xxi. flesh and afresh

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edited as of may 29th, 2020

Standing by with the rest of the group, Charlotte watched as the Ganger Doctor, whose face is now defined, bends forward in pain as he took in all of the Doctor's memories. Her eyes flickered between them as the original Doctor stepped forward cautiously. While she was still angry at him, not a single part of her wanted to see him in that much pain- even if he was a ganger.

"What's happening?" The Doctor, standing closer to the ganger than the others, asked him.

"I wonder if we'll get back," he said in between his struggle for air, "Yes, one day..." Letting out another loud groan, his back arched in pain. "I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow!"

"The Flesh is struggling to cope with our past regenerations. Hold on!"

The Doctor's ganger moaned as he moved from a hunchback position to a rigid stance with his hand out. "Would you like a jelly-baby?" He asked in a far different voice before going back to his normal one when saying, "Why? Why!?"

Stepping forward, the Doctor now stands in front of him. "Why? Why what?"

"I don't know!" He stumbled backward before changing his voice to match the Tenth Doctor, "Hello. I'm the Doctor." Hunching down, he put his hands on his knees. "No, let it go, we've moved on!"

As the original Doctor helped his ganger stand up straight, and the ganger grips tightly on his tweed jacket, Charlotte pulls Amy back when she makes her way forward. Even with her good intentions, Charlotte knew no one could disturb the two (even Amy).

"Hold on, hold on, you can stabilize!" Said the Doctor as he kept his panting self standing straight.

"I've reversed the top hat of the neutron flow. Would you like a..." The thought drifted away as he looked up at himself with glassy eyes. "Doctor... Doctor... I'm... I'm the- I can't."

"No, listen, hold on. Hold on!"

Yelling out a long, "NO!" the Doctor's ganger pushes him away, returning to his undefined state and yelling out in pain. While the banging from the other gangers becomes easier to hear, the Ganger Doctor's hands fly to his head.

Charlotte, moving away from her spot watching the Doctors' interaction, goes to the crew members and helps them add more stuff to the barricade. All of a sudden, the gangers' knocks stopped and were replaced by an eerie silence. Standing by, Charlotte waited for them to begin pounding on the door again.

Buzzer's thoughts were the same. "I think I liked it best when they were being nosy."

After humming in response to Buzzer, Charlotte moves over to where the Doctors stood (the original at a distance from the ganger as his hands covered his head). "I know we aren't getting along, right now," she says, her head held high as she looked between the two. "But we need to cooperate. We need all the hands we can get- so, if you could hurry up..." she looks at the ganger as his head rose, now looking identical to the other's- "stabilizing?"

CHARLOTTE ::: DW¹Where stories live. Discover now