viii. charlotte and the cybermen part two

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edited as of february 23rd, 2020

Charlotte walks in the rear of their trio. Looking around nervously for the single Cyberman that would come soon, and stays as silent as the Doctor and Mrs. Moore- who walks in front of her just as cautiously through the metal corridors. The headlights are now off all their heads and returned into Mrs. Moore's backpack.

The wall to their left was blocked off by a railing, and Charlotte notices the Cybus Industries logo periodically stamped onto the wall. As if they'd forget where they were.

Once they came to the end of the blue wall on their right, a Cybermen steps in front of them (causing Charlotte's soul to leave her body for a second).

"You are not upgraded," It states.

"Yeah?" Moore aims a small rod with copper wire wrapped around it at the Cyberman. "Upgrade this!" She throws the rod at the Cyberman, and it sticks to their metal shoulder.

The rod causes it to jolt, sparks began to shooting out like fireworks. The Cyberman's back arches before collapsing to the ground.

"Nice job, Mrs. Moore!" Exclaimed Charlotte with just a hint of a laugh of how easy that was. Her smile fades quickly, that can't be the only one around, she remembered.

"What the hell was that thing?" The Doctor asked with his voice much higher.

They move over to where the Cyberman lies on the ground, unmoving. Mrs. Moore stood on the opposing side of Charlotte and the Doctor.

"Electromagnetic bomb." She answered, looking down at the Cyberman. "Takes out computers, I figured it might stop the cyber-suit."

"You figured right." The Doctor pulled the sonic from his pocket and crouched down next to the Cyberman.

Moore and Charlotte followed suit. Squatting down, closer to the head than the Doctor, Charlotte watched closely as he put the sonic against the Cybus logo on the Cyberman's chest.

"Now, let's have a look." He buzzes the sonic around the logo. "Know your enemy. A logo on the front. Lumic's turned them into a brand. Heart of steel, but look."

He removes the logo boss on the chest, causing a putrid smell to erupt from it- reminding Charlotte of the school dissections she used to do. Inside of hole in the chest was string-like flesh. The Doctor pulled some flesh out by his finger, assessing it.

Moore looked at the stringy flesh hanging from his finger. "Is that flesh?"

"Hmm." The Doctor answered. "Central nervous system. Artificially grown then threaded throughout the suit so it responds like a living thing." He shook his hand slightly above the hole, the flesh falling back inside with other bodily tissue. "Oh, but look. Emotional inhibitor." He points to a small electronic block to the side. "Stops them feeling anything."

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