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Arkyn headed back to New Orleans without Caroline. She had to pack up some things, say a real goodbye to Elena and just tie up loose ends.

"You went away for a whole week, and Cassie's literally been by my side every second of every day because she's afraid I'll somehow get myself into something. The least you could do is get me a drink." Caitlyn pouted. As soon as she heard Arkyn was back, she met up with him at Rousseau's.
"What happened to not needing a chaperone and being able to handle yourself?" He changed the subject.
"I gave in." She sighed dramatically. "I let Cassie read my future but she couldn't see anything about me. So that freaked her out, and she said it made sense since she could never see me in your future. She's afraid it means I have no future."
"She couldn't read your future?"
"No. That's never happened to her either. So then she took a peek in yours and still couldn't see anything about me."
"So now you're not allowed to go anywhere alone?"
"And you're just doing as told?"
"She threatened to tell Cami, and I'd take an overprotective Cassie over an overprotective Cami any day. So, as you can see, I really need that drink."
"I might have said yes if Cami wasn't working behind the bar. She'll kill me if I buy her underaged sister a drink."
"You're a vampire."
"Why don't you just order us shakes?"
"They're no good here."
"You want any food?"
"I'll get a plate of buffalo wings." She huffed and walked away. He smirked, shaking his head. He froze, his smile dropping, and turned around.
"Bonnie." He whispered softly, staring at her retreating back. In a second he was in front of her. "How-?"
"Hi. I- Caroline said- I just mi-" Eventually, she just held up her cellphone. "I got your messages." She bit her lip, anxiously before reaching up and kissing him. His hands found their way to her face, pulling her close. She pulled away for air, and smiled. "I missed you. More than I thought possible."
"I missed you too." He replied. She placed her hand on top of his.
"Um, Ark?" Caitlyn cut into their moment. He blinked, reminding himself where he was, and stepped to look at Caitlyn.
"Right, uh, Cait- this is Bonnie. Bonnie, this is Caitlyn. She's a friend of mine."
"She's alive?"
"Uh, yeah. It's a bit of a long story."
"I'll say." Caitlyn scoffed. She held out her plate. "Buffalo wing?"
"No thanks." Bonnie shook her head. Caitlyn nodded.
"Well this is awkward, and suddenly I'm not hungry anymore." Caitlyn walked back to the bar.
"Cait-" Arkyn called her back. "Keep this to yourself."
"You guys kissed in front of the whole bar. I'm guessing Cami already figured it out."
"Fine. Give me a second. I wanna go home, and you're my ride." She walked away.
"So... friend, huh?" Bonnie asked.
"Yeah. Caitlyn's the first, and kind of only, friend I've made here."
"How are you back?"
"I used Silas's tombstone and channelled its magic. That and a lot of willpower." She smiled at him again. "I wasn't gonna die without getting to see you again."
"That's so sweet. Let's go. Lucky you, Cami was otherwise occupied and didn't see you two... greet each other." Caitlyn cut in.
"Who's Cami?"
"My sister."
"She's also Nik's therapist."
"You're calling him Nik, now?" Bonnie frowned.
"Long story. We've... reconciled."
"Yeah. Like I said, long story." Bonnie opened her mouth to ask more but then thought better of it.
"So... how about that ride?" Caitlyn said.
"Uh, sure. Let's go."

As soon as Caitlyn walked into her apartment, she called out to Cassandra.
"Cassie? Cassandra! Please tell me you knew nothing about Ark's dead ex girlfriend coming back to life. And back to New Orleans? Because I need warnings for crazy bombshells like that." Caitlyn walked into Cassandra's bedroom where the seer lay in bed in total darkness. Caitlyn opened the curtains.
"Ow!" Cassandra moaned.
"Did you know Ark's ex is in town? The dead one who betrayed him and stuff."
"Yes, of course I did."
"Thanks for warning me!"
"Was I supposed to?"
"Yes, of course. It literally took every bit of me not to say something I'd possibly regret."
"Sorry. Ark's friend is coming in two days. That warning enough for you?"
"He has a friend?"
"She's actually his ex's friend. But they're also pretty close."
"Any other surprises?"
"Not that I can think of. I try not to interfere too much with the future."
"You told Ark his girlfriend was going to kill him."
"I couldn't help it. He was there when I had the vision. I was only semi aware of my surroundings. Now get off. I want to sleep."
"Fine. I'm gonna go see Jack."
"Take Arkyn or your sister with you."
"Cassie, I am not taking a chaperone with me to visit Jack. I'll be fine."
"I'll tell Cami-"
"No you won't. You've never met her. And besides, I'm pretty sure Ark's hiding the fact that you're a seer from his siblings. If you tell Cami, she'll tell Klaus."
"I don't care. As long as you don't die."
"I'm gonna start looking for someplace else to live if you get all overprotective of me. The whole reason I'm staying with you was to get away from Cami's protectiveness."
"Fine. But be home at a reasonable hour, and no unnecessary risks."

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