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Arkyn led his brother into the compound. They walked in to the courtyard in time to see Klaus smash a statue on the ground in anger.
"This family makes me want to murder people." He said in frustration.
"I see my timing is as impeccable as usual."
"Well, the traitor just thinks he can waltz in here like he's welcome!" Klaus glared at Kol's words.
"As gracious as your apology better be, you're still getting one hell of a slap!" She tried to storm towards Kol but Arkyn held out a hand preventing her. She glared at her twin.
"Wait. I understand the irony of what I'm about to say, but we came here because Kol needs our help." Arkyn said. Klaus scoffed as Rebekah's glare hardened.
"Get him to figure out how to do his wicked little body-swap, and then we can talk about help!"
"Look, you don't understand, Nik. Finn has locked me in this body- no more jumping. He's put a curse on me, Nik. I am dying." Kol said frantically. Klaus just looked on, indifferently and Rebekah rolled her eyes "You don't believe me."
"Well, you're hardly the champion of truth-telling."
"He's telling the truth." Arkyn said.
"You'd believe anything that comes out of his mouth. You're hardly a good judge."
"Evidently, if I thought you'd take a second to actually listen. Why should a brother expect his siblings to leap to his aid?"
"Oh, spare us the pity party! His recent actions merit a certain allowance for disbelief."
"Look, I know what I've done! But, I won't apologize for trying to pull one over on you, Bex." Kol said. "You deserved it! But I don't deserve to die! Certainly not at the hands of my own family!" Klaus stepped forward threateningly but Arkyn stepped forward protectively.
"What kind of con are you playing?"
"The kind I hate the most." Kol said. "The truth."
"He's not lying. Even as a boy, Kol never lied once called out on the act. He may play dirty pool, but he's not lying." Rebekah looked worried.
"Nik, I was helping Marcel for Davina." Kol started. "Finn has got him, he's trying to get a secret out of him, something he thinks Marcel knows about you." Klaus turned to Arkyn, accusingly. "Don't look at him like that. Ark hasn't told me a thing. A thousand years he hasn't kept any secrets from me, and yet for you he's willing to? Whatever it is, Finn wants to get it out of Marcel, and you'd best believe he has the means to."
"Marcel doesn't know anything about anything." Klaus said coldly. "Where's Finn?"
"I don't know." Kol said.
"You want our help?" Klaus asked. "Find Finn and we'll talk."
"Since when does helping family come with conditions?" Arkyn defended.
"It's okay, Ark." Kol said. "If we can find Finn, maybe we can force him to undo his spell."
"And if he doesn't?"
"We'll persuade him." Rebekah gave her twin a soft smile.

Arkyn and Klaus watched as Rebekah and Kol set up the ingredients for the spell.
"So, what is the secret, anyway?"
"The term 'secret' implies something only known by those who have earned the right to be aware of it." Klaus replied, bored. "Start the spell."
"Well, it's easier said than done. Finn is channeling the power from our parents. He's a lot stronger than something some week-old witch and I can do."
"Now, hang on!" Rebekah tried to defend herself. "I may not be trained, but I-" In response to her emotions, a strong gust of wind blew all of the spell ingredients and candles off of the table. Kol sighed in annoyance and looked at Rebekah, who looked guilty. Arkyn sped over picking it all up. "Oh, blast." She sat on the couch.
"We need a stronger witch. Call Davina."
"No, no, no, no, no! I- I don't want her to know that I'm sick." He quickly denied.
"Then do a better bloody job!"
"I just need time." Klaus turned to Arkyn.
"What about you? Your new friend enlisted the help of a witch to save you."
"She did that for Caitlyn. She won't help us, and she especially won't help you." Arkyn shook his head.
"The spell Finn cast to lock you in your body, do you remember it?" Klaus tried, turning back to Kol.
"Well, I was a little distracted by the murder-y part..."
"If we can use his own spell against him, once he's locked in his body, I can end our collective woes with a brief snap of the neck! All I need to do is pull it from your memory." Klaus began to advance on Kol who backed away.
"Oh, no, no, no! I am not allowing anybody into my mind, do you understand?" Klaus glared at him.
"You came into my home, asking for my help. This is it. It's not a request." Understanding what Klaus planned to do, Arkyn sped in front of Kol again, protecting him against Klaus.
"He said no."
"You want my help. This is how you get it. We need that spell."
"Then I'll do it." Arkyn said. "You get your spell, and he gets his privacy."
"Okay." Kol said. Klaus didn't look convinced.
"It's either this or you don't get the spell whatsoever."
"Fine." Klaus huffed. Kol smiled victoriously as Arkyn stood in front of him.
"Lets do this." Arkyn said, placing his hands on either side of Kol's head. He delved into his brothers mind, searching for the spell. He found it and pulled away. "Got it."
"You're hiding something." Klaus was looking at Kol thoughtfully.
"What are you talking about?"
"The reason you're so against my searching your mind. Something you don't mind Arkyn knowing, but you don't want me to."
"He's entitled to his privacy, Nik, just as you are."
"Yes, trouble is, I don't trust him."
"I do."
"Forget it, Arkyn. That doesn't mean much to him." Kol shook his head, glaring at Klaus and Rebekah. "I came here because you're my family! But, I see whilst you and Rebekah and Elijah are all hanging portraits, we're the odd ones out! You wanna know where Finn is? You wanna find a way to kill him? Well, you can figure it out yourself!" He cast a spell on Klaus bringing him to his knees. Seeing his brother's point of view, Arkyn picked him up and sped him away back to his playhouse.

The bonds of familyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon