit the lash marks. Drying off gently she looked at herself in the mirror.
"Shit," she touched her face gently. Her cheek was slightly swollen, worst though were the fingerprint bruises. "Makeup." She turned to look at her back wincing at the red wheals she found. No wonder the hot water made her scream. Closing her eyes she wondered if she should take a day off work. Deciding against it she dried her hair putting it in a bun, pulling on loose-fitting clothing and makeup.
Not feeling like breakfast, she grabbed her backpack, heading to work.

Daniel watched Gaynor enter the design room from his cubicle. Her head was down. She didn't look at anything or anyone. Biting his lip he let her settle at her station and start work on her project. Concern laced his face. By lunchtime, he noticed she'd not moved, hadn't taken a break, gone to the ladies room or anything.
Standing beside her cubicle he watched her work. 
"Hey, it's lunchtime."
"Don't have time, go away."
He crouched down beside her, taking her art pad from her hands, turning her towards him. She sighed. 
"You need substance. You've not taken a break all morning."
"How the hell do you know," she snarled looking up for the first time.
Daniel's eyes widened for a second noticing the slight bruising on her cheek.
"Go away," she turned her chair back to her desk.
Standing, he left the design department moving to his mother's office. Knocking her entered to find it vacant. Taking out his cellphone he called her.
"I need you to take a look at Gaynor. Whatever's going on has escalated. She won't talk to me."
"Where are you?"
"At your office."
"I'll be there in thirty. Go have your lunch."
"Thanks, mum."
"Do I need to bring Samuel?"
"You may want to signal him when you chat with Gaynor. have him on standby. I think this is serious. I don't like seeing bruises on women."
"Bruises. Damn. Why didn't you say? Stay where you are. I'll be back shortly with Sam."
Fifteen minutes later, Virginia and Samuel walked into her office to find Daniel sitting on her sofa waiting.
"Tell me."
"Dressed the same as yesterday, hair in a bun, bruising on her face under makeup. Head down, not looking at anything or anyone. Didn't take a break this morning and won't go to lunch."
"Bruising means some form of abuse, especially with her other actions. I suggest you talk to her, Virginia. She may open up to you."
"Dan go get your lunch. I'll call you if we need you."
"Thanks, mum," he smiled, kissing her cheek."
Daniel left, feeling a bit better, hoping all would be sorted out.

"How are you going to handle this, Virginia?"
"I'll email her about her work and ask her to come see me."
"Ok. I'll disappear for now. Make sure you text me if you need to."
"Thanks, Sam," she smiled as he left.
Drafting an email to Gaynor, she sent it and waited.

Daniel went to the cafe buying lunch for himself and Gaynor, wanting to make sure she ate something. Heading back to work he was accosted by a rather large muscular man.
"Careful where you're going," Daniel went to dodge around him without success. Looking at the man for the first time he frowned. "What?"
"Touch Gaynor again and you'll be sorry. I'll break every fucking bone in your body until you're a pile of pulp on the ground," he snarled.
"Don't play dumb. I saw you yesterday."
"Oh. My workmate. I didn't touch her!"
"Holding hands."
"Right. I was being her friend. Never mind. You can have her, no big deal to me."
His face moved closer. "I will..."
"I'm late with lunch already. Get the fuck outta my way. I promise not to touch her or whatever...again." he shoved past the man entering Thadiun Enterprise moments later calling Samuel.
"Whatever Gaynor is mixed up in is serious. I just got reamed by a huge bodybuilder type guy, warning me off touching her."
"Shit. Meet me at your mother's office we're going in. This has to be stopped."

