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Cassandra had said she needed to prepare for the spell and that she'd meet him later on. He called Rebekah to tell her that she could relax, and stay with Hayley. He didn't need her help after all. Arkyn then headed to the cemetery to find his brother. He was in the playhouse alone.
"What happened? Davina find someone better?" He teased.
"You weren't serious, earlier, were you? You can't throw your life away for me."
"Then say yes to the spell."
"Rebekah's not trained enough for a spell of that magnitude."
"Good thing Rebekah's not doing the spell, then."
"Leave Davina out of this."
"Not Davina either."
"Nope. A... friend of a friend. We can trust her."
"You expect me to believe you just pulled a trained and willing witch out of your pocket, just like that?"
"Not just like that. I now owe her, but she's helped save my life before. By which I mean a couple of days ago."
"You completely trust her?"
"I don't completely trust anyone except you. But I do trust that she's going to help us."
"It's dangerous."
"Yeah, I know."
"I don't want you to get hurt."
"Well, I don't want you to die."
"You have a lot of reasons to keep going. I know you're upset- that Bonnie dying's weighing on you, but Ark, you still have your kids, and Rebekah."
"Oh, about that. Apparently, Bonnie's not dead. She's in a prison world thing."
"A prison world? That's some pretty big magic."
"Well, she'll probably get out, and for the love of god, if it gets you to stop brooding, give her another chance." Arkyn looked at his brother seriously for a moment.
"I can't." He said.
"Why not?"
"Because we've got enough enemies in New Orleans. My number one priority has to be Hope. She's a baby, and she needs to be safe. I can't be with Bonnie and protect Hope."
"Nik, Rebekah and Elijah are well equipped at looking after a child well enough."
"You're kidding?" Kol didn't look like he believed his own words.
"They'll be fine. You need to choose yourself."
"For once, take your own advice. Time and time again you have sacrificed everything for me."
"Because I know how to be a Mikaelson and be happy. You don't."
"For the first time in your life you are in an actual real relationship. You want to give up on that?"
"I don't want to. I have no choice."
"You know you have a choice. You have never had a problem being selfish. What makes it different now."
"It's different because it's you, Ark. I can't put you in danger on the off chance that it could possibly save my life."
"Fine." Arkyn said. He reached into his waistband, pulling out a stake.
"Don't tell me that's what I think it is."
"Depends. Do you think it's one of the only two weapons that can kill an original?"
"What the hell are you doing, Ark?"
"I'm not Klaus. I'm not gonna hold you down and dagger you. But if you think I'll let you off easy, you're wrong. You wanna go and die? Go ahead. But don't get mad when I choose to follow you."
"You can't do this."
"It's my choice. If you make yours, I'll make mine."
"When the hell did you get so bloody stubborn?"
"I won't let you keep sacrificing yourself for me. And I have a witch willing to help, I have a spell that I know will work. And I will work to make sure we do find a way to undo that hex Finn put on you."
"I don't know yet. But I'll figure it out. Kol, please. I told you, I won't live on this earth without you again."
"Let's have a look at that spell again, then, shall we?" He huffed and Arkyn handed over the journal. Kol stared at every single line carefully, trying to spot a mistake. "Oh, bloody hell."
"What's the matter?" Arkyn smirked, smug.
"Where's your witch?"
"We're going to the church. I mean Cassie doesn't feel like inviting a vampire into her home, and I didn't think you wanted anyone in here, and there's way too many people at the compound for the wedding."
"Let's go."

Kol reluctantly followed his brother to St Anne's.
"You can't keep sulking, you know. I'll make sure to take good care of this mortal body of yours."
"I'm not sulking."
"Yes, you are. Relax. You'll have a day to get your affairs in order, talk to your girlfriend before..." Arkyn trailed off.
"Before you dagger me."
"Will you be able to?"
"Will I be able to what?"
"When it comes down to it. Will you be able to dagger me?"
"Are you seriously going to worry about me?"
"Beats worrying about myself. It's easier to look out for you."
"I will do whatever's necessary to keep you alive."
"Daggers are still a sore spot for you, aren't they?"
"We're here." Arkyn cut his brother off, leading him up the stairs. Cassandra was readying the area for the ritual.
"Who's this witch anyway?"
"Long story." Arkyn shrugged.
"We have time."
"No we don't." Cassandra looked up, scowling.
"You don't look very fond of me."
"Knowing what I do, it's hard to be."
"And what do you know?"
"Stories." Arkyn cut in. "Just like pretty much all witches, she's heard stories of you. Of vampire you."
"Why do we trust her if, by the looks of her, she doesn't care if we live or die?"
"Stop stalling, Kol. Or I'll call Alexis and set her on you."
"You're going to tell Lex to come to New Orleans?" Kol scoffed. "I know you better than that."
"Enough squabbling. I need both of you on the bed." Cassandra ordered. Arkyn glared at his brother until Kol reluctantly sat on the bed.

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