Young Lovers

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Gaynor Wild sat in the back seat of a private car along with a grim-looking Julian Vere. She watched his fingers tapping on the seat until she'd had enough.
"Stop doing that. It's bloody annoying. Where the hell are we going?"
"First we're going to collect Daniel and then we need to find you some decent clothing and a disguise. Virginia will assist with that, so don't look too shocked," he chuckled.
"Why do I need..."
"Whoever the man was, the police had been after him for a long time. You need to be protected like we said last night. Obviously you can't go back to your apartment or your old life. 
"I can't leave my sister on her own. She can't cope if I died.."
"I'll see what I can do. Perhaps she'll be able to move as well."
"You'd do that?"
"I protect my employees and my children." he smiled.
"About Daniel. What is...why is he going to wherever with us?"
"He'll be attending University with you next year to study art and business. In fact, we can get you started for the last semester if you wish."
"Why Manchester?"
"My family grew up in Kidsgrove which is a small town close by. You'll get to live in the manor with Daniel. Most of the children are at boarding school and only home for the school holidays so it will be quiet most of the time."
"How many kids?"
Daniel is the eldest of eight...who is due to arrive in a couple of months. This means you'll have Virginia back at the manor as well." The driver stopped the car, the passenger door opened on the right and Daniel slid inside.
"Hey. How are you feeling?"
"Hate hospitals. You never get any rest."
"She's in a mood, Daniel," Julian smirked.
"I can't say I blame her, Dad." The car set off again. "Where are we heading first?"
"Straight up the motorway towards home. We'll have lunch and go shopping..."
"What about mum?"
"She left early this morning to get the house ready. She'll meet us in Manchester so Gaynor can go shopping."
"I'm right here you know boys," she glowered at them.
"Apologies. You rest. You look worn out, Gaynor." Gaynor closed her eyes, ignoring the men eventually falling asleep. The last words she heard were Julian saying "You've got your hands full there son," and chuckled.

Daniel glared at his dad then rolled his eyes when he smirked.
"Nothing is happening. Leave her be." he reached forward taking out his art pad, and pencil, proceeding to ignore his father and draw. 
Julian sighed and got to work on his laptop hoping things would work out. Meanwhile, their driver shook his head and chuckled. Craig loved working with Julian and wasn't looking forward to retirement in a few years' time. Sighing he continued on his way looking forward to seeing the manor once more.

Arriving in Kidsgrove, Craig drove down the small country lanes, twisting and turning, stopping and starting. all this eventually woke Gaynor.  Stretching and rubbing her eyes she looked out the windows with a frown, seeing nothing but hedgerows.
"Where the hell are we?"
"In the countryside," replied Daniel.
"I can see that," she snapped.
"We'll be at the manor in about ten minutes," smiled Julian.
"I thought we were going shopping first. I'm hungry too."
"You'll be going tomorrow. Something came up and we have interviews and statements to do once you've rested."
"Damn it," she sighed. "Have you contacted my sister?"
"No. All in due course."
"She'll start worrying if she doesn't hear from me before the weekend."
"It is the weekend, Gaynor and you can ring her from the manor. Do not in any shape or form tell her where you are."
"Why not?"
Julian sighed. "You really don't get it, do you! You're in danger. Your sister could have her phone tapped. They could trace the call. In fact, I'll give you a burner phone."
"Who the hell are you?"
"Julian Vere," Daniel chuckled.
"Not fucking funny, Dan."
"The name's Daniel," he scowled, closing his art pad and putting it into his bag as they turned up a driveway.
"I own Thadiun Enterprise. That's all you need to know, Gaynor Wild," he smiled seeing his home for the first time in weeks. "Welcome to Vere Manor."
Gaynor gasped in shock. The place was huge. "Bloody hell," she muttered as the car came to a stop and Craig opened her door. 
Climbing out she stared at the creamy grey stone of the four-storey manor. It had huge Georgian windows and small balconies on the third floor.
"This is where I grew up unless I was at boarding school," grinned Daniel. He took her hand dragging her up the steps, "let me show you around."
"Daniel. You're both in the West wing. You in the blue suite and Gaynor in the green suite. Bring her back for lunch which will be ready in about half an hour."
"Yes Dad," he rolled his eyes. "Come on..." he pushed open the front doors stepping into the foyer, their feet clattering on the dark oak floor. "What do you think?"
"You can let go of my hand now, Daniel," she said, her cheeks pink.
"Sorry," he let go. "Well?"
"It's big. The staircases are fabulous. Show me around then and keep your hands to yourself."
"Whatever, Gaynor," he muttered. "follow me. Downstairs are the main lounge, a small parlour, ballroom, official dining room, study and kitchens at the back. Most of the time we eat in the kitchen which I'll show you when we come down for lunch. I'll show you upstairs.
"This bannister is lovely," she smoothed her hands over it smoothe wood, Daniel bit his lip and looked away.
"It's original to the building. The manor was built in the early 1800s on the site of an Elizabeth manor which was burnt to the ground. Turn left and we'll head to the west wing and you can see your apartment."
He passed three doors and opened the fourth. "Here you go. The green suite...or apartment."
"Bloody hell," she gasped as she stood on the threshold. "This is huge, bigger than my flat in the city."
"As you can see you have a sitting area, through those two doors you'll find your bedroom and an ensuite bathroom. This is your private domain."
"Where's your room?"
"Next door. Same arrangements as this one."
"I'm not sure I like you so close," she muttered.
Daniel glared, stepping towards her until she was backed up against a wall. He stared down at her. "Play nice," he cupped her chin so they were looking at each other. "This is my home. My dad is providing you with security from something ugly. I won't hurt you. I may be attracted to you, Gaynor. However, I won't..."
"Shut the fuck up, Daniel and kiss me."
He stumbled back in shock.
"No. Not a good idea. You start something now, it won't finish anytime soon."
"You a virgin or something?"
"What the fuck do you care, you don't even like me. Leave me alone, Gaynor and we'll get along fine.  I'll come to get you in ten minutes for lunch." Turning away he left, shutting the door quietly.
"Well damn," she muttered and went to explore her bedroom.

On the Wild Side - Daniel St Claire Vere's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now