Gaynor read her email and smiled. Picking up her art pad she wandered down to Mrs Vere's office and knocked. Entering to find Virginia working.
"Please, sit down, Gaynor. I like the work I've been seeing for your new product."
"I haven't really done anything yet, Mrs Vere."
Virginia looked up trying hard not to see Gaynor's bruising. "The concept is great. Even better than Daniels."
"Thank you, Mrs Vere."
"Call me Virginia. Now since you've..." A knock at her door and Samuel and Daniel entered together. "What do you want?" she frowned.
"I-I'd better go," muttered Gaynor.
"Sit down, Gaynor," Daniel put his hand gently on her body which shuddered.
Samuel shut the door. Virginia sat back.
"Your lounge area would be a good place for this discussion!"
"What discussion."
"I-I need to get back to work."
"You are part of the conversation, Gaynor."
"This way," sighed Virginia, trying her best to support."
Gaynor sat on the sofa, Daniel handed her a sandwich and a bottle of water, then sat beside her.
"I have a feeling you've not eaten today."
"W-what's going on."
"I'm concerned about you, Gaynor," said Daniel. "You've changed totally in the last forty-eight hours. Today you have bruising on your cheek, and it's swollen."
"Shit," she whispered, body shuddering, tears tumbling.
Virginia got up entering her bathroom she came out with a warm wash-cloth. 
"Here wash your face."
"H-how did you..."
"With a family like mine, you tend to notice things when they're off. Will you talk to us so we can help you."
"Nobody can help me," she washed her face, the makeup coming off. She looked up. Virginia gasped, Samuel, paled.
"Fuck," muttered Daniel, rubbing her back when she froze, her eyes full of pain. "Tell us. Do you have any other injuries? A boyfriend?"
Gaynor began to giggle, which were joined by hiccups and more tears.
"I don't have a boyfriend. I fell over and hit the door jamb. I'm fine."
"A man verbally abused me today for touching you. Please don't lie or pretend nothing is going on," said Daniel.
"Damn. You won't believe me even if I tell you."
"Try us," said Samuel.
"I have an older sister. Her boyfriend died in an explosion a few years ago. She was devastated by his death."
"Go one," said Virginia.
"I'm not sure what's going on. Blaine is alive, evil and I'm..." her voice wobbled. "He's made me his whore."
"Fuck," Daniel got up and started to pace.
"Why didn't you report it to the..."
"How can she if the guy is meant to be dead, Daniel?"
"Damn it, mum," he turned back to look over the city. "What the hell are we going to do?"
"There isn't anything you can do," Gaynor sighed. "It is what it is. I'd better..."
"Not happening. You're staying right there," said Samuel taking out his phone.
"You can't. He'll hurt my sister..."
"How can he if he's dead," Sam replied.
Gaynor sighed, closing her eyes resting her head back on the sofa. Daniel sat down, taking her into his arms.
"Julian. We have a situation here."
"One of our staff members is being abused. We need to remove her from the situation."
"I'll be there in an hour."
"Please, just let me go."
"We look after all our staff, Gaynor."
"I resign."
"Not happening, Gaynor. Now eat your lunch and stay with Daniel."
Virginia and Samuel went back to her office leaving Daniel and Gaynor alone.
"You shouldn't have done this, Daniel. They're vicious."
"My family have seen vicious before."
"He's bad news."
"I'm not sure what you know about my family, Gaynor. However, my parents were nearly murdered before my birth. In Fact, I lost my twin."
"I didn't know."
"Eat. Let them sort this mess out. I promise you won't..."
Julian entered.
"We have a plan."
"From the look on your face, I'm not going to like it am I, Dad?" said Daniel.
"No. It has to be done though."
"Damn. You want her to..."
"Want me to what?"
"Be a victim once more. Play the part. You'll be tracked and we'll have people in place watching the watcher."
"Ok. He's expecting me on Saturday."
"I'm going to give you a hairpiece to wear in your braid along with an anklet. One is a tracker and the other will record everything which happens. We don't want you hurt any further, though we need you to get him to say his name."
"I can do that."
"Do you have any injuries. I felt you freeze when I touched your back."
"H-he whipped me."
"Shit. We'll deal with him, Gaynor. Of that, I promise," snapped Julian. "Take her to medical and get her back seen too," he said to Virginia.
"I'll take her."
"No. Let your mother deal with this. She'll be more comfortable with a woman."
"I'm honestly fine. Don't worry about it," she shrugged.
"Not happening," growled Daniel. "You go with my mother or with me."
"Your mother," she sighed.
"On Friday I'll need you to report to Virginia for your accessories. I promise to make sure you're safe."
"Yes, Mr Vere."
"One other thing to remember. The man watching you..."
"He needs to see you as you are now. Your posture, your clothing...etc."
"I can manage that. Thank you for helping me."
"Welcome." Julian left, Virginia and Gaynor following after him.
"You like her don't you," said Samuel as the door closed behind them.
"Yes. I've no idea why. I didn't even know she bloody well existed until the other day."
"How did you meet?"
"She was hurrying down the stairs, crashing into me..." Sam burst out laughing. "What?"
"Exactly the same way your dad meet your mother. Fated or what," he chuckled leaving Virginia's office and a blank-faced Daniel behind.

