Taking Him Down

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Gaynor wasn't scared of Blaine overly much. She knew him prior to his evil streak appearing and though hating him for whoring her at least it wasn't with others. Her body enjoyed sex until it went bad. The abuse of her body she hated him for. It hadn't been necessary. Now he was getting his comeuppance and though leery of what might happen, she knew Daniel and his parents would save her from a man she now loathed.

Entering the executive suite she was met by Karen, Samuel Hatton's PA and escorted to a small conference room where Julian and Virginia were waiting.
"Good luck," whispered Karen, closing the door behind her.
"Afternoon, Gaynor. Please take a seat."
"What's going to happen?"
"You do exactly what you're told. We'll be tracking you and listening. I have organised security to get you out of there along with the police—via an old detective friend. They'll enter the scene as you are rescued." said Julian.
"I will be on-site to help you once we have you safe," smiled Virginia.
"If you see anyone you know. Ignore them. They will be there for a reason, they may act out of character. Do not give them up to Blaine or you may not survive."
"Thank you. You mentioned items I would wear..." Julian pushed two boxes over the top of the desk. Gaynor opened them and gasped. "These are too much. He'll know something is ..."
"An old friend...or grandparents...perhaps inherited," suggested Virginia.
"Grandparents would work." She picked up the delicate chain with small gems around it and put it around her right ankle. It was light and she couldn't see the listening device. Next, she took out the bone hair comb. It was small and dainty and would fit under her braid. "What happens if he takes my hair out of its braid? He seems to like fucking me with my hair twisted in his hand."
"We're hoping to have you out of there before he has a chance to have intercourse."
"Fucking is fucking, Mr Vere. I like sex. The main problem to me is the abuse, which was uncalled for and the insistent derogatory use of my body as if ... well, it doesn't matter. My sister will be horrified when she finds out."
"We'll deal with the aftermath once we have you safe, Gaynor."
"Thank you, Mr Vere, Mrs Vere," she nodded tucking the hair comb under her braid and left to finish her days work.
"I want to be there," said Daniel from the apartment door linked to the office.
"I don't think it's a good idea. You may see more than you wish."
"I can't just stand to one side, Dad."
"You in love with her, Daniel."
"No. I do care though. Isn't that how you both bought us kids' up? To look after others."
"Yes. I just don't want you to put a foot out of place and ruin the plans. If he gets off prison time..."
"I understand, Dad. I'll stay with mum."
"Will that be ok with you, Virginia?"
"Sensible idea, Julian."
"Fine then. Be ready and here at five-thirty."
"Thanks, Dad." he grinned, leaving the office.
"You do realise he's a gonna," giggled Virginia.
"Apparently he met Gaynor the same way I first met you, except here at work."
"Fated." They laughed.


Gaynor arrived at her apartment to find another parcel on her doorstep. Sighing she picked it up and went inside. She had an hour to eat, shower and get ready. Opening some instant noodles she heated the kettle. While waiting she ripped open the package.
"For fuck's sake," she picked up the skimpy outfit. "May as well go fucking naked."
The kettle boiled, she poured the hot water into her cup to soak. Moving to the bathroom she removed her clothes and jewellery and showered, washing her hair. Drying off, she covered her body in body cream, put her hair in a towel to dry off and replaced her anklet, shoving her bone hair comb in her robe pocket while she went to eat.
Blow drying her hair, she brushed it and put it into a braid, taking the comb out of her pocket she tucked it up underneath the braid. Picking up the package she entered her bedroom, doing her make-up and picking up the... thong and nipple rings, which were weighted. At the bottom of the package was a see-through skirt with chains. Staring at it for a moment, she blinked wondering how to attach it and to where. Pulling the skirt on she attached the chains to her collar at the back of her neck. The front chains moved through her nipple rings and attached to the front of the collar. 
Pulling on her four-inch heels and a long coat she went back to the lounge when a knock came on the door. Closing her eyes for a moment she moved to the door opening it to find Lincoln standing there smirking. He stepped inside.
"I need to see, boss says."
"Whatever," she shrugged her coat off her shoulders to her arms.
"Drop the coat and turn." She obliged. "Very nice." He grabbed her arm pulling her towards the door.
"I'm not going outside without my coat," she yanked her arm back. "I'll remove it in the car when we get there."
"Boss says..."
"I don't fucking care what Blaine says, Lincoln."
"Your punishment, sweetheart."
"You should try taking some of his whipping, Lincoln, see how long you last," she smirked, pulling on her coat and walked out locking her door."
"Whatever, Ms Wild."
"Oh so respectful all of a sudden. I wonder why? What's Blaine up to?"
"You'll find out in half an hour," he chuckled.
Down the elevator, he escorted her to the car helping her into the passenger seat. Gaynor winced as her back touched the leather, crossing her arms under her small pert breasts.
"Do I need to prepare for anything?"
"You'll see soon enough, Ms Wild."
"Tell me, you asshat," she snapped.
"I can't. I don't know. I wasn't invited. All I get to do tonight is deliver you to the door without your coat. You enter by yourself."
Gaynor closed her eyes, praying Mr Vere was listening and ready. "Where is the warehouse anyway?"
"Why not. It's not as if I can tell anyone I'm fucking a dead man... which by the way sounds totally gross."
"He's very much alive, luckily for you and unlucky for you too," he chuckled. 
They arrived at the warehouse on the River Thames in Woolwich. Lincoln stepped out of the car looking around before moving to assist Gaynor.
"You're being unusually careful, Lincoln."
"Got to look after you, Ms Wild."
"Let's get this over with."
"This is the beginning," he smirked down at her, "the end is a long way away."
"Whatever. I suppose I'll deal with it," she shrugged pasting a smile on her face and taking Lincoln's arm. "Same door?"
"Yes. Though the stage has been set," he replied. 
Arriving at the door, Lincoln took her coat, checking her over then knocked on the door, and stepping back into the shadows to watch. The door opened, a dim light was seen as Gaynor stepped inside, the door closing behind her. Lincoln made his way back to his car, getting in the back telling the driver to move. The man turned smiled.
"Time to give Ms Wild some justice, Lincoln."
"Who the fuck are you?" 
The doors opened, two other men got inside, the doors locking as the car started and sped away.  Feeling a pinprick, Lincoln started to fight only to fall back unconscious.

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