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"That wasn't nice." Cami glared at the hybrid.
"On the contrary, love." He shrugged. "Ark loves rarely, but he loves deeply. He loves Bonnie."
"So bringing up the girl who broke his heart by attempting to kill him is, what? You being kind? Huh, I wonder what you being mean to him is like."
"She didn't break his heart by attempting to kill him. She broke it by trying to kill his family. More specifically, Kol and Rebekah."
"I'm stuck on why you'd think bringing her up is in any way good."
"Because she's the second woman he's ever loved in his life. And the last time, it took him three centuries to find someone new. He'll always love the Bennett witch, darling." He smirked. "It'll take him some time but he'll eventually get over her betrayal. He might need a couple nudges every now and then, but she's still alive, which means he can go back to her. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen Arkyn happy. And Mystic Falls with Bonnie was one."
"Why did you tell me you were the reason they broke up?"
"The Bennett witch has plenty reason to want me dead. I killed her once, and her friend, and threatened a lot of people she loved. My actions led to her betraying him."
"That's a lot of responsibility for you. What did you do to him that was so terrible that you feel this much remorse."
"It's your uncle's funeral, Cami. My family issues can wait."
"Well, I'd rather focus on your family issues than mine." She rolled her eyes. Klaus sat where Arkyn was sitting.
"What's that supposed to mean, love?"
"I'm guessing she means me." Caitlyn approached their table. "Hey, what happened to the other guy?"
"Klaus, this is my sister. Caitlyn, this is Klaus. He's actually Ark's brother."
"You have a sister?" Cami glared at Klaus, meaningfully.
"Huh." Caitlyn sized up Klaus. "Your brother's cuter."
"Since when have you had a sister?" Klaus frowned at Cami.
"You know, it's been about nineteen years, now." Caitlyn answered.
"Right. I apologise, I didn't know there was another O'Connell."
"I didn't know you were very familiar with my family."
"I admired your uncle. He was a very respectable man."
"You don't strike me as the kind of guy who goes to church." Caitlyn folded her arms, looking Klaus up and down.
"Caitlyn." Cami snapped at her sister. She turned to Klaus. "Don't you have someplace else to be?" Klaus nodded at Caitlyn and smiled sympathetically at Cami before walking away from them. Caitlyn threw herself into the chair Klaus vacated.
"I don't know what it is, but the guys in this city have grown considerably hotter since I left." Caitlyn attempted to take Cami's drink but the older girl pulled it away.
"You're not even twenty one." Cami said.
"Well we've lost yet another relative in this godforsaken town, so I think a drink is warranted."
"I guess you're not sticking around, then."
"Sticking around for what?" Caitlyn scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Uncle K is dead. And so is Sean. After all that, why would you want to stay here?"
"Because New Orleans is home. You don't have to stay, you can be free, but for me this is the town uncle K believed in. He believed it had a capacity for good."
"And look how well that turned out for him."
"I have a life here now, Caity. I don't expect you to understand. You were right, about getting out. You should do what makes you happy. And if going on adventures around the globe is what makes you happy then do it. Don't stop. Just keep going and be happy."
"Happy? Is that what you think I am? When was the last time you spoke to dad? I mean, we're at his brother's funeral and he's not here. Our brother is dead, because he apparently lost his mind and killed nine other seminary students before killing himself. Face it, Cami, happy just isn't in the cards for us. I mean you can't even look at me. Dad hasn't been dad since before he decided to ship me off to live with uncle K, and Sean's dead too."
"I've lost too many in this town, and I don't want to lose you too. Come with me, Cami. It'll be me and you."
"I can't leave New Orleans."
"Fine." Caitlyn stood up, upset. "But when it's your funeral, I won't come back." Caitlyn stormed off again. She wandered the streets, recalling her fights with Kieran.

She found herself at a bar further away from her sister, drinking away her sorrows.
"Hey." A man came up to her, sliding into the seat beside her. She looked at him unimpressed. "How about I buy you a drink?"
"I'm capable of buying my own drinks, thank you very much." She rolled her eyes gesturing at her glass.
"Then how about you buy me a drink?"
"No thanks." She tried to turn away.
"Hey, come on." He said his hand over to touch her arm, slipping a pill into her drink, not that she noticed. She glared at him, before picking up her drink and finishing it, and stood.
"I said no." She tried to walk away. She only got a few steps before stumbling. The man was at her side in an instant.
"I got you."
"Leave me alone." She tried to shrug him off, her words beginning to slur. "I'm fine."
"No you're not." He half carried half dragged her out.
"Leave- Leave me alone." She tried to struggle, though not very successfully. He ignored her pleas.

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