Gaynor sat on the bed in the medical wing where a nurse looked after people who were sick, had accidents etc. She swung her legs back and forth, arms across her chest.
"I really don't need anything. I'll be fine.
"Will you do this for Daniel," said Virginia. "He really likes you and is concerned."
Closing her eyes she gave in, opening the buttons on her blouse letting it slip off her arms, Virginia lay it across a chair.
"Roll onto your stomach," said the nurse. Gaynor did as she was asked, closing her eyes when heard the nurse gasp. "Dear Lord in heaven.
Virginia winced taking some photos with her phone while the nurse swabbed her back then soothed cream over the lash marks. "Make sure you give her some antibiotics as well," Virginia said as she sat down, biting her lip in anger.
"Do they cover your buttocks as well," she murmured. "If so may I."
"Yes and yes," she muttered. "Probably worse."
The nurse lifted and pushed her clothing down. "You need stitches in these Ms Wild."
"I really should..."
"She'll have them dealt with on Sunday. Take my word on this."
"OK, Mrs Vere. The antibiotics should help."
"Thank you, nurse."
Gaynor winced as her wounds were cleaned and cream put over them. Closing her eyes she cried quietly and fell asleep.
"She's asleep, Mrs Vere."
"Keep her hear, put a sheet and quilt over her and tell her she's to stay put until I take her home."
"I can't believe someone could do that to anyone," standing up. "I need to get back to work. Let me know if she needs anything," and left to report back to Julian.

Virginia walked into Samuels office sitting down on the couch staring blankly in front of her. Samuel sat beside her and Julian crossed from the window a scowl on his face.
"How is she?"
"Her back is a mess. She was whipped without mercy. It wasn't even BDSM—more like torture. That man, Blaine is bloody evil. If I get my hands on him..." She showed the photos to Julian and Sam.
"You'll have to wait your turn, sweetheart," he snapped, handing the photos to Sam.
"She may need to go to hospital for the wounds on her... Oh god, Julian..." she sobbed.
"Maybe setting a trap isn't a good idea," said Samuel.
"If we make her disappear, he'll search for her. If we trap him...He'll end in prison. I'll make sure of it."
"Good point," said Samuel. "What are we going to do after the fact?"
"Gaynor's attending University in Manchester next year. How about we get Daniel to attend the same Uni and they live at home...where he grew up."
"Now that is a good plan, Virginia," smiled Julian.
"They still both need portfolios."
"They can work from the house. We can create an office for them. Most things are digital now anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem."
"True enough Virginia."
"We just need to persuade Gaynor—somehow," sigh Julian. "It seems she's a stubborn young lady."


