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When Arkyn got to the compound, he walked in on Hayley holding Hope, standing next to a man. He looked over and saw his brothers not too far away.
"Where's Rebekah?" He asked.
"Bored of Kol already?" Klaus smirked. He rolled his eyes.
"I need her magic to save his life. You know, that thing you promised to help out with but haven't actually given a second thought."
"Well, with you on the case, what could I possibly contribute?" Klaus shrugged. "I am curious, though about what you're hiding though. Does Cami know about the second time you saved her sister's life?"
"I talked to Caroline yesterday." Arkyn said casually. That shut Klaus up pretty quick.
"Rebekah should be back soon. She said she had some errands to run." Elijah answered and Arkyn nodded.
"How was Caroline?" Klaus asked softly.
"Not so great." Arkyn replied. "Her mother's ill, and there's nothing anyone can do for her. She's not exactly living her best life."
"Ill how?"
"Cancer. She doesn't have very long."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"So was I. Do me a favour Klaus- leave the Caitlyn thing alone. Just focus on your problems, like how we're going to deal with Finn, and protect your daughter."
"Is there anything you need from us regarding Kol?" Elijah asked.
"I just need Rebekah's help for the actual spell."
"What spell?"
"Don't ask me until we know it works." He shook his head. "I'm going to head inside, get a change of clothes."
"By the way, Rebekah had an entire wardrobe stocked from you in your room. No twin of hers was going to live like, well... even I don't want to repeat the words she used." Klaus clapped him on the back.

Two hours later, Ark had taken a shower, put on some fresh clothes (he'd stolen some of Kol's. His taste didn't match Rebekah's and she'd taken full advantage of his empty wardrobe) and continued working on the spell for Kol. He was too immersed to notice Caitlyn in the doorway.
"You look cute, so focused like that." She giggled. He looked up.
"What?" She laughed harder at him. "Hi."
"Hey, Ark. What are you working on?"
"Just a little magic. Trying to figure out a spell."
"But you're not a witch."
"No, Rebekah's going to do the actual magic. But I used to be a warlock, plus Kol's always been obsessed with magic, so I know a few things."
"Oh, that's cool." She said. "Come on. You're taking a break."
"Because I'm hungry, also this compound suddenly looks like a freaking hotel. Who are all those guys downstairs?"
"Hayley's fiancé's pack. She's getting married tonight."
"Come on. I'm starving! Feed me."
"Where's your sister?"
"I don't know. With your brother?"
"Okay, what do you want to eat?"
"Finally. I don't know. Wait, no. Yes I do. Follow me."
"Okay, but I need to get some ingredients for this spell."
"Sure." She said as he stood. He let her drag him outside, noticing how she instinctively stepped closer to him as they passed the male members of the pack.
"So." He said, ushering her out quicker. "How is Cassie?"
"Still doesn't approve of me hanging out with you."
"Of course not. No one does. I don't."
"Well, you know. I like having a personal knight in shining armour."
"Considering you saved me back, we are so even."
"That was technically Cassie with the potion."
"You risked your life to save me."
"So did you, when you offered yourself up to your evil dad in exchange for me going home safely."
"If you didn't stop me, I would've killed Klaus, and every vampire from his sireline would've died with him- thousands of vampires, some of whom are innocent, and I would've kept going and hurting anyone in my way, so you win."
"That is so cool! I'm awesome." She grinned and he laughed.
"Yeah, you are."
"Can we drive? I am tired of walking and I can't navigate you running."
"You're impatient today." He commented.
"I'm just hungry."
"Liar. Where are we going?"
"We're getting some lunch."
"Okay, let's go to Rousseau's."
"I'm craving something else." She pouted.
"We're far enough away from the compound to be out of earshot. What is it?"
"There's this diner a few blocks away that I used to go to, back when I lived with uncle K. Before I left town."
"I just really want some food from there."
"How far is it?"
"Six blocks that way." She pointed. "With a left after the third block."
"Hop on." He turned around and she clambered onto his back.
"I love that the whole saving each other and being friends means I can climb onto your back and not feel weird about it." She smirked.
"On a scale of one to ten, how weird do you feel?"
"About a seven." She admitted and he sped away. He set her down soon enough.
"Okay, we're here and you're walking like a normal person."
"We're in an alley."
"Too many people here, we can't just appear in the middle of a street with people around."
"It's just around the corner."
"Yeah, I recognise the area. I used to come here every day."
"Are you ever going to tell me why we're really here?"
"I'll show you." She said. She led him inside the diner and took a seat at a booth. A boy came up to them.
"Welcome to- Caity? Hey! What happened to you? You disappeared."
"Hey, Leroy." She smiled.
"Lee." He corrected.
"Leroy." She smirked. "And I took some time off."
"Who's the Ken?"
"Leroy this is my friend, Ark. Ark, this is Leroy."
"Nice to meet you." Leroy held out his hand and Arkyn shook it. "Nice grip. Do you work out?"
"Ark here is still nursing a broken heart. Think you can help us out with a shaketastic peanut butter blast?"
"Whipped cream at the bottom?" Leroy grinned and she nodded.
"Is there any other way?"
"Alright. Just one or two?"
"Two please. And some fries."
"Okay. Jack's upstairs. You wanna let him know you're back?"
"Uh, that's okay." She said.
"Are you sure?" He asked and she nodded. He looked at Arkyn and winked."I happen to have a stocked first aid kit, if you need help mending that heart of yours."
"Thanks..?" Arkyn said, hesitantly. Leroy beamed and walked away.
"That's Leroy. He used to tutor me in math, despite being younger than me."
"And who's Jack?"
"His brother."
"Oh. And I'm guessing the whole reason we're at this obscure diner?"
"It's a family business."
"Are we here because you like Jack?"
"What, no! What am I, fifteen?"
"Have you met yourself?"
"Jack is complicated. I mean we dated for a while, but then Sean died and I pulled away from everyone. Then I just left."
"So why am I here?"
"Because your girlfriend tried to kill you so you can't judge me and I don't want to be here alone." She said.
"Fair enough."

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