Lincoln knocked on her door that evening. Gaynor sighed, opening it indicating he entered.
"Who dropped you off and why?"
"My girlfriend," she snapped. Lincoln grabbed her throat making her choke.
"Who was she?" he let go.
"My fucking boss. We had a late meeting and she decided to drop me off. Happy now?"
"Blaine wants to see you."
"He can fuck off until Saturday."
"He gets what he wants when he wants, sweetheart." He grabbed her arm dragging her out of her apartment, down the lift and into a car.
"I hope you shut my front door."
"Only thing worth anything is sitting beside me," he smirked. Gaynor folded her arms and ignored him until she was shoved into the warehouse.
Blaine was standing there, buck naked stroking his dick. "You really thought I'd wait until Saturday, Gaynor."
"Obviously not, Master."
"Glad you remembered. Now strip and come suck my dick. It likes your tight mouth."
Trying not to roll her eyes, she removed her clothes, walking up to him her hands on his hips she slipped down to her knees opening her mouth letting him thrust inside. She relaxed as much as she could though still choked. Breathing through her nose she sucked and hummed around his shaft until he came hard. Gaynor didn't drop any. 
His hands twisted in her hair yanking her up off the floor. He dragged her to a chair pushing her over it.
"Now what, Master?"
"I do love your stripes. They're lush." he spread her butt cheeks thrusting to her core, the chair and Gaynor jerking forward with the force. He grabbed her breasts, his fingers tugging the nipple rings. "I'm so pleased you remembered to wear your nipple rings." One hand moved away. She felt a cold chain pull her breasts closer together and screamed when a small weight was added. "Shut the fuck up or I'll fuck your back hole."
Gaynor closed her eyes as he rode her hard. Close to climax he stopped and withdrew. She went to stand up when his hand came down on her neck. Something cool and solid moved around her throat and she heard a click. He yanked her up making her squeal as the weight between her breasts swung.
"What the hell..."
"Next time you speak, I'll gag you, Gaynor." He attached a leash to the collar dragging her over to a huge bed. "For the next twenty-four hours, you're going to get some training so you're ready to perform on Saturday."
"M-master. A question please."
"My job. I can't miss work..."
"Tough fucking luck."
"They'll know something is wrong, Master. I never take time off work."
He narrowed his eyes. "You can go home. Lincoln will pick you up from your apartment at six on Friday. Your training will commence from six-thirty until your performance."
"T-thank you, Master."
He removed the leash tossing her clothes at her. "Get dressed while I call Lincoln to come get you. The collar stays on until I've finished with you."
"Yes, Master."
Gaynor dressed quickly ignoring the pain from her back. Once dressed she walked to his side and knelt down. His hand moved to her hair. Yanking back her head he glared.
"Tell no one. Especially not that bitch of a sister of yours."
She nodded.

Lincoln arrived hauling her off the floor he shoved her into the car taking her back to her apartment.
"I'll see you on Friday. Remember I'm watching you."
She slipped out of the car hurrying up to her apartment, showering and went to bed.

It was Thursday, biting her lip she went to see Mrs Vere. Knocking on the office door she waited. Phillipa walked past, glaring at her.
"What are you doing here?"
"None of your business," she retorted.
"Don't you talk..."
"Phillipa. A word please," said Virginia and entered her office with her coffee. "I'll be with you shortly Gaynor. Apologies for being late for our meeting."
"Thank you for seeing me, Mrs Vere," and stepped back letting a smirking Phillipa enter the office closing the door behind her.

Gaynor turned her back on the office, staring out over the city. Hearing the door open she started to turn but decided not to. Heels hurried away, the door closing. Five minutes later the door opened again.
"You can come in now, Ms Wild," offering her a seat. "What can I do for you?"
"Blaine wants me Friday at six. He had Lincoln grab me yesterday."
"Shit. Why didn't you report..."
"There wasn't anything you could do. I know you're still making arrangements..." she sighed. "I need to know if they'll be ready before I leave work tomorrow."
"Yes. I need you to report the executive suite at four tomorrow afternoon. In fact, get Daniel to bring you up. He needs to know you're going to be all right."
"I don't need..."
"He needs you. Men are like that," she chuckled.
"Right. Thank you. I'd better get back to work."
"We'll see you on Friday."

On the Wild Side - Daniel St Claire Vere's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now